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Everything posted by malifruit

  1. Consider me intrigued!! I think her lyrics can be super clunky and the style is a little all over the place, but it's all over the place in a very promising way-- kind of like she's saying "I can do anything." And vocally wow she sure can Where was all this hiding?! Sad I can't make it to her tour now. Still waiting for an album that really gives us WHO Sabrina is, but this is a nice starter for sure. Anyone feeling kind of a One of the Boys pinup girl possibility here...?
  2. malifruit

    Katy Perry

    What's really crazy is the sheer amount of directions she had to go in. I saw at least three different things called for by large groups of fans-- pop rock from her early days (this was me. still grieving the Olivia Rodrigo collab rumor ), big 2010s pop, and the retro direction of NRO/HiH. She chose 2010s pop, which is totally fine, but for some reason she didn't make good music?? That's what really boggles me. There are tons of people doing a good job with the sound right now! Not saying that Bonnie McKee is topping charts or anything, but the music itself is good, and that's all Katy needed. Her name pretty much takes care of promo by itself. Why couldn't KATY PERRY make good 2010s music????? With Dr. Luke? Were they asleep or something? Problematique is a no-skips masterpiece, but somehow with six times the producers Katy still couldn't produce two good songs. I feel fucking crazy
  3. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    I'm torn. She just had a health crisis, so I feel like she's going to be on hiatus all year. But maybe she does have something she's working on anyway, because Kim is always working on something...
  4. malifruit

    Katy Perry

    OK now that we know Lifetimes tanked I have to say this somewhere... I don't really understand the claim that "Katy gets more shit for working with Luke than anyone else." Rant incoming. Aaaaaaaaand I'm done. Not saying this about everyone here because it seems like we're on the same page, but it's annoying as hell to have to field this in every other discussion about Katy as if there isn't good (or at least obvious) reason for how people are acting. inb4 comment on my icon/signature... yeah I know I suffer more than Jesus
  5. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    I love that we're all ignoring the Katy x Kim collab
  6. malifruit


    Update... Kesha's back in the title. Still no confirmation of what happened. I'm guessing they're going to try to sweep whatever it is under the rug because it's fixed now, but this whole thing is shady as hell.
  7. malifruit


    So what do the lanaboards girlies think of this Pitbull/Kesha mess? (Kesha getting removed from the title of Timber as a featured artist.) Pitbull seems confused about it which is weird because it's his account(s) with the uploads? It's not that I don't believe Luke would be vindictive and controlling enough to get Kesha removed (and if so I REALLY hope people will stop excusing and supporting Katy & others working with him) but it seems so blatant I'm not sure. Did Kesha not want to be associated?
  8. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    So what do we think of the rumors that Kim is collabing with Katy Perry? Personally I've been waiting for it for a LONGGGG time; feels like Kim is so inspired by Katy in her early musical style & aesthetics, but at the same time they're obviously such different artists and have each had so many transformations over their careers. Really hoping it's true
  9. malifruit

    JoJo Siwa

    I'm kind of on the opposite end in that I feel like I have and I'm glad there's more! I don't follow JoJo and was pleasantly surprised by how overtly lesbian the whole video was. The majority of hate I've seen has been overtly homophobic-- whether saying she's using her gayness for clout (makes me think of that post about using transness as a shield that goes "oh awesome look at me using my shield that automatically attracts every bullet within a 100 mile radius"), insulting her for humping a woman in a music video (deeply normal and expected in straight videos), etc. I'm honestly shocked; clearly none of these people have ever seen a Hayley Kiyoko or Janelle Monae video if they think this level of sexuality is somehow unique and bad. And, like you said, it's a really cookie-cutter 2010s pop star song. I'd argue it's even a cookie-cutter "I'm a child star trying to break out of my image" song. I'm not surprised it turned out to be a Miley song! I honestly thought it reminded me of some early Selena Gomez or Demi Lovato. It's certainly no more cringe than some of the stuff Katy Perry did on Prism, which I have been relentlessly stanning. If people hate the song (or her), go ahead and hate the song (or her!), but don't make up things that aren't true about how uniquely bad it is. That's just my two cents! ...As for me, I have it on loop.
  10. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    I know it's too early but what do we think the next era will be like? I'm really feeling the Drug From God, Time for a Crime, Girl Of My Dreams vibe with these more toned-down tracks... I feel like she could really pull off a mature, darker-themed album, kind of like a grown-up version of the Feed the Beast aesthetic. Something like slightly less campy Elvira?? Like if Kesha did Turn Off The Light. I'm honestly surprised how much I like these tracks given that usually my favorites of Kim's are the really uptempo ones, but we know Kim rocks a ballad, too.
  11. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    Circumstances are terrible
  12. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    Someone made a full AI version and honestly given the circumstances it eats... But these aren't great circumstances https://pillowcase.zip/f/3de0e12c0af7031394375954a6ce31c9
  13. malifruit

