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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. You're my Axl Rose husband Blue hydrangea White Pontiac heaven Me: your red, white and blue girl Star spangled danger You my heavy metal king, king I said, “Daddy, I need you” (Yes) Greenwich, I need you Strangled up in ivy I’m the garden of Eden Lady Liberty Teal whip flame, I'm shinin' Queen, queen You’re my one king daddy I’m your little queen Red, white, and blue You’re my one king daddy And I’m your little queen Red, white and blue White and blue (x3) Record executive I Need you to live, I Someone come replace you Should I happen to meet you Downtown, or see you I would fall down dead I’m bereaved by you Bereaved by you In blue denim I meet you Barefoot I need you Diamond horseshoe sparklin’ You’re my king Jewish maven Kids on vacation Florida Keys are calling Come back to me (x2)
  2. See, that's just not grammatically correct. And I know it's in the digital booklet, but to be fair the booklet would also have you believe it's "Stealing police guys with the senior guys" rather than "police cars".
  3. Tbh. No, that's a really good question. She hasn't even alluded to anything of the sort since "Next to Me" yeeeeaaars ago. But suddenly with the Paradise Edition, we've got this other woman business in the monologue and I know your wife, she wouldn't mind in "Cola"...and Bradley Soileau is married to Porcelain Black. It makes the most sense, for the time being--except for the fact that in "Cola" she also says "I gots a taste for men who are older", and Bradley is younger than her.
  4. Frankly it's just for a couple seconds of the video, so I doubt she's making any sort of statement. Sorry. Now: Is it disrespectful or her to wrap herself up in the American flag?
  5. Sitar


    When will you give me deets?
  6. What emotion were you trying to express? @Neal: They gave out fliers with the monologue and her holding the flag on them at the premiere.
  7. Welcome! I took that video, I'm feeling super famous right now.
  8. Sitar


    I like this monologue because it's about as personal as she's gotten. Her interviews are usually cut-and-paste from past interviews and songs are less straightforward. I think it makes the video.
  9. I got an extra, I'll trade you for the extra box-set you got. Plus some money if you want since it's not quite equal. I'm not kidding.
  10. She says on the back of the letter with the monologue that was handed out at the premiere that it was recorded in California... I'll upload it when I get home.
  11. Sitar

    Fordham Road

    TPD, I'm SURE there's "st" sound in the Mary line. I'd believe crack house, but phonetically it sounds like an "ay" sound--which, yeah, she does in her country accent. I also think I hear the "th" for "that's", but I'd bet on "past".
  12. Sitar

    Fordham Road

    Lemme reevaluate, I sincerely hope she sings "crack house" in such a beautiful song
  13. Sitar

    Fordham Road

    Thirty blocks to Fordham Road Past a bad neighborhood Crack house on the corner I know I shouldn't do what it is I could A stone Mary in the garden She let me know she watchin' And she said I better get walkin' I better walk away I don't know why it is that I wanna stay I don't know what it is that makes me feel this way But I'm not gonna do what I hear me say I'm just gonna walk, I'm gonna walk away I catch a dollar in the wind and I Buy a cup of coffee There's a place on Valentine That still charge ninety cent I keep on walking in the daytime And in my eyes, it's always nighttime And I like it when it's midnight 'Cause that's when all the stars come out I don't know why it is that I wanna stay I don't know what it is that makes me feel this way But I'm not gonna do what I hear me say I'm just gonna walk, I'm gonna walk away It is the grea-, this is the greatest day (x2) I'm not gonna do what I hear me say I'm just gonna walk, I'm gonna walk away
  14. For the love of fucking god. I made that
  15. OOF, I'm a hipster in this sense, I don't want those fans. I went to a live Rocky Horror Picture Show two years ago, like right after the Rocky Horror episode of Glee came out, and the theater was just full of annoying shits who didn't even know anything about the movie, it's culture...No. Stay far away, Glee. Maybe it'll help the charts, though
  16. Looks like I was wrong in thinking everyone would love it. It's so good, though. I hope it doesn't bother you too much when watching it.
  17. I know, my friends and I were talking about how ridiculous that part kind of was. Visually, it was top-notch. How could I have forgotten? She said she was misinterpreted when asked about quitting music and the Vogue Australia interview. She said she meant doing music for films, not acting in them. When pressed, she said that she thought the Paradise Edition was much better than Born to Die and was basically really happy with it. I'm hoping that means she's optimistic, not that she's said what she had to say. ~Adding to OP~
  18. Sitar


