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Everything posted by HunterAshlyn

  1. HunterAshlyn

    Azealia Banks

    It's probably missing other verses from her
  2. HunterAshlyn

    Azealia Banks

    OMG. I was coming to drop the link for the Oakenfold mix. Omg. I love it so much.
  3. tonight was a roller coaster in the life of a gaga stan. specifically, it was the first drop of the roller coaster. For the past two years we've been going up, up, up, waiting in anticipation and then- tonight happened.
  4. Anyone who thinks Lana's name/persona was made up by managers has obviously no idea of how the music industry works. Managers, labels, etc are not out here looking to DEVELOP talent (aka create a look, an act, songs, a name etc) for unknown people anymore. It hasn't been that way for years. No one developed that for her. She developed all of it and got signed based on the strength of what she'd conceptually developed. All those old interviews are shit. Any music blogger can just type up an article and say "OH YEAH, WE G0T AN INTRVU WIT LUNA DE RAY HURR 4 U 2 READ. EVERYTHING WE SAY IS TRUE, BELIEVE IT ALL. THANKS" -
  5. upon seeing this game title I thought "is this game about when you die?"
  6. HunterAshlyn

    Azealia Banks

    I agree. Just thought I'd lay all possibilities (no matter how small) on the table.
  7. HunterAshlyn

    Azealia Banks

    Pharrell is obviously one of them. We know she's already worked with Kanye, Gaga, and Beyonce- but who knows if she has clearance to put any of that on the album. The only songs we know that she's done with any of them are the Gaga songs (Red Flame and Ratchet). Anyone think Kanye, Gaga, or Beyonce will be on the album? If they were that would be TRULY huge BUT i don't really think it'll happen. It just so happens that all three of those artists have gone into media blackouts/become HIGHLY exclusive and are somehow ascending to yet another level of stardom. True top echelon. If Azealia COULD somehow get the rights for any of those collabs for HER album, that would be a GIGANTIC victory for the Liquorice Bitch
  8. HunterAshlyn

    Azealia Banks

    okay so far what are the tracks for BWET? 1. 212 2. Yung Rapunxel 3. ATM Jam 4. Black Cherry 5. Miss Amor 6. Miss Comraderie 7. No Problems 8. Soda 9. JFK 10. Bizarra 11. Idle Delilah 12. Venus (not sure yet) Anyone else know any song titles? There's only 16 tracks on the standard album she said. so... it seems we have most of the titles anyone willing to place bets on Miss Icon and Miss Priss being track titles? she's tweeted them both- and even changed her twitter handle to miss icon ALSO thoughts on the features she'll have on the album? she said there were 3, right? Not including Lazy Jay
  9. HunterAshlyn

    This or That

    videos! Music or movies?
  11. someone I know is in the new Tropico video. I don't know any insider information about it- and im not going to ask. Hahaha. But I did get this picture! BOGSA1oCAAMUYwv.jpg
  12. why isn't this an emoticon yet. This face corresponds to at least ONE emotion i feel every single day.
  13. I love it too. I can't really say what will happen with it at this point- although, I played it for my team and they all love it as well. There are some things in the works, so no worries.
  14. Hahaha omg. Sitar!!! Sorry for just seeing this! Did you get the song?! What do you think!? And there are pics coming very shortly.
  15. omg. "So I would probably slay my surroundings"- Lana Del Rey. @TrailerParkDarling omg your signature. Im dying. The lana chat box pictures hahahahahaa. Dead.
  16. Anyone heard this jazz/swing version of Young And Beautiful? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfyHhyI3SNw&feature=player_embedded
  17. *LIMITED TIME LIVE DEMO DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE* LONELY LIMODREAM I know we've got a lost to lose Your my uptown baby, I'm your downtown muse I know we've got egos to uphold Young & wild, in sad fake gold But I know when the doors are closed You feel like somebody's ghost Going home at the end of the scene I know you're lonely in limodreams Going home at the end of the scene I know you're lonely in limodreams You can't make someone care When the feeling isn't there No one's gonna love you like you dream Take your cigarettes And anything you've left 'Cause a hearse is just a lonely limodream https://soundcloud.com/hunter-hooligan/lonely-limodream (This is just a preview of what I'm writing. Download while it's available! Will be down soon!)
  18. HunterAshlyn

    Amy Winehouse

    Amy's music is everything to me- she gave her life to art. She was a truly rare talent and special soul.
  19. Keep your ears open for May/June
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