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Everything posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. im glad shes doing more shows cuz i love live footage but i hope she doesnt do any festivals near me cuz then i will be salty.. since i dont have the time energy or money to go to a festival
  2. good points, i hope obama gets the appreciation he deserves for doing all the work he has done.. wish u were more objective tho lol
  3. i said the 5th.....of never lmao not even her favorite psychic and personal friend fluer can see that far into the future
  4. sorry gurl but thats really not accurate... he focussed for a very short amount of time on DWS, and he barely even funded her opponent .. he mentioned her opponent like once.. you really have a skewed view here.. Yes he did support someone else, but it was someone who he believed would be better because they had similar stances, not simply because DWS treated bernie unfairly.. trust me bernie and DWS disagree on quite a few things lol you have it in your head that he dislikes them for no reason.. but he dislikes them because in his opinion theyre up their donor's asses, and those donors do not want whats best for the american working class. so naturally he is gonna bring attention to a candidate who he feels would better support the working class. you have some kind of sensationalized view where bernie is literally the grimm reaper, what policies of his do you agree/disagree with? what policies of hillary's do you agree/disagree with? what you do think of the criticisms against hillary like her voting for bad trade agreements, supporting crime bills, voting for wars, playing hands in libya and honduras? the private email server, her being in the pocket of big banks, the collusion between the media and her campaign ? i agree with you that its gonna be ten times harder to make progress because of trump but it seems like you're neglecting the fact that trump got a lot of votes simply for not being clinton.. the media managed to successfully demonize clinton as a war hawk/criminal, as did the FBI director. Lots and lots of people voted for trump, not because they liked trump but because they liked hillary, and lots of people liked trump as well, he appealed as an outside of the establishment candidate and hillary came off as the epitome of the establishment. i think a lot of right wing people buy into a ton of propaganda about hillary instead of the truth tho.. which she is a successful corporate politician basically, who has a ton of experience! and hunty trumps positions suck but thats not bernie's fault... Yeah it sucks that clinton lost.. but thats not completely bernie's fault you make it sound like he completely intended to get trump elected.. obviously not the case lmfao
  5. its not about hillary or bernie its about being informed, making a change, being informed, voting for yours and the country's best interest in mind. you're the one who is still hung up on the fact that shittlery clinton got beat by donny tinyhands. GURL GET OVER IT .. ur still pining over the fact that bernie existed and got a more dedicated following than ur queen HRC lmaooo. so far you've only regurgitated silly conspiracy theories too things like bernie bros even existing.. gurl except in places where the area isn't diverse, bernie had the most diverse crowd out of all the candidates. I went to one of his rallies, talked to a lot of people they were all informed, nice people.. im not an unfactual or unrealistic person. i definitely think that hillary wouldve made a better pres than trump. obviouslyyyy but cut the shit about blaming bernie and making him and his campaign out to be something they arent.. you dont want hillary to get unfairly judged, why unfairly judge bernie? did he criticize her ? YEAH HE DID and fairly i may add.. but after his campaign, he supported her. Anyone who u suggest may have been senselessly enamored with bernie probably voted for her, cuz thats what bernie wanted lol. I really dont think his criticism told anyone things they didnt already know though. im someone who likes facts.. from what ive seen, even taking into account the gun control criticism, i like bernie's proposed policies, and his way of running a campaign, and his voting record better than hillary's.. does that make hillary worse then trump ... no? it just makes her another typical politician. IDK If you expect me to be kissing obama and hillary's ass then ur barking up the wrong tree.. while i will gladly appreciate the amazing work they have done for what it is but, i refuse to turn a blind eye to the many things that still need to be done. or things that imo have been done wrong.