    I am here for some tandem twerking, HDB. Badass! I was wondering if you were doing anything with any Gaga songs because you're covering a lot of bases of my faves already (Azealia, Lana) but I didn't know if you like Gaga.
  19. I've been asked to talk about this experience by several people, and I'm deliriously tired from having just gotten home, but I'll try, although other people on the forum actually have, like, photographic evidence. I made it into the first showing, and I was one of the last people. She was playing "Ride", which seemed like standard procedure for it's premiere, so I wasn't paying much attention. And then a new song starts and I hear the words "crystal meth", so I'm flailing and demanding how this can be happening. It was "American", and it's my understanding that before I arrived they played a lot more of the songs. I did record it, but you can clearly hear me talking at parts where I thought I was being quiet...I'll upload it anyway, if it won't get snatched off YouTube. Plus, I don't want to be ridiculed by desperate YouTube stans Distinct lyric: "Drive fast, I can almost taste it now." So after "American", they introduced Lana Del Rey. She got onstage and laughed, you know the laugh. She said how grateful she was that she had all these fans who'd show up to an event that wasn't even a concert, and basically alluded to how the fans make it so much better in light of the backlash she's experienced. We all had a moment. She then introduced the video with Anthony Mandler. She started making her way to the very back--where she sat watching it--but in the process was swarmed. Not even gonna lie, I made my way right into that cluster. She's so much more delicate than I ever imagined. Just how tiny her body is and how doll-like her face is. Mostly I kinda went "BLAGH LANA" and side-hugged her and caressed her hair. She's beyond stunning in person, even in jeans. Especially in jeans. I'll tell you now so you don't get excited that all my attempts to get some personal Lana on Chance time were pretty much dashed--I asked for a signature twice and she only said that she couldn't, which was understandable because she was walking but DAMN. I'm such a dork, I just kinda reached out and touched her arm as she was walking by and she looked back at me. That's not the extent of our conversing, but I don't have any signatures or pictures. The video. THE VIDEO. It's nearly indescribable, but I'll try. The whole time she's with a lot of skeezy men--like, three or four on different occasions. All older, rugged, ugly, and bikers. I really need you guys to see it because it's so good. Of course I have some bias, having seen it projected in a theater, but cinematically I think it's her best. NO INSTAGRAM FILTERS ON THIS ONE, THANK GOD. In short, she's partying in the desert with some bikers, straddling several dudes in the sand and pointing guns at them, indeed swinging on this mysterious tire swing, hanging out at a gas station, playing pinball with a biker sort of spooning her, getting into a car like a prostitute. It's Americana, it's trash, it's beautiful. It's Lana. What can I say? It's exquisite. She's on all fours for the ending monologue--by memory, I really loved that part, and also one part in the desert where she's wearing an Indian headdress. Bits of the video keep rushing back to me. The part where she is holding the flag, like in the promo photo, is so beautiful. I need to watch it again. There's so much to love about this video, I wish I could eloquently describe it all. It'll be all of ours to enjoy soon enough, but if you can--get that shit HD projected somewhere I cried. I cried my fucking eyes out. Afterwards came the Q&A. I'll try to pick out the meaningful stuff. Someone asked what inspired the song "Ride", and she said that she was a lot more excited at the beginning of her career than she she was in the middle or even now--a clear reference to her backlash and trying to deal with fame, if you ask me. She said that's what she loved and preferred in her downtime--"riding motorcycles...and men :haha: " She's touring early next year, although she expressed her hatred for the idea and said she'd rather take us all to hang out on the boardwalk on Sunday. GODDAMN SHE IS SO CUTE. I can finally answer the question "what would you say if you met Lana?" Anthony Mandler chose me, seeing my desperation clear across the room, and I said, "Can you talk about why you re-recorded 'Yayo'...and some other songs from the album?" There was a general "ooh" of agreement, I noticed, but NO--I didn't ask about Jimmy Gnecco. NO--I didn't ask about unreleased material. Still, it wasn't THE shittiest question, right? Anyway, she said she liked the song because she considers it something of a jazz standard and it can go all in one take, but she didn't like how it turned out originally. So, yeah, stans...we're