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Everything posted by HunterAshlyn

  1. YASSSS dawling. I like your style.
  2. <3 you guys give me life.
  3. Hahaha. Take it all in boys. Can't wait to check back in on your thoughts.
  4. HAHAHAHA! OMG. I'm so fucking obsessed with you guys. MAKE SURE YOU POST BACK YOUR THOUGHTS! I'D LOVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!!!! :D REVIEWS ARE SO, SO, SO NECESSARY. *btw, all lyrics are on the bandcamp page* Click each song as you listen to the tape and read along!
  5. AND HERE IT IS!!! THE WAIT IS OVER!!! http://hunterhooligan.bandcamp.com/album/hooligan-house-volume-1
  6. Love it! :D Thank you so much! I followed you btw! =]
  7. + First of all, congratulations on the mixtape release. Happy? - I'm SO happy about it. I'm extremely excited- I'm exhausted, but excited. This is both a new direction for me, personally, but also my first cohesive piece of work I've been able to release publicly. + And congratulation on your winning the Liquorice Mix competition. Tell us about it. How did that go? How does that feel? For you as a fan, we know that you're a fan of Azaelia Banks, how does that feel? And how does that feel for you as an aspiring musician? - It feels incredible to be recognized by someone who I think is one of the best living rappers. It feels incredible to get positive recognition from an artist after I adopted their work. To know that Azealia Banks liked something I did to HER song is mind blowing to me. To know that she liked something I did at all was incredibly motivating. + When did you start writing/composing? - I've been writing songs since I was 8. And seriously writing for a release (not this one per se, but in general) since I was 14. + When did you know that you wanted to do this, this music thing? - My entire life. Music is the ONLY thing I ever wanted to do. + How big is music in your life? - Music is the biggest part of my life. It's what allows me to be. Without it- I know I would die. + I listened to all of the tracks in your Soundcloud page and I can hear diversed genres; pop, hip hop, bubblegum(?) pop, rap, electro, acoustics, soul, even doo wop. Music influences? - The musical influences I have are about as diverse as the genres you listed. To narrow it down a bit, I'd say my biggest influences throughout my life have been... Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, Prince, Elton John, Dinah Washington, Bessie Smith, B.I.G., and Whitney Huston. I grew up listening to SO much different kind of music. Everything that my parents played around the house- Aerosmith, Motley Cru, Grateful Dead, Cat Stevens, Elton John, Prince, Aretha Franklin- and then when I was younger, I loved 90s R&B and pop- like Brandy, Britney, Christina, Destiny's Child, Mariah Carey. I also showtunes with my grandmother. + And I kept on badgering you with this question because honestly, I couldn't find similar artist in the current music scene quite like yourself maybe it's partly my being underexposed to pop music in general--but I could only mention Pet Shop Boys and Erasure, have you ever heard of Erasure? If I ask you to mention 5 similar artist to Hunter Hooligan, who would that be? - Hm... This is an awesome question- mostly because I don't know how to answer it.... If I put out a record, I'd hope to see it shelved next to the newest releases of these guys: Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey, Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor, and Florence + The Machine. But, one day, far in the future, I hope I'll have a legacy as important as Michael Jackson, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Madonna, Elton John, and Whitney. + Where do you see yourself; 5 and 10 years from now? - 5: hopefully signed, just having released my first major label record. - 10: hopefully getting ready to release my latest record, touring all over the world with my friends. Maybe producing/writing for other people. + Next project? (We're still waiting for that 2nd Floor Heaven video, btw). - What's next? Gosh...hmm... there's a few things in the works at the moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mqzVD8KLYY&feature=youtu.be
  9. The wait is almost over my love. And then you will be in twerk heaven. On a side note- I really hope you guys are ready to listen to this whole thing as a piece of work and I hope that when you listen to it- you go on a journey through this entire musical landscape. I chose beats that brought my vision to life and picked songs that mean something to me. Remixes for this tape were not chosen for any other reason than I have particular association with those songs. I am presenting this as my first cohesive piece of work- and I hope that it really shows. I love you guys so much for being with me along the creation of this. Thank you so much for all your support, and I can only hope that the tape lives up to the support that I've gotten for you all.
  10. not identical. but similar. there are 27 tracks in total
  13. Just dropping by to say.... WHORES GET NOTHING
  14. Hahahahaa. I'll answer ANYTHING for you tho... ANYTHING
  15. oh, sorry, Okay. The instrumental is not produced by me. It samples Lana's voice. And then I sing my own lyrics on it as well.
  16. Hahahahaa. What do you mean!?
  17. Hahahaha. yesss. FINALLY you'll get the lyrics you deserve!
  18. When I release the album, I'll create a new thread called "HOOLIGAN HOUSE" that will give you guys ALL the details of the mixtape- including producers, lyrics, and album art. Very excited about it.
  19. Q1: No, I would be happy to do that, I just don't want to ruin it. If you don't think it will ruin any surprises, I can tell you who all the tracks are from! Q2: And yes! You've pretty much got this right. There are parts of "Without You" (vocals) but the track is original- not by me tho!
  20. Okay! So, all the work on this mixtape is technically "Original Work." What I assume you meant by making this category was actually "Original Track" which is how it will be labeled. This means that the track itself was either produced by me or commissioned by me. Remix denotes that either the instrumental from another song is being used (i.e. Faggots in Paris uses the instrumental of Niggas in Paris) or that a vocal from another song is being used (i.e. Bambino and You Had It Coming). So, here's the breakdown for OT, RE, and SA 1. Hooligan House RE 2. Blue Jean Bambino RE SA 3. Ima Read RE 4. Shake It To the Ground RE 5. Faggots in Paris RE 6. Ratchet RE 7. HitchCock RE 8. WAVVY (Ft. Big Momma) RE SA 9. BodyScheiße RE 10. Primadonna Girl RE 11. Summer Religion RE OT 12. Boy You're So Dope RE OT 13. Equinox OT 14. Lets Have a Kiki RE OT SA 15. Vogue (Lessons with Dorian Corey) RE 16. gAyMERICA RE SA 17. Rhythm is a Dancer RE 18. Yummy RE 19. You Had It Coming (Hooligan House Remix) RE OT 20. Gucci Gucci RE 21. I Luv Dem Strippers RE 22. BeatDown (Ft. Crystal LaBeija) RE 23. Banji Bad Girls RE 24. Mercy RE I hope this clears everything up and gives some more insight into what to expect from the mixtape!
  21. The mixtape would be NOTHING without a hit from my childhood. HAHAHAHA! Damn Neal! You just gathered my whole life up in this post! Hahahaha. I assure you that when the official release comes out, all of that info will be available for you guys. In a bit I'll go through and edit this to show which are completely original and which are remixes.
  23. It's the one you guys have heard already! hahaha. sorry for my terribly flawed list. all edits are being made.
  24. HAHAHAHA. it is my goal to see you guys twerking. DEFINITELY.
  25. Hahahaha. Okay! I changed it for you tho. Thank you. And yes, I can officially say that the Lana remix for this mixtape is a remix of WITHOUT YOU. As far as it all being hiphop: yes, for the most part it is. But I do sing on it as well.
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