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About MermaidMotelle

  • Rank
    inb4 next Lizzy Grant
  • Birthday February 5

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Your dollhouse
  • Interests
    Morrissey, primarily.

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  1. PREACH. Music hoarders need to be shut down. If you have it, spill it for everyone to enjoy. Stop power tripping.
  2. @ I'm going to make the sickest mashups. God bless you.
  3. She's sold out nearby me.
  4. I love True Colours. Gorgeous cover. God bless her.
  5. Karaoke and mashups and ghost tracks for covers. All very good things.
  6. I like the lyrics and music to Gingerbread Man a lot. But what the hell is up with her voice? What did they do to it? She sounds like Goofy. FUCKING GOOFY. "GORSH MISTER, I DON'T NEED A MAN TO MAKE MY LIFE SWEET."
  7. Somebody get me the acapella for it and I'll make it happen.
  8. I prefer Paradise Yayo to AKA Yayo.
  9. I absolutely adore Fucked My Way Up to the Top.
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