  6. ur so immature fun drinking game! drink every time @graham4anything makes a false comparison
  7. gurl..not you going after bernie supporters for supporting him when you're this far up hillary's ass messy idkher.gif tell us about ha
  8. sorry but comparing bernie to nader is honestly nonsense ..if you really think the situation is that fucking similar then you dont really understand what happened lmfao they arent the same thing.. on a very very basic level u could consider the situations similar but in a matter of statistics, numbers, polls, and REALITY its comparing apples to oranges lmfao while hillary was qualified there were many reasons to dislike her.. factual reasons as ive already mentioned.. plus her being a flip flop PLUS the fact that the right wing basically demonized her as a war hawk criminal mastermind which i think is outrageous.. imo shes basically the same as obama and he is decent.. still a corporate sellout for the most part but i mean it is america lmfao anyways if debbie truly wanted the democrats to do better she would've done her best to make sure both democratic nominees looked as good as possible.. instead she favored one which only furthered the corruption rumors and dont forget hillary was already stained as a flip flop candidate long before. and i will just add.. after seeing all the shady shit that the democratic party did i refuse to join or fully support the party since i really dont feel fuckin welcome xD after the way ive seen bernie democrats get treated i really dont like it. In my opinion the DNC made its position and stance pretty fucking clear. and i dont like that stance, true its more favorable than republican stances but still.
  9. so it seems like you're blaming bernie as if he consciously tried to turn the media against her, and then u say he was illequiped as if he didnt even know how to interact with media in the first place.. which i find funny because bernie did more interviews and speeches and press meetings than hillary but okay lol im not talking about the rules, im talking about people in hillary's campaign going out and tainting bernie's name based on things that weren't true. I'm talking about people like donna brazile slipping hillary questions from the debates early, im talking about debbie wasserman schultz basically campaigning against bernie even tho she was supposed to be the unbiased DNC chair, im talking about the bullshit antics that went down at the democratic national convention, when hillary people covered up bernie signs, when conveniently credentials for bernie supporters got lost, when bernie supporters would have walk out protests and random people were basically hired fill in their space so that chairs wouldn't look empty on tv,(and then they didnt give them their spots back). or how noise canceling machines were put in the audience to drown out bernie supporters.. this whole attitude of " this belonged to hillary" is anti democratic itself.. in the democratic process people earn votes,... they dont just get installed into the presidency lmfao. It seems to me that you're upset that bernie even tried to campaign/run against hillary.
  10. it was her turn? it was stolen from her? ... gurl last i checked presidential candidates had to earn a vote from people.. hillary really didnt do that much campaigning especially not compared to the fundraising she did!.. as someone who followed the clinton campaign it seemed to me like she wanted the vote only half as bad as bernie did. and i agree the alt right media is a mess and they always come after hillary with inaccurate tea like the vince thing.. such a reach. i dont buy into that bs. im talking about promoting fracking, corporate blowjobs, collusion between her campaign and the media, trying to rig the democratic primary against bernie, voting for the war in iraq, what happened in honduras and haiti, not wanting to break up the banks, the way her campaign and her foundation practically launder money(yeah its legal but its still shady).. the emails.. (and not even that the emails happened but what the emails show is important) also hillary's campaign didn't ignore him for 7 months..
  11. im literally only doing an ad hominem attack because you haven't replied to anything ive said! I dont think bernie is god, but i do know facts... Trust me , bernie did campaign for hillary, he did interviews, speeches, posts on social media, etc..you make it sound like he shouldn't have even run ? Its a democracy, what he did was highlight the differences between he and clinton, every criticism he said of her was pretty fair and backed up by facts, unlike donny tinyhands. I dont think bernie is godly or anything, i think that gun vote was shady but you cant make it sound like that one thing, and who he voted for in some elections, were worse than all of hillary's wrongdoings. He also does not refuse to care about the party.. like i was keeping close track of both hillary and bernie's campaign and i really dont understand where you're getting some of these things from. Im someone who tries to stick to factual stuff.. i think ive shown through our discourse that i dont just blatantly trust people(as ive asked you to cite sources multiple times) When the election started i was neutral about both candidates.. and honestly i thought hilary got a lot of for no real reason.. but later down the line i heard from mostly independent news (non corporate) about some of the things hillary has done.. things that i personally disagree with. ANYWAYS what you're saying about bernie being an idiot, bernie not caring about the democratic party, he was not absolutist. He fought as long as he could to absolutely win the nom so he could implement his plan as president but after he did that, he continued on to get what he believed would be the best thing for the people of the USA, which was a progressive democratic party platform.
