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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Too jealous. She's so easy to meet for everyone except me.
  2. As far as I can tell, you're missing... Bang Bang EiE demo One demo (2) Red Lips demo Sex Rules demo Teen Lovers (with the Virgins) Idk about year info, though. Was gonna ask @ myself
  3. You'd think "I'm Not Alright" would also be a done deal since it was the title for a while.
  4. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Fair points CharliBoards within LanaBoards re-opening soon
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    We were settled until folks came to argue However I wouldn't be opposed if this is about to be LB versus outside force. I'm just as ticked as you, man, but it's pointless to hold out
  6. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Months? I have never even heard of this person before Like I already saw someone totally uninvolved post it on a Gaga site so might as well.
  7. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Oh, I see it's irreversibly posted other places.
  8. Not, say, Bloodshy & Avant way past. Potentials she's mentioned that are at least a little more current. For instance, she name-dropped "24 Hours" a while ago but it's still probably making the record. Your tracklist makes a lot of sense, I just pray Werewolf makes the cut. And "I Can't Say No to Myself" is the official registered title? Really excited for that one. Therefore: HEARD - Ain't Your Right - Can't Say No - Everything is Embarrassing - Ghost - I Will - One Man Show - Pretty Dull - Sad Dream - Werewolf (From Waist Down) - You're Not the One - 24 Hours UNHEARD - Boys - Broadway Life for Me - Choke - Cecil Diamonds - Gloves - Home Sweet Home - I'm Not Alright - Love in Stereo - One Way to Heaven - Rancid Girl - Swamp Girl - Teen Witch and Werewolves - Wild at Heart Already 11 heard. Pray for that 16 track deluxe.
  9. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Your avatar [2] Slit your throat Okay, so are we sharing now? I'm cool with it. Sooner rather than later.
  10. Ooh let me reprise my list HEARD - Ain't Your Right - Can't Say No - Everything is Embarrassing - Ghost - I Will - One Man Show? - Pretty Dull - Sad Dream - Werewolf (From Waist Down) - You're Not the One - 24 Hours UNHEARD - Gloves - I'm Not Alright - Love in Stereo - One Way to Heaven - Swamp Girl - Teen WItch and Werewolves Other updates/debunks?
  11. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    @@Emmet is the only one who seems to know any public links. Welcome! Our Charli thread isn't usually messy as hell! Your avatar
  12. I hate it so much Ooooh Also Pretty Dull was pretty much confirmed by captioning a picture with it not long ago. I got my Ghost physical EP in the mail today. Totally legit as far as I can tell!
  13. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    ............................... It's a motherfuckin murder scene, I'm the serial killer only 18 yeah yeah it's a underage wet dream uh, but that bitch so sexy
  14. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Okay then everyone shut up about this end of the community and simmer down.
  15. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Oh my god that's enough I certainly feel like an idiot for spending my money and the last thing I need to hear is "LOL better/smarter than u." Maybe thanks for speeding up the leak process
  16. That's the one, what do you think of this? Thank you so much I do invite your different interpretations and organization.
  17. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Enjoy my pointless dollars, Anthony
  18. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    OMG I'm pretty sure this is me before I managed to wiggle closer (really GD miraculously tbh, shit was dense)
  19. An honest "whoops" at all my Sky stuff being grayscale
  20. Sitar

    Miley Cyrus

    The bit about girls with big butts... Miley, you may stop. Low-key soundtrack to middle school though. Which was more like "UGH turn this garbage off I hate Miley" *goes home and bops to Fly on a Wall for hours straight*
  21. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    This: Boo hoo yeah you're gonna cry hope you die get some pie in your eye why why my oh my I'm a gangsta I'm not proud of it
  22. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Beating up --> ow ow + not discussing this bc I will rage The "fags" line has always been a top 5 Charli mystery for me
  23. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    You bitches know I'm so gnarly Beating up the track like ow ow Charli Literally same!
  24. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    @@Hundred Dollar Bill
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