all WRONG in loving that song :creepy: And then I thanked her very much and sat down, although I was hoping she'd talk about an emotional connection to the song and give me some discreet Lanalysis material, not gonna lie. Please be happy with me, forum. Someone asked if she had any plans for "Never Let Me Go" and she said, "It'll probably live on YouTube, like all the other leaked material!" Someone asked if she is dating anyone, and she said yes. She said she was misinterpreted when asked about quitting music and the Vogue Australia interview. She said she meant doing music for films, not acting in them. When pressed, she said that she thought the Paradise Edition was much better than Born to Die and was basically really happy with it. I'm hoping that means she's optimistic, not that she's said what she had to say. Someone asked if she had any advice for budding singers, and she basically said that your expectations will never live up to your imagination. I thought that was kinda sad. She said she is best at being a passenger on a motorcycle After that, I went and waited in an alleyway to meet her. Other folks saw the video multiple times (damn I wish, I could've heard some more Paradise tracks) and spent their time wisely. Me, I waited and waited for her for hours. I met some pretty cool people, but at the end of the day her management wouldn't allow her to do a meet-and-greet, according to the staff of the theater. (CURSE YOU, BEN MAWSON!) That said, I waited until the very end. Me, my driver, and our three new friends were the last five people waiting in front of the theater in case she came back, not exaggerating. But she didn't. I'm pretty bummed about that, but not as much as I anticipated...like, I touched her, and she recognized my stan worship for "Yayo", and I saw the most amazing video ever on a giant screen, and I have the monologue printed out all pretty and I'll for sure frame it. It was a great night. I can't wait for you guys to see the video. I don't think anyone will be disappointed. I truly don't.
  20. She is NOT getting coffee with that fan, that fan just invited her and she was like "uh..." The only full song I caught (I was one of the last people to enter the first screening) was "American". It had some crystal meth lyrics. i recorded some of it but DAMN you can hear my voice. I'll upload anyway. It is a complete rumor that she said she'd collab with Gaga. I witnessed that question and she IMMEDIATELY changed the subject to other collabs I was crying throughout. I WAS THE ONE WHO ASKED ABOUT "YAYO", I AM SO GLAD THIS WAS WORTHWHILE NEWS THAT SOMEONE REPORTED TO YOU
  21. I'm trying to combine lyrics for multiple versions of one song into one thread each and things got mixed up along the way. Mourning the loss of some threads but thanks to Your Girl Lana and Crystal Castles for the original posts and these lyrics! Demo lyrics in blue. You're no good for me Baby you're no good for me You're no good for me But baby I want you, I want you Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Can we get it down, low-down and gritty? Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Baby put on heart shaped sunglasses 'Cause we gonna take a ride I'm not gonna listen to what the past says I've been waiting up all night Take another drag turn me to ashes Ready for another lie? Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is Say it's gonna be all right Hit me my darling tonight I don't know why but I like it Gotta get back to the wild Give it up give it up, live it up live it up Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Can we get it down, low-down and gritty? Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Let's take Jesus off the dashboard Got enough on his mind We both know just what we're here for Saved too many times Maybe I like this roller-coaster Maybe it keeps me high Maybe this speed it brings me closer I could sparkle up your eye Hit me and tell me you're mine I don't know why but i like it Scary, my god, you're divine Gimme them, gimme them dope and diamonds Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Can we get it down, low-down and gritty? Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? You're no good for me Baby you're no good for me You're no good for me But baby I want you, I want you (x2) Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Baby's stopping at 7/11 There in his white Pontiac Heaven Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love? Diet Mountain Dew, baby, New York City Can we get it down, low-down and gritty? Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
  22. Y'allses faves is too pop for me #hip Realizing that the only NEWLY discovered song on my list is the Lana one...probably because I determine my favorites by what gives me a nostalgia boner.
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