  12. gurl delete your account, or learn how to read. ur a mess cuz ur forgetting bernie campaigned for hillary as soon as he lost the primary. He supported her, wanted people to vote for her so.. people who didnt want to vote for hillary probably wouldn't have voted for hillary even if bernie hadnt ran, because shes a trash candidate lmfao i honestly feel bad for you bc the level of uninformed you are. plus you dont even know how to read make a reply lmfao for someone who seems to know it all ur intelligence is kinda......
  13. https://youtu.be/Rwy0pDeJLnc?t=109 shes missed more votes than any other democrat, shes for fracking, shes against expanding social security, she supports predatory payday lenders, she supports the TPP, she voted to protect banks from regulations... also she did horrible with scheduling the dem debates, and lied about bernie, saying his supporters caused violence at the Los vegas committee never happened. also her employee's colluded with other dems to defeat a fellow democrat. you should just enlighten us with this info. Bernie is against identity politics which is a shallow way of dealing honestly. As someone who kept up with his campaign i guarantee you it was more inclusive than hillary's. He was one of the only candidates who even talked about native american issues as well. (he also spoke to many other minority people..idk why u seem to think he is against people of color or gays..like as someone who is a gay person of color i wouldve stopped supporting him if he was putting off anti poc, and anti lgbtq teas.. he signed the ok for the first pride parade in vermont i think..something like that as mayor.) Also bernie is part of the discussion because he's talking about many many issues that are affecting large parts of the american people. Speaking against climate change, against the TPP, he's calling for better healthcare, free education, green/sustainable energy, higher minimum wage .etc... he's also a senator and he has a spot in the DNC as an outreach coordinator.. He's influential also you should hear some factual criticisms of nancy and debbie.. obviously you have never even heard one bad thing about them.. there is shit out there henny. he's not just hating on them cuz theyre women. He doesnt hate women and minorities, he is for women's rights to choose, and womens rights to birth control health care, closing the wage gap etc.. sorry but this makes no sense omg... He is OBVIOUSLY against everything that a conservative supreme court member would want.... like obviously LOL .. also to put bernie in with hitler is such a reach omgg mess Probably because he doesnt support people who are corporate whores lol. He didnt divide the party.. you realize a lot of people who voted bernie DID vote for hillary.. and also many people who wouldve voted bernie wouldn't have voted for hillary even if he didnt ever run.. hillary has been disliked for a long time. SHE LOST TO A BLACK MAN WITH A "MUSLIM" NAME IN 2008 the US has hated her for a long time lmfao also he . Pressured the Democratic Party to support the middle and working classes. Forced the Democratic Party to address the issue of money in politics. Made the Democratic Party the party for millennials (to a certain extent). Upended the Democratic Party's status quo. (source http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/287362-4-ways-bernie-sanders-changed-the-democratic-party ) here is another article explaining what he did for the dem http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/09/politics/bernie-sanders-democratic-party/ ur opinion really isn't factual or backed by any facts so far like. i sent u links to everything ive said....you haven't cited anything. yet you're going after people for being a demagogue ? lmfao like do you know how to reply? are you reading any of this? cuz i feel like you just ignore everything i say every time
  14. do u have receipts on any of this stuff or are u just gonna demagogue it up with like...no back up? cuz he did talk about his plans for taxation.. also why do you say he is a nationalist or is against immigration? what are the receipts on that? like if you wanna make points. cite ur shit and give links, info so that i can like see this stuff. Im not one to just blindly agree with people, so if im missing shady tea about bernie link me to it! i'd sure as hell like to know. also he wasnt being vindictive against debbie.. he was supporting someone who he actually had reasons to support.
