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The Sun Also Rises

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Everything posted by The Sun Also Rises

  1. Saaaame. Chance of a lifetime gone and for what. I still didn't even get to sleep until 2am
  2. That is such an adorable photo, her red cheeks are just the cutest I can't imagine how surreal it must have been for both of them to meet for the first time. I'd be so emotional if Lana loved my music so much she made a song as BEAUTIFUL as Grandfather from it (which will never happen because I'm not at all musically talented) If anyone was around during RIOPY's set, he was so personable and awkward. I loved the way he talked about each of the pieces and how relatable he was talking about depression (but still leaving it on a positive note). I got really curious when he mentioned having a shit childhood, and it turns out his mother actually joined a cult, so he grew up in a horrible environment. There's more info here if anyone is curious: http://www.missingpiecegroup.com/riopy
  3. I was literally just looking at the German store and considering ordering from there even though the shipping is
  4. Literally spent my whole day thinking about how incredible she looked and sounded rather than working even though I have a deadline The power this woman has over me
  5. When I first heard the song I thought she was saying Leonard (as in Leonard Cohen), but she made it very clear with perfect dictation that it is indeed JOHN LENNON! The whole song was so incredibly beautiful, I always tear up when she sings "but I can't."
  6. That picture is totally doing it for me. The pose, the outfit, the voice, everything
  7. That's what I suspected!! I wouldn't change my experience, but there was a literal 9 year old with a selfie stick screaming in front of me and groups of 16 year olds either side But the view was amazing of the stage and the visuals on the screens are stunnnnnnning. Manifesting a tour in U.K. so I can see her in an indoor venue and get seats
  8. Question: I've been to indoor concerts before, but this was my first outdoor festival. I was just behind the barrier in the GA area and it was CHAOS. People were pushing, there barely any room to breath, people were fainting, and I was surrounded by teenagers who were screaming 24/7 to the extent that I could barely hear Lana only really during Candy Necklaces, Bartender, and Arcadia. When I stood on my tippy toes I could just about see a tiny Lana on the stage. Is there a better chance of actually hearing Lana the further back you are? Was anyone right at the back, and what was your experience? The atmosphere was insane but I wish I could have heard her better. Alsooooooo just realised that I missed the chance of buying a poster (was so intent on getting a t-shirt that I missed it). Is anyone selling one
  9. He was really having fun stoking those rumours for sure Ocean was my highlight of the entire night. The way she talked about how much it meant to her and that outro
  10. He said something along the lines of: He heard the song was about him because of the 6'2 and Laurel Canyon lyrics. However they spoke and she told him that the guy was actually 5'8, but that didn't rhyme so she changed it to 6'2. And then he made a joke like "Thanks for that Lana!" Who knows if that's true though I thought it was HILARIOUS that she put the giant photo of him on the main screen during NFR ... Likeeee I see what you're doing Lana!
  11. I was pretty much directly opposite the middle of the stage!
  12. There was an old guy behind me who was muttering "fuck you" and wanted them off the stage ASAP He is a great showman, I just couldn't enjoy probably because some instruments were way louder than others.
  13. Just woke up after finally getting to sleep at 2 am What an amazing show!! It was VERY pushy where I was standing (a bit further than the barrier where GA starts) and I could barely hear (SO much screaming) or see anything but 10/10, obsessed Only Lana could invite practically everyone she collabed with and then not sing with any of them but honestly I forgive her because the show was so good I managed to get some merch too!! So glad the green lips t-shirt wasn't the only one available Loved the FJM set, but although I'm a rock girlie the audio mixing for Gang of Youths wasn't great
  14. I'm GA Primary Entry so I'm hoping to get there by 1! I'm wearing a bow in my hair and maybe daisies too (because why not!), and an all white outfit that may or may not get ruined by mud
  15. Don't be acting like I'm the kinda girl who can sleep ... The night before a Lana concert I need to be up at 6am to get ready and catch the train in time
  16. Poundland have ponchos if you can get there in time for tomorrow! I'm headed there to get ponchos today but I just know my WHITE outfit is going to get completely covered in mud
  17. The BST app will show the timings for all the artists on Sunday. For Lana it says 8:40 - 10:10. I don't think there's a livestream
  18. It showed ONE seat and let me add it to my basket and then ... boom! Happy for everyone who managed to get a ticket though, and hopefully it's safe
  19. I knew I was totally delusional for thinking that I may be able to grab tickets butttttt
  20. I've got tickets to Hyde Park and my partner said the same thing about me putting a damper on the show. I wish I could see her in Paris instead as it's more intimate (or ideally just go to both) Train tickets down to London cost the same as flights to Europe, the hotels are the same, and the concert tickets are probably cheaper so it really wouldn't have been much different. My partner needs a Schengen visa to travel to Europe, there's noooooo way he's getting it on that short notice, and I don't want to go to Paris on my own honestly so I'm sulking
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