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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. lmao i really thought were gonna get smth in january but here we are and no sylvia doesnt count its ugly
  2. when people find out im swiss and think were all rich here
  3. remember back when we got the Honeymoon tracklist and everyone thought the titles were bad
  4. for fucks sake im not even gonna argue with u u stupid slut since u cant even read but just for the record CHURCH =/= CATHOLICISM
  5. every single thing of this applies to the catholic church tho? talk about lana being a hypocrite tho :s
  6. lmao u know exactly im talking about the roman-catholic church, dont try to tell me u honestly think lana was actually part of a montreal-based rainbow church, halleluja
  7. where were yall back when lana was still a catholic tho, they into the same shit as hillsong church and dont give me a "we dont know if she was practicing, we dont have pics"
  8. ughhh ikr she shouldnt go there but the dramatics here lmao
  9. even i have become homophobic after attending 8 lana shows standing next to twinks offkey singing along to lana so yeah fair enough
  10. but the catholics have been doing the same shit for decades? im just a bit confused rn cuz u deem hillsong worse than the church lana has previously been part in when it seems kind of the same except theyre trying to be hip and cool
  11. what makes you assume she didnt do the same with that weird church? knowing lana she prolly likes the hipstery atmosphere and the music thats all she dont hate the fags, she just played at a lgbtq fundraiser event last month
  12. huh catholicism has one of the darkest pasts of all religions tho
  13. well child abuse and lgbt hate is a very catholic thing as well, so it doesnt really make a difference if miss del rey is attending either of those 2 churches
  14. for fucks sake maybe u should go to school or use ur own brain to think, even the old greeks knew earth was round because the earth casts a round shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse you moron you dont need to be up in space and see it with your own eyes
  15. yes ive said it since day 1, it makes the song unlistenable for me
  16. because its her favorite song thats not gonna make it onto the tracklist
  17. well it wouldnt be the first time lana posted the album cover on IG without saying it is the cover still not 100% sure its fake
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