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Lipgloss Twink

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Everything posted by Lipgloss Twink

  1. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I just ran the numbers and I fucking hate how short the songs are going to be... If there were to be 1 4 minute song, the others would need to be 2 minutes and 40 seconds long on average, and I don't expect her to put a single 4 minute song on a record full of short 2.5 minute songs, but the math gets worse when you account for multiple songs of 3.5 minutes or longer. 3 minutes 20 might be the longest song on there and that hurts...
  2. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    or maybe think about putting a little box or outline around all text. It doesn't really matter that I can't see the creation date but I think I deserve to see how many pages there are, which is incredibly hard with the grey on the busy background.
  3. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    If you're at your maximum now, just imagine what the half year spanning edging session will do to you in the lead up to this album...
  4. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I find this funny, because I don't feel like she committed enough to that ugly hatecrime of a cover. If she wanted to commit to this dadaist abstraction of art, go all the way, why are you on the inside of the sleeve, why are you on the single cover? Make the brat "logo" slightly off center, add some splotches or crinkles to it to make it look like a forgotten flyer in a puddle. I also fail to see the distinction between this as art and trolling, because I don't see the meaning it is meant to represent. Or is anything art nowadays if it reaches a big enough audience and illicits a response?
  5. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I'm 100% convinced she came up with the idea of punching the camera guy to death after flying into a seething rage after being asked to play taxi one too many times. Also the song is fine, it just doesn't get me as hyped as her other hypesongs like Next Level Charli, pink diamond, anthems or I Love It. The end didn't build enough for me...
  6. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Look I don't mind the plain background with lowercase text, but come on, this could have been so much better. She could have used an interesting or even custom typeface and make sure it isn't pixilated. Add in some kind of texture like marble or whatever and I would have been content, not impressed, but fine. Just because I get it, doesn't mean I have to like it.
  7. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Girl if we know what the inside of the sleave looks like, we know the outside... This is copium but she could just be shitposting? Don't want to get my hopes up though
  8. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Like if it was an interesting typeface and an uneven background, like a rothko painting, the texture of the 360 brat profile pic, the concrete wall of her IG profile or whatever, it would be so much better. But no it is lowercase brat in fucking arial, vertically stretched it seems, it is more pixilated than a picture on a nokia phone and it's on a plain green background... On the other hand, for all the Von Dutch haters, be happy the lead isn't some generic pop song that doesn't belong on the album like 1999 and BIOYL...
  9. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Honestly from what I'm hearing, this would have been a great album opener, not a lead single. This is Next Level Charli or pink diamond, not Gone (which should have been the lead single) or claws. I like these songs that set the tone for the album, but that's why the first time you hear them is with the rest of the album...
  10. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Am I the only one that wants her to play XCXoplex on tour, I think it would fit with what we believe the sound of the album to be. Also I need to see her preform it, that girl didn't get enough love. I know it won't though since nobody mentioned it being played during the boiler room and I don't think she ever preformed before?
  11. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Time to read way too deep in to this. Spring Breakers has heavy references to Britney, but also herself, which her songs for other artists rarely do. It will have a Britney feature I'm in my delulu era, can you tell? Similarly she played faceshopping both as a nod to SOPHIE but also because she'll work with Cecile Believe.
  12. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Honestly if she did a remix album with loads of features as well as DJ remixes, I would be fine with a featureless album. But if it isn't, I'm going to be a little bit dissapointed. HIFN was all about missing her friends and going out (and her rocky relationship with Huck, but shhh) not doing any features on it's spiritual successor would be a missed chance. Like at least 3 songs please
  13. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Difficult to say whether it's real. The instrumental is EASYFUN's Blink, so it could just be the vocals of another unreleased song with worse production slapped on Blink or an actual recording/demo for Blink. I personally doubt it, the only songs we have of her with only EASYFUN production are Speed Drive, Von Dutch and maybe LA and a version of bullets (if AG wasn't on those versions yet), all from way after 2016-2017. She seems to enjoy working with EASYFUN more these days but in those days she used him mostly as a secondary producer, so I doubt the validity. Though I'd love to be proven wrong by a leak of the track...
  14. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    That is evil, 4 minutes long as well to get out expectations up.
  15. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Hey at least it reached the 2 minute mark, unlike Speed Drive.
  16. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I heard Liechtenstein is beautiful at this time of year.
  17. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    The Beg for you remix did, so I assume she ditched it to match the comercial pop aspect of the album, where tagging is usually looked down upon, but she's (or at least her lead producer AG) not forgotten about it.
  18. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Am I the only one thinking it's kind of giving I Love It? Not that I mind, far from it
  19. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I've seen it here when people had to wait over a month for leaks or official anouncements and this place devolved into a mess of begging for leaks, endless XCX World tracklists, track rankings and people complaining about the people posting the former three. Trust me, you don't want that...
  20. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I would like some more Danny L Harle, Dylan Brady and umru. Less likely candidates would include Laura Les, Flume and Ö (Nömak), If this is the album of minimalist rave bangers I don't see them working too great. Though Korean BBQ by Ö does show his more explosive side, maybe he could channel that again.
  21. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

  22. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    I'm calling it, the album is called Girl and every song has girl or girls in the title. The deluxe edition has a remix of Girls Night Out. This isn't serious, I'm well aware this is about as likely as a release of XCX-World.
  23. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    How minimal is too minimal, because that beat wasn't doing much...
  24. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Check @Raupeka and @XCX Archivist's tracker, they worked hard on it, it's under 360_Brat. https://trackerhub.vercel.app/s/1Km4wQjafB0z57XuIYtFW2HN0zGtGzv-bRYB6VtSZfU8
  25. Lipgloss Twink

    Charli XCX

    Wild ask, I know, but I need Charli to do some of the stuff she used to during live shows. I mean playing unreleased songs like No Angel, Taxi and party 4 u, Remixes like Lipgloss and Backseat. But most of all I want her to do the thing she did with Backseat and Cut To The Feeling. I would die.
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