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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. omg The Florida Kilos one is a masterpiece.

    I really enjoy what u do, but if I may critic, I recommend that in the future u won't use clips of Lana mouthing lyrics that aren't in the song - i.e. 1:46 - 1:51 in Angels Forever - because it really takes the viewing experience out of the video's professional-editing-vibe.

    Other than that, bless you

    I really do try not to use clips where she is saying other things. It annoys the crap out of me. XD I think it was just that I was running out of footage to use from the ride video and I liked the part where she was shown singing. but thanks so much for the critic it really means a lot tbh :3

    I just watched all of your videos, and I really like them. Much better than the random vintage clips like you mentioned.


    The way you used clips from multiple music videos of hers, like with the Ultraviolence vid, and the way the style of each era/album worked together just made me feel kinda nostalgic? I don't know if that makes any sense. Would love to see more, especially from UV since I feel deprived of music videos from that album in general.

    Okay! I will see what I can do ! I'm working on one for that 5 lolitas edit rn but next I might do Brooklyn baby or money power glory. Or black beauty I'm not sure yet. Haha

  2. I'm just gonna post all my videos here for people to view :3 


    my mission with creating these videos is to do more than make a fan video but make something artful. something beyond random clips set to music like I've seen others do. 

    let me know what you think! Feel free to drop any creative criticism and let me know if there are any videos you would be interested in seeing from me :3 


    Old Money



    Florida Kilos






    Angels Forever, Forever Angels






    Fucked My Way Up To The Top



    West Coast Radio Mix


  3. She has two videos ready, (that's what she said) but after two months from the MTWBT shot we still have nothing; then she put some snippets of honeymoon that seemed a really simple video; then she said that the producer of the first video has been Jake Nava who certainly hasn't shot Honeymoon so we return to think at MTWBT; then she put a pic "tired in the studio" while the studio part of the mading of honeymoon should have end up...

    I called this promotion campaign messy because it seems no organised and that never is really ready to been released, it's a personal impression I guess

    i feel like you're taking this too seriously... this isn't really a professional campaign ... honestly this whole honeymoon account was probably some idea she came up with at like 1 in the morning or something tbh. it doesn't seem organized because its not an organized campaign its just her posting some stuff she wants to share on insta 

  4. It's more like she took a step back lol

    ....well its produced by emile haynie so what did you expect tho? it sounds similarish to all the songs emile helped produce except with more of a low-key jazz feel to it

  5. It's 99.9% likely that it's just a horrible filtering job but I got sent this snippet awhile ago by someone claiming it was Serial Killer v2 (or a Honeymoon version). The only thing that makes me not 100% sure it's fake is that the vocals sound a fuckton sharper than in the version we have now where they're more echo-y/breathy (maybe it's just isolated background vocals though?). Anyway I'ma leave it here for y'all to tear apart at it and even if it's fake then at least people can stop trying to pass it off as real. 



    someone i know said he had a honeymoon, already and a new serial killer and a new you can be the boss i think? idk but i didn't believe him because he's a pretentious bastard who always acts like he just has to have everything before everyone else 


    he's the type that can't call it an iPhone;.. he has to call it his"special edition 128 GB iPhone 6 plus gold" because everything has to sound as pretentious as possible


    ANYWAYS he claimed he has another version of serial killer he traded for gaga unreleased.. but i didn't believe him.. maybe i should have?

  6. Anyways..

    Lana didn't even annouce the release date of the single yet.

    Or even the single's name.

    So I doubt that it will be on Apple Music unless it will be a surprise release but we're talking about Lana so...

    I personally think that she'll annouce/release the single on July 4th.


    when does she ever announce anything? she didn't even really announce the uv release date.. she wouldn't have said it in that one video if she had known she was being recorded and i don't think we knew another release date until the album was on iTunes. could be wrong tho i have no idea


    idk if she would do that... idk if she's that sentimental with dates.. seems kinda cheesy. but then again were talking about lana so...

  7. Why so aggressive? Like I said "it sounds dull". I meant my opinion is that from the preview it doesn't excite me and doesn't make me want to listen to it?

    As for the film is is simply not something that I wanted to watch from the trailer, same as the song trailer it doesn't interest me in what it is trying to Interest me?


    I apologise if my first message angered you and that is why you responded like this, but English is my third language so I struggle with the tone of words and how they come across :(


    All I was trying to say was the song doesn't sound interesting to me from what I have heard so far

    HUNTY.. don't worry.. I'm actually super nice..but when it comes to this stuff I'm clumsy with my truth tea.. i wasn't being aggressive just sassy its okay lovely sorry omg xxxxx 

  8. Ugh I hope LiB isn't on Honeymoon, it sounds so dreadfully dull! It sounds just as bad as that movie looks tbh :(


    ...plz stop talking...  ur really gonna judge the whole song off of a tiny snippet??? AND JUDGE AN ENTIRE MOVIE OFF A PREVIEW? (I'm assuming u haven't seen the movie bc u said "as bad as that movie looks") someone get me some ibuprofen for this headache lordt.... 


    that movie was beautiful... sad,romantic,interesting ... and sad..  

  9. Something about the IG snippet and the way she sang the live bit seem off to me as far as them going together. The live bit makes the song seem a lot more upbeat and bouncy while the IG snippet sounds so serious and slow. Unfortunately the IG snippet is probably more reliable and the slowness seems more like the lyrics. But then again, snippets can sometimes be misleading (and often intentionally). 


    Also as a side note, I always imagined the musical atmosphere of MTWBT being like that of West Coast. I don't know why but the imagery she talked about and just the sound of it make me want it to be that way which is weird since WC is super unique among her songs.

    same about mtwbt the way that she described it reminded me of wc.. u get that" i can see my sweet boy swayin" vibe haha i kind of hope it has that beach rock fusion feel to it but i don't think that would work with the hm album o well I'm still super excited for the song

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