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Everything posted by Davis

  1. I love it ^_^ Looks perfect
  2. Dem lips be stealing the spotlight on that cover :lol:
  3. National Anthem and Carmen . It was genius of her to portray Jackie O and Kennedy as an interracial couple.
  4. She didn't sound so bad tho . Her outfit is so cute
  5. Davis

    In My Pants

    Last Day On Earth in my pants
  6. I would like to request a Set The images I would like you to use: http://imgur.com/a/tBLc1#0 Dimensions: 650 x 350 Mood: Classy
  7. Davis

    Lady Gaga

    Was hoping for a brunette wig for the BTW Ball .
  8. Flawless I'm stanning for your work so hard right now
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