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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    Charli XCX

  2. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    100% here for her bangs! Also just overcame my Gaga plays on last.fm this is kind of a big fucking deal BWET is honestly the only album that has ever matched the obsession I had with Born This Way in terms of sheer playcount, though (BTW's plays are not reflected here that would be REALLY worrisome)
  3. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Post that TFJ B-Sides cover please I really thought SATW was a studio version?
  4. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I wish there was a normal vinyl release...I want that cover in a nice 12" situation dgaf about this 7" rainbow #neverpleased
  5. Sitar


    I'll buy it if you buy Give 2 U
  6. Sitar


    I really enjoyed this, need to look up more interviews with them Like Banks didn't mention it once
  7. Sitar

    Perfume Genius

    @ any update on this? It's apparently also available on the Japanese CD
  8. Sitar


    They released Get Away as a single. So I guess that means there won't be like an album of the Drive rescore.
  9. Look at LanaBoards' 14 elite voters being trash and choosing Diet Mountain Dew's production over Ride
  10. Thx for clearing that up That tracklist looks like something tostb would make up though lmao
  11. Sitar


    No shade but you kinda like everything
  12. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    The way she described her newfound happiness + "Happy" as being a ballad, I think it must be this snippet
  13. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    But they cut every part of the song that I was anticipating lmao
  14. "It's okay because he's already a misogynist"? I mean...that's not news, you're absolutely right. It's entirely the fact that it's Eminem. Like he's complete trash and easy to make fun of, that's the thing.
  15. Sitar


    Lorde how dare you release a remix as a promo track fuck you I wanted Charli this week
  16. So he's a stan (oop) but can he still die like in general?
  17. Category nominations that should've had a known deadline and more than one day's worth of input boo
  18. You could've at least given a deadline bro...Like one day and fourteen votes? LANABOARDS HAS SPOKEN
  19. Sitar


    You were wrong And I was so excited. Seen any links anywhere? Or feel like providing?
  20. The only reason is that Eminem is embarrassing trash oops!
  21. Looking at that Vine on mute is so funny, he looks like a 6 year old from Wisconsin trying to be hood But he's "the master of his genre"
  22. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Tell me there'll be extra songs on the deluxe...She's never failed there come on If you told me a few months ago that Marina's next era was gonna be rainbow disco...Loving it though
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