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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. did anyone else notice that after her cape gets #snatched u can't see her face.. lol i wonder if maybe irl she was chuckling/smiling and they just kinda darkened over her face so u couldn't tell LOL


    also i think that this video was really just her getting together with a few people and being like "lets just do something simple and fun and entertaining but also i don't wanna leave my house :) " and i think thats exactly what she delivered! just a fun lil cute video thats what she aimed for and thats what she achieved..  the repeated shots and stuff i think were probably to add time to the video or to cover up where they sort of had to cut and do retakes or something, or just to add something to not make it boring tbh


    i think its sort of unfair to go after the camera work when all it really is, is a guy with a camera following her around..  the only outstanding camera work was really when she runs to the upper balcony and the camera seems to go off one balcony and up onto another.. i thought that was pretty cool :)

  2. i could say that pawn shop blues and the entirety of AKA is "worse" than say ... 'delicious' or 'big bad wolf' 


    but until i tell you exactly what makes it "worse", or cite a few lines for comparison, etc --  that single word means next to nothing. you see the distinction i'm trying to make? what would be the point of music, film or literature if we all went around stating our opinions with 3 or 4 worded judgements? i mean, its fine if you don't like something i do, but if you're going to tell me that its shit, don't expect me to give it any thought if you haven't put any in yourself



    302709_original.gif..sorry not everyone has the time or motivation to write a critique of why something you do isn't as good as another thing.. lol 


    apparently we can't criticize her unless we write an essay tongue.gif

  3. My fav part was most def the run. Shit looked like she was running from something chasing her in a scary movie. Her dress getting caught on something is the perfect white-girl-main character-in horror movie trope. lol

    i  feel like that is exactly the vibe she was going for tbh XD

  4. Fuck, even the video is bad. It's like amateur hour. The half assed lip synching in the bedroom. The flop down on the bed. The running around a house, like what is this, a video or a house tour. I know people will totally disagree but I'm in disbelief at how atrocious this is. I'm literally just staring at the screen and my face is full of wat. And that fucking outro, Jesus fuck.


    And it looks like she's either pregnant or got a boob job.

    ...wow.. i think this vid was just meant to be cute/funny... not out to snatch an academy award but tumblr_inline_nsduvkX3Pw1rof54g_500.gif

  5. Ok on a completely different topic, Lana said she has only shot 2 videos for the album. We have seen clips from the honeymoon video and HBTB, but the BTS pictures with those male models (for MTWBT?) are from the Korean bell of friendship, which doesn't really seem to add up with the locations/themes of HBTB or HM? So I guess the question is, are there 3 videos/is Lana getting even worse at math??? 


    Also this is reach but when she instagrammed the picture of that building with the caption "because you used to come here- when melodies are gone, in you i hear a song" I was getting the vibe that those were lyrics and that was the location of a video. Again huge reach but for some reason i just automatically associated it with MTWBT.


    this whole post is a mess and I couldn't figure out how to word it so just idk tell me your thoughts

    she did say she already had 2 videos shot... but that was a while ago.. maybe she has 3 by now haha

  6. I'm pretty sure it was on Monday, right? At least, that's what I got from it

    well she was in italy on monday. the other radio station she was on.. she was on the phone with and said "I'm in italy right now" so unless zane went to italy and hosted from there... the only explanation is she and zane met earlier and recorded the interview 

  7. U mean recycled & uninspired garbage from all her other eras? I agree

    .. i hate when people say stuff like this... and then go off like "hey I'm allowed to have an opinion " 


    YES u are allowed an opinion.. but people are also allowed to bitch about ur opinion lol you basically called the song uninspired garbage along with songs from all her other eras. Thats just so rude lol


    if you're gonna post a shitty opinion, be ready to get shit for it. 


    if you want to have/post ur crappy opinions and all ur gross misconceptions fine do that none of us are stopping you.  but if you're gonna call something that everyone is excited about "garbage" prepare to get got lol 


     also I noticed these:


    Kill Kill: "All our love's flying in the sand"

    HBTB: We're sinking into the sand"

    Body Electric: "Opulence is the end"

    HBTB: "Peace by vengeance brings the end"


    "Tonight getting high by the beach is an actual possibility!!" - Jonah Hill in Superbad


    she's recycled so many lyrics in this song but in the best way.. she's "referencing " themLOL

  9. This is the outro/speaking part:


    Anyone can start again,

    Not through love,

    But through revenge,

    Through the fire,

    We're born again,

    (??) patience,

    Brings the end.


    I don't need to prove it, I never leak stuff. I know there are many trolls running around. I am not here to hurt Lana by leaking stuff, I just can't contain my excitement. I know none of you could if you were in my place.

    "through the fire" ... i bet this is burnt norton =)

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