  15. These strings got me so shook. I'm just imagining a teaser video for the new album with these strings. Sunlight is streaming thru windows onto her face. She wakes up and gets out of bed. Walks over to some curtains and opens them, revealing an open doorway to outside where there is a field of wildflowers swaying in the wind
  16. what do you mean by bernie's people? how is bernie against immigration? i feel like you the bernie's policies to some kind of extreme.. his agenda was socialist flavored but you make it sound like he actually would've turned the usa into a textbook socialist place.. that would be not only impossible..but also nowhere near the case.. to insinuate that america could become like other countries is silly. I feel like youre taking your textbook idea of dirty socialism, and applying it to bernie.. while his policies are more socialist than what is already in place.. its not like he's handing means of production over to workers or anything super radical.. more like creating a socialist version of capitalism. also he did explain how he would pay for it.. like his plans for paying for all this stuff were laid out clearly. Some of the more notable things were wall street speculation tax, raising taxes on the wealthy, cutting our bloated military budget, better trade deals.. I understand his plan also would've raised taxes on people too, but things like his healthcare, and education plans as well as raising the minimum wage would've provided ways for people to save money im getting the vibe that you arent super informed on his policies or plans to pay for stuff, or who his supporters were, or the reasons why his plans are sort of the cure to a lot of the issues that capitalism has created. True socialist type set ups come with their own problems... but idk if we can truly gauge what those problems may have been considering that what bernie wanted to do was sort of different than things done recently. Also I have a hard time understanding why you think bernie is so absolutist when he totally went halfsies with clinton, and changes on the democratic platform. I think the kind of absolutism he was pushing for was not an instant demand that federal government all of a sudden become a textbook socialist system... but his idea was to inspire a ground level, bottom up approach to reinvigorating the political process on a local, and state wide level..that could then be channeled to sway the federal government, which he would work to take basically anything he could get with. I think its very silly to assume that bernie was some how naively absolutist. I bet in a lot of ways bernie would've just been a hillary that was a bit more beholden to the working class than to wall street, except that he would've inspired more political change and involvement on a state wide and local level. unlike clinton, who im sure wouldve disappeared into the whitehouse as soon as she got the keys, bernie would've continued to work to use his bully pulpit. much like what donald trump does with twitter.. except for actual issues. I think this is something bernie is especially passionate about since he has been basically campaigning ever since last year.. even now he has a position as an outreach leader with the DNC.
  17. @@graham4anything youre so far out of depth lmfao. e :)how are u calling Bernie an idiot yet saying his ideas are great ? bernie's ideas are part of a solid policitcal philosophy that has been around . He's not an idiot he's one of the best rated politicians in the country lmfao. You're sitting here blaming him for Hillary's loss but he brought in a lot of people who typically don't get involved in politics into the political process. He helped tons of people get elected and involved into local politics as well and I swear Hillary would've lost 1/3 if not more of her support if Bernie hadn't have run, or campaigned for her. Take a look at the cheers he got at the DNC the crowd there cheered for like two minutes straight before letting him speak. I think Bernie would've gotten more votes than Hillary because he was closer to what America wanted. A non establishment candidate on the side of the working class, and who didn't have A LOT of bull:) in his past. Tho the right wing media still could've demonized him like they did Clinton bc socialism is a dirty word I guessB. And let's be real. Bernies policies would've been only half as good as he campaigned on. But I think he would've inspired the kind of grass roots as well as local involvement we need to get things on a better track on state levels . Also whats so bad about america adopting policies that are like ones in other countries ? Just because another country does it doesn't make it bad. Ofc such policies would be implemented in a more American capitalistic way I'm sure lmfao also many policies such as free education and healthcare pay for themselves in a way because it saves a lot of money in other areas and also creates citizens more capable of creating capital imo Anyway u should use less paragraphs and what's with all the messy innacurate name calling ? If u really think Bernie and Nader are comparable ur silly. Also it sounds like u read propaganda about bernies gun policy stance instead of actual facts lol. Don't compare bernies people to the right wing extremists please I'm highly offended. U read too much propaganda about bernies bros which really isn't factual at all wyd. Bernie bros are a myth. I kept up with Hillary, trump, and bernies campaign and let me tell u Bernie by far had the most diverse support out of Hillary and trump combined.
  18. maybe we can get wikileaks to get us the christmas song she recorded as well as your girl, yes to heaven, fine china, AND LDR5
  19. not that im unhappy.. cuz she looked gorgeous and sounded great and seemed so happy and perky! im slaiinnn but how the tf am i supposed to get through whats slowly turning into the chittiest year of my life since 2013 with not even a sliver of acknowledgement of a new album from the queen, how am i supposed to keep going on when this iconic godly beautiful talented angel cant even come through with any of her best songs live ? (soc, tbd, freak, WEST COAST) i never thought i'd say this but im starting to think god really does hate the gays™
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