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ashnikkos daisy pepper

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Everything posted by ashnikkos daisy pepper

  1. Hiii. So I listened to the deluxe tracks, Pluto reminds me a lot of Carousel. Powder is beautiful, but a grower on me and sirens is a great song. I wonder how and if these are going to play into the film? I was so used to the transitions as well, to go into the songs was just like woah but it was nice to just go into the songs.
  2. I had a dream I met sky and she said masochism was coming in 2027 and I believe her.
  3. IM CRYINGGGGG the caption was “this Barbie is over it”
  4. her last.fm comment section is something else.
  5. I gasped. true insanity.
  6. I love that I remembered this historic moment.
  7. Anybody receive emails/anything regarding their boxsets yet?
  8. I’ve been binging Vitaly (your y2k ceo) these are just some of his videos. he does deep dives on y2k media.
  9. her artist pick caption says on Spotify “stream to unlock dlx” I think?
  11. Off topic but I love your pfp babes! Teddy was so mother in that shoot.
  12. What’s funny to me, is that new fans don’t realize she’s been doing this for years. Remember how many album names and dates we’ve had that came and went? Producers, photographers. All I have to say is I have no hope in waiting anymore. It pains me to say that. She got me through high school and my surgery recovery. This was 2016. I love her, but what’s the point in getting excited anymore. You know what I mean? I’ve been a fan since 2011.
  13. why does the thank you feel like a read though..
  14. PLZ ITS SO TRUE Also, the album is slowly growing on me on my 10th listen
  15. CRYBABY Carousel Mad Hatter Soap K12 High School Sweethearts Nurses Office Class Fight PORTALS TUNNEL VISION DEATH EVIL AFTER SCHOOL NOTEBOOK
  16. I regret posting that video in here.., damn That’s what I think too.
  17. as soon as I read that, I said this in my mind
  18. Just posting cuz it’s Melanie related. I also like when people go and buy from target cuz we don’t have one in Canada.
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