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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Yeah, that's definitely what I remember! Also, yeah, if people are expecting more than that they will be disappointed bc that's basically what's gonna happen lmao
  2. I'm guessing Lana will be on air around 7pm GMT. The hottest record, iirc, usually drops around that time (or used to drop, at least)
  3. I mean, you were being a snowflake, yes. No one was mistreating you like you insinuated, it's just internet lingo. Spotify didn't mess up anything bc the vinyl is being sold by her store. Spotify has nothing to do w/ that vinyl, apart from the name, that's all.
  4. So now I can't use the words I want? What's wrong abt using the word snowflake? I'm not calling anyone a bitch or similar words lmao
  5. I- Dominik didn't even say anything bad lmao maybe try not being such a snowflake ig
  6. Oh, Loreen is def taking it AGAIN
  7. Upload the zip Tell me you'll leak it Download it to death Play it until I'm obsessed
  8. And when everything seemed doomed on LanaBoards dot com, and all hope was lost... the whole album leaked in 320kbps on your favorite website
  9. Mod queue to everyone who's talking abt leaked tracks, to everyone who's spiraling and to everyone who wants to post their ranking/review of an album that's not out yet. You get mod queued! You get mod queued! And you get mod queued!
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