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Everything posted by jumpropesparklequeen

  1. the gays have no eye for creative direction. all they want is a superficial image that they can project their internal slay queen yas mama popstar wishes onto. no one cares about intention and original image making anymore! artwork is an extension of the music. a-lot of artists try to adhere to an aesthetic instead of authentically creating something that feels true to the music.
  2. me when i’m dumb as hell
  3. beyzhive on twitter came up with this theory - also they noted how we travel through a tunnel where the visuals are decorated on the walls… there has been a lot of visual clues where beyoncé has been doubling herself of staring in the mirror lately
  4. no i think she’s referring to other stuff like pics etc
  5. i think sucker has insider tea
  6. i wouldn’t even bet on an “era” from her 😭 no disrespect to her because i wish her nothing but the best but she has no strategy in place she’s just taking everyday at it comes it seems. also she’s never going to do an “era”
  7. the album has been confirmed to be 41 minutes so it will be short songs
  8. b-sides haven’t really been a thing in digital or streaming era because labels get scared that the b-side will be more popular than the main track lmao
  9. cum by brooke candy is better than the entirety of slut pop…
  10. well yes but we all know charli doesn’t do fakeness and having a fake friendship for PR purposes is something she would never do lmao… she’s a brat after all
  11. i don’t think charli does pr lmao
  12. she posted a photo with tove and charli like a couple of weeks ago lmao
  13. it is final she spoke about it in the vogue interview - i don’t think she would do that about the placeholder
  14. she did that with good ones wdym…
  15. i’ve literally been telling everyone it wasn’t a sample or interpolation so i feel VERY vindicated right now lmao
  16. just logged in and you’re all still arguing over the damn cover… the girls that get it GET IT and the girls that don’t … well
  17. omg some of y’all are tasteless and can’t see anything outside of your yasss queen slay poppers antics
  18. is that the album cover 😭
  19. i was thinking this tbh…
  20. i don’t see why twigs would be jealous of charli imo lmao
  21. i actually meant to say HIFN oops
  22. firstly, 😭 secondly, i think this is actually the polished version of HIFN
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