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Everything posted by Olympia

  1. I feel the same about BB. Because waiting is so hard, I now made - mixing BB and the lead single - a compilation album, which I am listening to non stop right now, and it is amazing how well the first single of the upcoming album blends into some of the BB tracks, for my ears at least...! (I still absolutely cannot picture how DYKTTAT... and A&W will sound in the same album... I cannot bring them together in my mind...) 1. Did you know... 2. If you lie down... 3. Arcadia 4. Interlude 5. Black Bathing Suit 6. Violets for Roses ... This really sounds like one album 😁❤️
  2. LOL, very true. I think most of my recent vinyls are either made in France, Germany or Czech Republic. It's so crazy that I live in Germany but have to ask UK friends for their address to get a "made in Germany" vinyl to me. Or that I have to order vinyls made in the EU from US or Australia, because the closest supplier ships to UK only. Here's where labels could really start doing their part against climate change.
  3. You speak out my mind. I think the shipping trouble is much worse though than the vinyl production itself. Especially, if you listen to it very often, it might be better than all those streaming hours, which cause a lot of CO2, too. That's why I really dislike artists make so many "exclusives" - shop 1 in country x has variant A, shop 2 in country y has variant B, and so on... And if you want them all, you will end up with 8 parcels from 6 different countries from 3 continents, just to read on the back of 70% of the vinyl "made in your home country" once you get them, lol. So only we as collectors can decide not to take part in this, but that's very hard. For most artists I succeed with 1 copy only, but when it comes to Lana, I just can't resist.
  4. That's what I think, too - they won't put it up before a date when it's too late to cancel the other versions. I guess there will be signed bundles again. I still get furious when I think about the UK only signed posters last time. Took me 8 hours non stop at computer, until I was finally able to buy one, and send to a fellow collector in the UK. And then they dare months later so say they will send the bundles with the posters unsigned, with a 5 pound voucher as sorry. LOL. Not with me again. (Got my money back through a PayPal case luckily.) I can't say I like their release strategies to push the sales and charts. Your Chemtrails approach is surely healthier ;-) Usually up to max. 2 different looking variants are OK for me, too. Just not for Lana, as 2 years ago I bought another fans collection for a very good price, so mine was suddenly almost complete and somehow I really want to keep it this way. But I am not sure how long I will do so, as I really don't like to spend so much on the same thing again and again only with different packing, while people are starving at other parts of the world. Doesn't make much sense actually.
  5. I fully agree, maybe we get the box set and a yellow vinyl in the 2 weeks around release date to push sales and charts. Was the same for me with Chemtrails. I hated spending all the money on mostly the same cover all the time (since my collection is kind of complete and it's one of my favorite albums, I felt the need to get them all, lol) . Glad this time they have way more different photos on the covers. But who knows what else will come, maybe we will top Chemtrails... 🙈
  6. Was the same for me. Was undecided all the time, and then, after sold out, one came back and I just had to buy it, lol. Her insta pic of her holding the box kind of convinced me, too. I only hope the UK one comes with a box, too. It's only pictured on the US page.
  7. LOL yes, we are the UK(E) (=United Kingdoms of Europe) and our president is a Monarch called King Charles But seriously, I sometimes think the US Universal Music heads really have no idea how things are working in Europe since Brexit... I "love" how I had to buy my merch in UK, the red vinyl in France, the green one in Denmark, the white one in my home country and the spotify vinyl in the US.
  8. I am not too sure that the responsible ones of her management actually know this, lol. Her way (and other universal artists') to release stuff in the last years make me doubt it... I tend to believe they think that Europe is a country and "UK" was the name of its capital.
  9. The thing is that I already paid them. So if they don't declare it as they should, I will have to pay them twice.
  10. The problem is that they are not losing it really, as we just buy somewhere else and pay twice... I just sent them a message about it. Let's see what they reply. Not that I have any hopes. Hello, I have a question about the way parcels sent from the UK to EU destinations are declared. When I bought merch from the Lana Del Rey UK store few days ago, it said the VAT of my country was included, but another fan told me the same happened to him in the Taylor Swift store (also Universal Music UK) and in the end, he had to pay the VAT plus usual fees again, so he paid the VAT (plus extra fees) twice. The interesting merch (lighter, jacket, necklace) was only available from UK, so there were no other options for EU buyers. Will there be a declaration on the parcel, that the VAT has already been paid before? (Please do so.) Because if not, we will have to pay it twice. Besides I would like to know if it wouldn't be possible not to exclude EU customers from music purchases, especially when they include exclusives not available in EU stores. The exclusive spotify disc for example was for "UK only", so EU customers actually had to buy from Canada, US and Australia, because so far there was no link for EU customers. It would be really nice if this problem could be solved one day. Best regards
  11. Sometimes I really wonder if they think "UK" means "EU". There was no release of the picture vinyl within EU, same for the more interesting merch articles. When I bought from the UK store it said the VAT of my country was included, but another fan told me the same happened to him in the Taylor Swift store and in the end, he had to pay the VAT plus usual fees again, so he paid the VAT (plus extra fees) twice.
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