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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. alright y'all i have both but ive only opened one of them up until now. i assumed they were the exact same, apart from the serial number the serial number is different, that we have always known and NO, the colors are not the same. one of them is a lighter pink. i dont know if thats the UO america version or the one i ordered from that dutch store. also, the slipcases for the actual records are different one of them has the front paper shorter than the back paper here example pics (its better visible in real life and my lighting is shit so)
  2. aight those titles made me scream
  3. the entirety of Italy is on lockdown, I guess this is gonna get cancelled
  4. ? she wasnt coming to switzerland, up until now she wouldnt have a single problem performing anywhere
  5. u realize the Swiss Government forbid all events with >1000 people in the entire country? That's not a decision made by Avril or her team.
  6. by the time she cancelled there were still only a few cases in Europe, thats deffo not the reason. Going by this logic, shed have cancelled here show in Verona already since thats so close to Milan
  7. i obvs dont wanna tell u that u should do this as its at ur own risk lol but when Gaga cancelled her tour date here I just forgot to send the ticket back and fill out a form and I got a full refund anyway, took a month or so tho
  8. yup, except for 2 i was able to get a refund on all of them. still sucks cuz its about 170€ and thats withlut the now useless train tix lol
  9. were kinda trying to figure out what to do after amsterdam haha cuz we have booked hotels for every date and transportation etc but its not really worth it to go to london just for 2 nights. trying to rearrange stuff rn without losing too much money
  10. anyways were all very disappointed here in Amsterdam but oh well, what can we do.
  11. prolly the now destroyed Gods and Monsters promo CD
  12. some ppl over at Gagadaily had signatures telling me to stream UV, and at one point there were so many ppl praising the album i decided to listen to the title track and Brooklyn Baby. that was on 31st December 2014. Bought UV a week later and the rest is history i dis know about Lana before tho and Summertime Sadness (the original!) was one of my favorite songs back in 2012. But I didnt care to listen to her other stuff back then. The first time I have heard about Lana was in the winter of 2012 when ive first heard VG in the car. The radio host introduced Lana as this new artist we need to look out for. I still remember driving up to that ski resort listening to VG altho i didnt like the song back then.
  13. gwens voice is so annoying edit: woops wrong thread
  14. i use mine regularly, but i always wash it by hand cuz idk if its dishwasher safe. but so far so good and yes, the store is closed since it only reopened for black friday. maybe theyre gonna open again at some point but who knows
  15. prolly forgot to credit a sample or theyre just sayin its a samplissue to fix FIILY edit: ive just checked with my favorite local reseller and it lists hope with the regular 5.24 length instead of the 5.58 extended one
  16. if i had money and time i would go - but sadly i dont have either of those things
  17. she said the 4th, its not even the 3rd now in Europe and the US can yall chill
  18. bumping this cuz im still trynna sell that ticket https://twitter.com/13_Beaches/status/1211803933599043587
  19. yeah but i think shit like that is allowed in the US where i live, its illegal to not mention how long an offer is valid
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