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About czikszentmihalyi

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  1. That's definitely plausible, and probably right, but it's worth noting that Caribbean music is pretty popular in the UK mainstream and we have a lot of artists working in that kind of style.
  2. Regardless of whether he actually believes it or whether it's engagement bait, the effects are still the same. I think the moral difference hating women and pretending to hate women so people who hate women admire you is pretty minimal. Also, from digging, it seems like he has a weird relationship to SOPHIE's fans. Clearly posts things that are intended to flex his access to her unreleased music ("This early demo of Lemonade is so good"), then jokes about how SOPHIE's fans hate him because they're jealous they were friends. Seems like he's using her legacy to boost his fifteen seconds of fame. It was because she's using a Carribbean accent in the demo and Starrah is not Carribbean, she felt it was cultural appropriation. We can assume the demo was meant for a Carribbean artist. Although there's obviously nothing she can do it about it now, and it is a relatively small issue, I think this was definitely a misstep on SOPHIE's part and Starrah has a right to be upset.
  3. Do we have any proof of this? As far as I'm aware he's just run into issues with stealing other people's work as well as AI and NFT stuff.
  4. I agree, but I think that we're gonna have to get used to the fact that this album will include some problematic people, and I don't want to hear any meltdowns about it. Pretty much confirmed that Liz will make an appearance, possibly Jimmy too, and we already have a Kim feature.
  5. That's agiven, mixing is something you do last in the process when the track is finalised. I'm more talking about the structure and length and stuff. It's 50/50 so far, Berlin Nightmare and One More Time have been much shorter than what she was playing live while Exhilarate and Reason Why have been the full versions (with Exhilarate even having an extra outro) I think the two long versions we have of Transnation (12 minute and 10 minutes) are soundboard rips from her shows, which means that the more abstract sections could just be part of her live show or maybe even improvisation.
  6. If we're getting Transnation, what version do you think we'll end up getting? I hope it isn't the 3 minute version from the leaked music video, I love all the weird textural stuff in the middle of the two longer versions.
  7. Kinda sick of people not understanding what mixing is. Benny has always been a mixing engineer on SOPHIE'S music (alongside SOPHIE herself), and in fact it's extremely uncommon for artists to mix their own work. To be honest, most people wouldn't be able to tell a mixed from an unmixed song at first glance (unless the original was EXTREMELY poorly mixed). I think we need to trust that SOPHIE's closest collaborator and family member knows better than we do about her wishes and how she wanted the songs to sound. We didn't know her, we were not in the studio with her, and I think it's both disrespectful and unfair to create this odd and unrealistic narrative that Benny is somehow tinkering with SOPHIE's music in a way she would not have wanted for seemingly no reason at all.
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