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Everything posted by queenbitchpro

  1. Being a huge Myah fan myself, I know her voice like the back of my hand. As soon as I listened to the song I was on the floor the level of unprofessionalism that entire album was.....lmfaooooo. Brit deserves better
  2. I love that Myah Marie song
  3. I still have no idea what Lana is saying in like 25% of Florida Kilos tbh lmaooo I wonder if this will have the right lyrics
  4. Another 7? Like 7 additional songs?? Why don't they just release a full album then wtf
  5. New official remix of Mr. Watson by Take A Daytrip: Totally digging this
  6. Favorite - Inside Out Least favorite - every song on Britney Jean Body Ache
  7. queenbitchpro

    Song vs. Song

    Old Money vs. Florida Kilos
  8. queenbitchpro

    Charli XCX

    Too much arguing y'all. I mean I personally think PC music sounds like a garbage disposal and I'd probably rather listen to anything else, but Charli is happy and she's getting those bops! Let ha do ha thing I have faith it will be a good record. She's so cute <3 she can do no wrong tbh
  9. It means to make minor edits, like maybe making the bass a little louder, adding some more effects to the vocals, changing the drum kit, etc.
  10. Why would they upload unmastered tracks to UMG tho
  11. Maybe she saw it leaked and is reworking it now. SMH
  12. Oh... kill me. I need the iTunes quality like yesterday. Please Teddy bless us
  13. MTE! Sounds like her best song since FF tbh. My coins are ready
  14. LMAO I swear I love Brit y'all I really do I just can't handle that 5-year dated breakdown in Clumsy
  15. I hear the Rihanna thing 100% in I Don't Love You, but not really the other ones. I def do get Lana vibes from Florida Blues tho and idk why but I like it lmao I've seen so many people say there was a release date attached to the files or something but no one has given a date... can y'all specify please bc I need to know if it's coming out in like 2 days or 2 months
  16. Oh yeah I definitely hear Rihanna in the prechorus. Sounds like an ANTI demo tbhhhh... anyone else get Florida Kilos vibes from Florida Blues? Lyrically, especially towards the end
  17. Not as ugly as that 99 cent production in the breakdown
  18. Clumsy started so good and then it turned into the most annoying thing I've ever heard... this woman... why isn't the label releasing Just Luv Me? That song sounds fucking great.
  19. She said in a ustream a few years ago that she had to sell her body when she was underage (like 16-17) because she had no family or a place to live, so you could definitely be right
  20. Awesome cover! Diamond Days and I Don't Love You are my current favs I love every song tho
  21. Omg slay. I'm already loving this
  22. Alexis Texas is a bop, Florida Blues is on repeat, Hatefuck and I Don't Love You are beautiful... damn Teddy... she did that
  23. Y'all a damn mess lmfaooo
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