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Everything posted by konnichiwalski

  1. whenever the movie comes out, if that ever happens.
  2. I think it was originally but they released it digitally because of the physicals delay.
  3. I think so, the itunes preview sounds a little different from the leaked version.
  4. i'm still hurt by this betrayal
  5. Mte. Orange Trees is actually a cute, carefree, summery bop. And the acoustic version is really nice.
  6. i don't think so, there's nothing really to masterpost, everything she ever put out is on itunes or streaming. except terror which is nowhere to be found other than some fan soundcloud.
  7. That's actually my main complaint about L+F. It's void of any character. Completely faceless, down to it's imagery. Any generic pop girl could've put it out. L+F could literally be a Rita Ora album and no one would bat an eyelash.
  8. Might be a reach, but I think a video might be coming cause Andrew Thomas Huang posted this podcast on his socials a few times already.
  9. there's nothing country about this song
  10. yes. chosen family is... not it. legit her first bad song.
  11. She's featured on the new Headie One x Fred Again album, out midnight your local time https://open.spotify.com/track/7iY59aj3feeXdZ9hlkpAYI
  12. apparently that is an alternate title/demo to forget
  13. It was played on MuchMusic I think? Someone on this thread saw it on tv and allegedly recorded but never leaked, can't remember who it was.
  14. and science. and prime.
  15. i'm actually shocked it took this long for mermaid vs sailor to leak in HQ. keep them leaks coming
  16. WAIT LIKE CHINA DOLLS IS REAL? OMG EDIT: AND it's the melody for obsessions? that's crazy
  17. omg please leak straight jackt full, the last breath of natalia kills
  18. thanks for all the leaks but can someone share all the original files please.
  19. hi legend leak kiss it better jk
  20. Welp, someone has to release stuff for her if she doesn't, I guess nn
  21. https://soundcloud.com/user-699304829/ego-death-ft-fka-twigs-serpentwithfeet
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