    Britney Spears

    Just stayed up all night to finish the book. So sweet and so easy to read in her voice. And she said she’s “struggling” with the question of touring again—that she’s been making music and enjoying it but she doesn’t know about touring, which makes perfect sense… but it’s not a no, either. I was honestly surprised to hear she’d even consider it, and grateful, and also worried I’m not going to have the billion dollars required to see her if it does ever happen. Really glad the book is out.
  14. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    Have we all heard about the k-files snippet leak of a song allegedly called Time for a Crime and recorded in 2023 (unknown whether for FTB or not)? I desperately want more... Kim's low register
  15. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    OK literally this is so good! It fits more with Roller Girl and Try Again than tracks like King of Hearts or uhoh... The chorus really gives me Britney vibes <3
  16. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    FINALLY a version of BAIT that has both the original uncensored lyrics and the extended breakdown!!
  17. malifruit


    I'm new around here but I just wanted to compliment how effortlessly Slayyyter evokes a ~2010s Britney sound in songs like Alone and now Tear Me Open. The breathiness, the use of head voice, the themes, even the instrumentals really feel like if hyperpop was happening back when Britney made Circus. I think Brit songs like Blur are the easiest to compare them to, but generally even for just a casual Britney fan the influence is undeniable and the success at emulating that style is incredibly impressive. I've never heard an artist say they're inspired by Britney and then go on to actually sound so much like her.
  18. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    I found a set on the d-site of all of them (just by searching Kim Petras Symphonic I think) but I can't guarantee they're any better than YT quality/YTrips... They're a super cute cover though so that's what I use! I absolutely can't believe she hasn't released the Symphonic Sessions as an EP at least; hoping it's just to save them for the Deluxe...
  19. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    Tour news! At least two shows have been rescheduled: Phoenix from 11/2 to 11/21, and San Diego from 11/22 to 11/5. Praying she doesn't cancel/reschedule mine because I took the day/s off work At least two venues now have special "buy 3 get 1 free deals: YouTube Theater and Coca-Cola Roxy. Kim posted this to Insta: & tour starts officially in THREE DAYS (Sept. 27) in Austin!! So excited to see her perform. Still haven't made my dream setlist because I don't want to expect anything and be disappointed... I know I'll be happy no matter what she plays
  20. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    I just want you to know that I have ALWAYS used EXCLUSIVELY your cover and that it is by far the best one ever made. I love how well it fits the bubblegum-pop vibe, the playfulness, the overexaggerated Euro themes... Thanks so much for sharing!! Not you accidentally solving the tracklist issue I've been having all week...
  21. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    YES!! I can ONLY end Problematique with Left My Body, personally. I put Your Time To Cry after as a bonus track because I do think it does nicely that way (every time I listen to it lately I think about how we could have had YTTC instead of Alone as her retro-bop-reimagined song, but let's not talk about that). You're in good company & Kim is BACK ON TWITTER with a default icon and a bunch of posts of the shirts!! Shirts: And MORE (FULL?) STEVEN KLEIN CAR SHOOT! And her name is STILL trending on Twitter, as it has been since... what, evening of 9/18? She IS the conversation.
  22. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    OK NEWS! Kim got suspended from Twitter (probably for the tits thing) & new merch dropped! Literally gagging at the shirts and their descriptions like I need real photos.
  23. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    OK but when are we going to talk about how she says "mansions" like mehzhuness in Confession. I can NEVER hear "mansions" in the main vocals and I don't understand how I'm supposed to! Help?? What I heard from the uploader was that it was the highest quality available file but (like AtomicMess said) is just an early demo looping the verses. People were asking so we could at least listen to the track in HQ somehow
  24. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    Literally I keep waking up so grateful that it happened... WE DID IT!!
  25. malifruit

    Kim Petras

    So now that Problematique is officially out on streaming (with very few tragic exceptions)........ if YOU were making someone an "Essential Kim Petras" or "Kim Petras Greatest Hits" playlist, what would you put on it? Struggling because everything she drops truly is a banger :x
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