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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. That's a shame. I thought her voice was really good, maybe because my show was the first after her recuperation. Other than being kinda tear-choked, if you listen to that Sunday Morning cover I uploaded... Sky's persona really made for one of the best concerts I've ever been to so it sucks that not everyone responded to it. I mean she was very bubbly and there was this show-long saga of her spilling her tea multiple times and she all but stage-dived during One and Everything is Embarrassing. She's a lot of fun, even if not the best technical performer. That's kinda why I didn't make a huge attempt to meet Charli, she gave a pretty straightforward performance. Pretty similar to Lorde imo but with a tad less polish and more kinda punk spirit. I guess that means Lorde and Charli have more popstar tendencies and Sky more "indie" tendencies. Really can't imagine Sky being the diva some say she is.
  2. I did not. I just meant presence wise. Lorde's banter was mostly like "I'm so excited to be in LA"..."you okay?"..."this is my favorite song"
  3. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    Obv but they can make the era less disorganized
  4. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    Projected 250-275K in the US Can she get that new manager already and whip this era into shape
  5. Sitar


    I use DownloadHelper, it's an add-on in Firefox. But there are so many.
  6. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    This interview is really endearing and informative! Even beat out the Andy Cohen interview for best of the ARTPOP era. She talks about Perez at about 22 minutes and that alone is worth it. But she also mentions how she and Rick Rubin are discussing meeting up for a month-long session! It's super long though so listen when you have homework to put off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYEgrBv-KcQ That Gypsy performance...Why do I have an acoustic album for Marina and the Diamonds but not Gaga? Has anyone made such a thing?
  7. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    I remember when you were asking for Gaga vids for your So Legit vid because you didn't know any, and here we are
  8. Alvarado - Nightmare and the Cat Everyone listen to this.
  9. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Liz goes first, then Kitten. God knows about those DJs, though, hopefully they're just playing the interim between sets and not doing sets of their own. I tried to get into Liz but couldn't, she's got a cool like ~soft ghetto~ look but it's pretty basic white girl R&B stuff. Kitten, though, is definitely worth seeing. I got their setlist at my show
  10. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    She did afaik, I just didn't stay long enough Fuuuuuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I'd imagine that's your exact timeline for this concert honestly. Maybe get into Kitten in 24 hours so your tickets aren't a total waste?
  11. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    That's pop records for you. Better as collector items... Can't you make both? How far is H&M from the venue? I'd go with Charli because it's already paid for but that pains me
  12. Sitar


    Do you not have a tumblr ripper? Can she just do a full album of ominous covers of old songs?
  13. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Mine is forever going in a frame now that queen has graced it with ha chicken scratch
  14. Sitar


    "EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD" IN FULL/BLOG PROMO: http://buzzcut-season.tumblr.com/post/66845562243
  15. Sitar

    Britney Spears

    I'm sorry that I laughed at the Jamie Lynn appearance At list Wiz Khalifa is out...
  16. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    No she has Liz too afaik, and Charli's definitely last. They were all pretty prompt at my show and Charli was on by like 10 but I know the NY show has a bunch of extra shit like DJs and a host...
  17. This is literally impossible. Science won't allow it. Empress Dolly>>
  18. Physical copies?! Do I wait for Amazon or beg @@iseeyouupsidedown to buy me one? I think the slight awkwardness is just in her nature. Like she restarted one song at my show and cried to a Leonard Cohen cover but it was endearing imo. And I thought her voice was really good. Lorde is def a better performer while we're comparing, but Sky seemed a lot more approachable and sweet even onstage Aaaaand I'll catch Sky on her next tour, not buying any tix to the Twerk Olympics EDIT: I just realized the Kristine lyrics might have come from the lyric sheet she sings off of and not the album. Don't hype yet.
  19. Sitar


    OMG I'm not sure about the random pauses but it's so cinematic Naturally Wait, that Haim video is BLOCKED?! I didn't rip the audio yet! Did anyone?
  20. Sitar

    Lady Gaga

    You know, while "ARTPOP" isn't my current favorite song on the album, I kinda recognize that it's her best overall? If that makes sense. Like it's the perfect manifesto of her music, expressing her artform more than any other song has. Bringing art and pop into the same sphere, attempting to sell herself as a popstar but really just preferring the music. Although she's never made a song like it before, its message is just Gaga summed up. Also choke for already receiving the physical copy. Amazon does this to me every time. Mine didn't even ship until the 11th and it has been preordered for a long time!
  21. Was it Nightmare and the Cat? Doubt it but they opened up my show and they were soooo good. I imagine they'd choose a NY band to add to the bill though.
  22. Sitar


    EMG! Haim feat. Lorde happened But Lorde is more prominent
  23. Sitar


    And again no one will rip it, or they will and they'll hoard it I oughta figure out this ripping technology myself, for that matter...
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