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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. why do yall say its gone? i can still see it and put it in my basket
  2. i bought the signed collectors edition and the price is broken down with 2 x Norman Fucking Rockwell! Signed Art Card Release Date 30 August 2019 i am lowkey scared the CD is gonna be the only thing thats signed nnsnsnsn
  3. can yall stop, the WM intro is not Bartender. Lana literally said once "I like to make up some words for this intro every evening"
  4. you shouldve just sat there and ate your food cuz this aint it
  5. the more i listen to the Bartender snippet the more i love it
  6. strongly think so cuz the american VIP ticket explicitly states "early merchandise shopping before the show" and the store.lanadelrey.com site is under construction rn tol
  7. store.lanadelrey.com is closed rn are we getting new merch?
  8. Lana: releases a simple song written within hours, sharing her thoughts about the past few mass shootings but excluding the subjects of the state of Israel, the origins of racism, the civil war in Somalia or the current state of how the Japanese government treats the Comfort Women issue Lanaboards:
  9. there is no purple one the blue one can be bought at fnac, HMV and indie record stores seem to carry it as well
  10. the green one is back in stock tho, ive checked today so everyone who didnt get one, get it now
  11. yes https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shop/lana-del-rey-nfr-limited-2xlp?color=066&size=0000 im so confused rn cuz 10'000 is a lot. maybe its just an error in their database but if it really sold out that quickly, then shes gonna debut high
  12. wait, the UO exclusive NFR vinyl sold out? 10'000 copies already? I- shes coming for that #1 spot
  13. i get that it sucks, id feel like shit if that happened to me, but thats ticketmaster's fault and not Win's. and she probably did sell out this fast, it was the same in Europe with Early Entry and regular GA
  14. oh yes i just checked ur right. i guess some ppl didnt go through with the purchase cuz it did show no available tickets this morning
  15. on seetickets during presale, they sold the entire batch at once
  16. Lana sold the o2 out within minutes, we stan a queen! also so happy i got EE for all my tickets omg that was a M E S S
  17. it doesnt though? it never occured to me that it could be anything else than what it is
  18. LMAOOOO right some stans on this forum are constantly pressed and so bitter, its ridiculous lmao
  19. shut up fat im literally listening to it right now. nice people will find it if they msg me on twitter
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