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Everything posted by jumpropesparklequeen

  1. it wasn’t really a leak - charli posted it on 360 brat
  2. perioddd. she has done nothing but make this album out to be as hard as fuck…
  3. someone on atrl who has heard the album said this: been listening to this recently and I kind of take back my initial comment about the album? I still stand by what I said of her catfishing everyone into believing this is some sort of clubby rave non-stop bops record because it's not, but it's actually pretty cute for what it is (sans a few songs) I think my main problem was that as she once was my fav artist, separating the music from the insufferable persona she's adopted in the past year was quite hard it's a nice pop album with disposable bops, but seeing her treat it like some sort of never-done-before opus definitely set my expectations way too high and on 360: Von Dutch would be a fantastic opener tbh, 360 isn't bad lemme get that out the way, it's just a cute middle of the album bop, lowkey reminiscent of the XCX World album tracks
  4. better lead than von dutch… delusion is real!
  5. my theory is that spring breakers is actually a writers demo from that movie
  6. this is literally my tweet lmao…
  7. why did people think sticky and naked were on the album…
  8. spring breakers just isn’t the same vibe as the brat songs… it’s like taxi charli vibes
  9. it’s just an alternative shot
  10. I love Spring Breakers but is anyone else feeling its generic? Production aside at least? It feels generic for Charli. It’s like you asked Chat GPT to write a Charli XCX song Idk there’s something vapid and hollow about the song and I can’t put my finger on it. I guess it does feel like a potential writers demo
  11. This should have stayed in the drafts boo
  12. i think this is the actual tour
  13. i think charli is focused on having intimate novelty parties with this albumz. i think she’s aiming for the PARTYGIRL sets to be the sought after iconic gigs ie. exchange, pop 2, all eras
  14. the studio version of the vd remix eats omg
  15. disagree. there was a clear shift in her face, probably when she started to get the filler and botox. i think a major help was that lost weight and she definitely stopped doing drugs as much just look at any photoshoot from 2017 and compare to 2018/19 http://www.charlixcx.world/index.php?cat=21
  16. wbk… there was a major switch up in her face in between 2017-2018
  17. who has said she’s being a sellout 😭
  18. remember when she was posting all of those pics and videos were her friends in the random derelict house and she was wearing that big coat. i feel like she’s already shot a music video and the mean girls video would be the 3rd
  19. the gays have no eye for creative direction. all they want is a superficial image that they can project their internal slay queen yas mama popstar wishes onto. no one cares about intention and original image making anymore! artwork is an extension of the music. a-lot of artists try to adhere to an aesthetic instead of authentically creating something that feels true to the music.
  20. me when i’m dumb as hell
  21. beyzhive on twitter came up with this theory - also they noted how we travel through a tunnel where the visuals are decorated on the walls… there has been a lot of visual clues where beyoncé has been doubling herself of staring in the mirror lately
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