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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. I don't get it how Lana doesn't understand that promo is so important, she's not a musical legend and doesn't have the luxury of doing very minimal promo. I mean I get it how she hates doing promo but she's going to sacrifice her career if she's keeps going like that. Right now GP still hypes over her to some degree because her well-known songs are relatively recent but what happens in 10 years? If she's going to keep releasing albums with such little promo she's bound to fade into obscurity. Obviously she's going to have a fanbase but I'm afraid GP will lose interest in her and even some of the fans will maybe give up. I'm not trying to be bitter or anything, I'm genuinely wondering what Lana's mindset seems to be when it comes to the future of her career

    the thing is, she has barely done any promotion and done REALLY WELL for the last album,... this album seems to be even more hype and she has been more active on social media, so she's probably gonna do even better.. debut @ #1 and be fine.. have a couple low-key short-lived world wide hits and then take a year off then do it again.. probably

  2.  feel like they’re shaming her for being interested in things other than feminism! like I’m sorry but thats like saying “As a woman, you’re only allowed to be interested in our future and our intergalactic possibilites IF you are as interested in PUSHING THE FEMINISM AGENDA!”  


    FURTHERMORE the entire last paragraph makes this WHOLE post bullshit


    "Then again, Lana Del Rey is under no obligation to be the standard bearer for feminism in the 21st Century, and given quotes like these, we really shouldn't expect anything like that from her. If she doesn’t want to address it, well, that’s fine. We just wish she’d be a little less clumsy when it happens to come up, though—not everyone thinks it's as much of a no-brainer as she does."


    ​thats basically like saying "really it doesn't matter what lanas views on feminism are .. bc she doesn't at all need to be the feminism poster child. BUT I REALLY NEEDED A STORY SO I PULLED THIS OUT OF MY ASS FOR THE CONTROVERSY!" like.. this whole entire article is in and of itself anti-feminist because its literally going after a woman for being interested in other things than feminism.



  3. I, have, no, words

    utterly ridiculous, why tf do people act like she HAS TO MAKE A WILD GRANDIOSE STATEMENT ABOUT FEMINISM.. .. like let the lady stand for things that interest her! .. if all women were interested in ONLY feminism, we would have a lot of other things to deal with! shaming a woman for not BEING SUPER FEMINIST ASF and shaming her for being interested in other things than feminism is so gross.

  4. The BBC did some AMAZING radio adaptations of her most well known stories. I really enjoy them ! (I prefer to listen to them once I know the story, otherwise it can get a bit tricky, having to get familiar with all those voices you don't know etc ... Plus English isn't my mother tongue) 


    There are plenty available on Youtube, just search for "BBC Radio Agatha Christie" ... They're usually taken down but people keep posting them. They're available on iTunes as well !







    200_s.gif figured out what i will be doing for the next 7 hours..

  5. It's okay. Do you enjoy crime novels ? Because if you don't, that's probably one reason why you never stumbled on her work. If you do, you will definitely enjoy her books ! Try maybe watching an episode of the series they made, like Poirot, if you don't want to read a book ?

    if you're not gonna read her stuff DEFFY WATCH SOMETHING 

  6. I love you


    :kiss:  :kiss:



    And you too


    :kiss:  :kiss:



    I think we're meant to be together, CAN YOU FEEL IT TOO ??????!!!!!!!!!! :puppylove.mp3:

     i love the poirot books and the tv show!  and i love the book "and then there were none' i read that one on vacation in cali a couple years ago.. i remember reading it at nigh after everyone else went to bed, being up very late and just being so excited/freaked out and the dishwasher in our condo started up SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME


    "Every Saturday night I get dressed up to ride for you, baby

    Cruising down the street on Hollywood and Vine for you, baby
    I drive fast, wind in my hair, I push you to the limits 'cause I just don't care"
    We already heard that shit
    "You ask me where I been?
    I've been everywhere
    I don't wanna be no where but here
    (Come on, tell me boy)"
    This part is nice tho :D
    "Every Saturday night I seem to come alive for you, baby
    Santa Monica, I'm racing in the lights for you, baby"
    Oh my God Lana! Different places on the second verse? You clever huh? ;)
    "have to touch myself to pretend you're there
    Your hands were on my hips, your name is on my lips
    Over over again, like my only prayer"
    This is good
    "I'm driving fast, flash, everyone knows it
    I'm trying to get to you, baby
    I'm feeling scared and you know it"
    *repeats 50 times*
    And then, again, she drives fast!!! :gclap:


    this song is electric, desperation runs through the whole thing. Im someone who LOVES california! i love that she name drops hollywood and vine. and santa monica. They really create a great vibe for the song. HOW DARE U COME FOR THE BRIDGE OF THE SONG LIKE THAT! 


    the bridge is so amped seriously! i just love this song because it really embodies desire and a bit of danger/fear and also just the desperation that comes with it.... honestly I'm really disappointed to see someone thinks this is a lyrically bad song...


    @@analwinterofmylife @@Atom Heart @@Baby V Alex @@Bae @@BENTLEY @@BLOODSHOT @@BlueJeans @@Bootynugget @@butterflies @ @ @@Eclipse @@Electric Body @@Elle @ @@evilentity @@FKAbrandon @@Honeybear @@ilovetati @ @kiri1105 @komodo @Lana Del Fuck Me @LanaDelBae @LanaDelReyGlobe @LipsterDelRey @lmdr @luckyonewithoutyou @MattAmor @Miss America @naachoboy @NuclearHeart @PARADIXO @Pepsi Cola P**** @PROMISCUOUS @rosenrot @Shades @SitarHero @sunsets @thatsomason @TheBoss @theeternalstars @Tommi @toshi @ultrattachment @West Coast @WhiteHydrangea @Ziad
    Please take the pole! 


    so im guessing the numbers by the options are how many of each thing you're gonna give away? e.e.. what if i really don't mind which one i might get? XD

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