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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    Dont get too excited for the professional recording.
    The jazz festival offered an app to stream the concerts live to Twitter. When I tried to do this with Lana however, it only showed an error with the message that they do not have the rights to stream it.
    So I guess we will not get a professional recording, cuz the festival did not buy the copyright.
    Here are some snippets of the songs (most of them are only 10 seconds, cuz those were in my or my boyfriends Snapchat story).

  2. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    New post cuz here are some pictures:

    And here is a bonus picture....
    Fun fact: during the show, Lana stopped like 3 or 4 times before the setlist and rose down a bit to read which song is coming next. 
    Looks like our queen is quite forgetful and she needs some glasses
  3. LaserKitten liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    New post cuz here are some pictures:

    And here is a bonus picture....
    Fun fact: during the show, Lana stopped like 3 or 4 times before the setlist and rose down a bit to read which song is coming next. 
    Looks like our queen is quite forgetful and she needs some glasses
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So I m in the bus now heading to our hotel.
    The show was absolutely amazing and Lana looked really happy.
    She laughed quite a lot, also one time when I ironically screamed "Sit on my face Lana". And she even signed my Honeymoon CD at the end, after OTTR. Today was a good day.
    I dis not record alot, nor did I take many pictures. I'll upload the pictures later, meanwhile here is the Salvatore acapella snippet and Ride live:

  5. HeadBitch liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So I m in the bus now heading to our hotel.
    The show was absolutely amazing and Lana looked really happy.
    She laughed quite a lot, also one time when I ironically screamed "Sit on my face Lana". And she even signed my Honeymoon CD at the end, after OTTR. Today was a good day.
    I dis not record alot, nor did I take many pictures. I'll upload the pictures later, meanwhile here is the Salvatore acapella snippet and Ride live:

  6. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    She snag a bit salvazore acapella, i filmed it
  7. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    it is, dear 
    Right now another act is on. Lana will be on in about an hour
  8. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So im in the venue now. I was lucky to get front row and im right next to the stairs were Lana will probably come down.
    And I asked one of the staff members, filming trulx is prohibited. So I guess the only periscopes ur gonna get are from the back cuz security is everywhere
  9. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So I m in the bus now heading to our hotel.
    The show was absolutely amazing and Lana looked really happy.
    She laughed quite a lot, also one time when I ironically screamed "Sit on my face Lana". And she even signed my Honeymoon CD at the end, after OTTR. Today was a good day.
    I dis not record alot, nor did I take many pictures. I'll upload the pictures later, meanwhile here is the Salvatore acapella snippet and Ride live:

  10. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    She snag a bit salvazore acapella, i filmed it
  11. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    I dont care actually. All i do is record some 10 second snippets to put in my snapstory. 
    maybe ill record smth if she sings a song she didnt before, but only the audio then
  12. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    it is, dear 
    Right now another act is on. Lana will be on in about an hour
  13. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So im in the venue now. I was lucky to get front row and im right next to the stairs were Lana will probably come down.
    And I asked one of the staff members, filming trulx is prohibited. So I guess the only periscopes ur gonna get are from the back cuz security is everywhere
  14. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    Ill write in here when Max Jury is done with his set. Then it should take 15-30 minutes until Lana shows up, cug the 10 pm thing is just a rumour
  15. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So the show is tomorrow. My boyfriend and I will be at the venue at around 8:00. Is anyone from here coming this early too?
  16. renaissance liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    it is, dear 
    Right now another act is on. Lana will be on in about an hour
  17. renaissance liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So im in the venue now. I was lucky to get front row and im right next to the stairs were Lana will probably come down.
    And I asked one of the staff members, filming trulx is prohibited. So I guess the only periscopes ur gonna get are from the back cuz security is everywhere
  18. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So I m in the bus now heading to our hotel.
    The show was absolutely amazing and Lana looked really happy.
    She laughed quite a lot, also one time when I ironically screamed "Sit on my face Lana". And she even signed my Honeymoon CD at the end, after OTTR. Today was a good day.
    I dis not record alot, nor did I take many pictures. I'll upload the pictures later, meanwhile here is the Salvatore acapella snippet and Ride live:

  19. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    She snag a bit salvazore acapella, i filmed it
  20. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So I m in the bus now heading to our hotel.
    The show was absolutely amazing and Lana looked really happy.
    She laughed quite a lot, also one time when I ironically screamed "Sit on my face Lana". And she even signed my Honeymoon CD at the end, after OTTR. Today was a good day.
    I dis not record alot, nor did I take many pictures. I'll upload the pictures later, meanwhile here is the Salvatore acapella snippet and Ride live:

  21. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lana @ Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on 13th of July 2016   
    So I m in the bus now heading to our hotel.
    The show was absolutely amazing and Lana looked really happy.
    She laughed quite a lot, also one time when I ironically screamed "Sit on my face Lana". And she even signed my Honeymoon CD at the end, after OTTR. Today was a good day.
    I dis not record alot, nor did I take many pictures. I'll upload the pictures later, meanwhile here is the Salvatore acapella snippet and Ride live:

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