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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. You can use google.com I don't need to search articles for you.


    AAC is a newer and improved compression compared to Mp3.


    Similar to how MP4 container with h.265 codec can produce better quality compared to .wmv

    Similar to how PNG is the superior to JPEG.


    I rest my case and need no further discussion, thank you very much.



    No it doesnt. Compress song from CD to 256 m4a and to 320 kbps mp3 and it sounds practically the same. Itunes m4a may sound different tho. Find me ANY article which says that m4a 256 kbps are so much better than 320 kbps mp3 if you say so.


  2. Some people still haven't answered my question?


    Shades of Cool or Honeymoon? Which has more reverb and hiss?


    Because apparently on this particular forum Ultraviolence "production" is very nice and clean with no hiss or excessive reverb. For me, all I hear is a person in a tunnel with a cold singing.


    Oh well I prefer Honeymoon vocals because her voice is crisp, warm, and resonated throughout the song with gorgeous layering and harmonies. No tunnel or blocked nose.

    the difference between the hiss in shades and that in honeymoon..is that the honeymoon hiss cuts off very drastically all the time

  3. a lot of people assume lana is lazy.. the truth is, she's just lana. She may have some star qualities while she's on stage.. but i think the only time she really wants to be a "celebrity" is when she is on stage. She doesn't want to take it home with her. She doesn't want to go crazy promoting her music. She doesn't want to go on tv. She doesn't want to do interviews. She wants to live her life and make music as her day job in a way.. which sort of sucks for us as fans, but in a way its admirable, its why she's so down to earth. 

  4. "I'm very selfish. I make everything for me, kind of. I mean, every little thing, down to the guitar and the drums. It's just for me. I want to hear it, I want to drive to it, I want to swim in the ocean to it. I want to think about it, and then I want to write something new after it. You know? It's just . . . I don't want 
them to hear it and think about it. It's none of their business!


    I'm not selling the record.I'm signed to a label who's selling the record. I don't need to make any money. I really could care less. But I do care about making music. I would do it either way. So that's why it has to be on my terms."




    aka Lana couldnt give more fk to actually care how many people will buy her music. And its not like Interscope wont make any profit, since they dont spare a penny on promo or dont give her  big budget for videos anymore. She is still totally ok right now. 



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