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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. remaster ≠ rerecording ≠ remaster


    I'm surprised that you, of all people, Bill, would perpetuate this.


    The sequence and all of its individual components:



    -arrange (could be done by someone other than the writer and/or producer)

    -engineer (record)

    -produce (although this happens simultaneously with the previous step, and sometimes with the next step as well)

    -mix (sometimes there's a mix engineer outside of the session engineer)

    -master (done by mastering engineer; seldom done by engineer of the recording)

    -remaster (if need be, and typically done many years after the original mastering; also, if something was never mastered [as is the case with most demos] then it can't be remastered)


    To (somewhat) answer the original question: I'd like to hear AKA and Paradise remixed. Also, a few parts of Paradise rerecorded, as well as a few changes being made to the arrangements. Never going to happen.

  2. Quick question: With all the evilness that we will be exposed to and for such a long duration, do you think we're all going to need to be exorcised afterwards? If so, how experienced should the priest be? Would this be a full on exorcism? My body is ready. I am prepared to embrace the evil. Fuck yeah, give it to me. I hope you guys like my cover too. I think it's pretty fresh2death, if i do say so myself, but fuck my life because everyone will probably be listening on earbuds or laptop speakers.


    (I want to insert an emoticon here but i am having trouble emoting)

  3. You seem to be a huge fan of this Cassie, (Whom i've never heard of). Regardless I'm happy you've provided fans of Cassie with this material.


    Kind Regards.


    Jessica Fletcher.


    Nice try, "Jessica Fletcher."


    ...of whom I've never heard. Also, there's no need for that to be within parenthesis, and had it been necessary, you wouldn't capitalize the first word of the parenthetical. You also missed the comma after "Regardless." And when signing one's name, you don't put a period after the name. There should also be a comma, rather than a period, after the closing, which is not to be written in title casing (please see the end of this reply). I call bullshit on you. The real Jessica Fletcher would never write in such a manner. You are not the great Jessica Fletcher, i'm calling you out as a fraud. WHO ARE YOU?


    Kind regards,




  4. My sister has a toe thumb. I try not to think about it.


    She also has two kids and a mortgage. This, too, i try not to think about.


    I cannot believe this piece of shit thread is TWENTY NINE pages. WHAT is going on? Are we all high in the mind? Is Megan Fox high in the mind?


  5. I've been trying too hard

    with one pretty song


    I know that everyone says she means Video Games with one pretty song but I've always thought she meant Yayo because of the been trying too hard bit. She's been singing Yayo for at least six years now. Video Games immediately became successful. I don't know...maybe she means that she's been trying so hard with Yayo but she never became successful...just a theory of mine.


    Or she is not literally referencing one of her existing songs, but rather using the line figuratively.

  6. Red lips + Coke bottle + star polka-dot shirt, like so: http://25.media.tumb...ejrdo1_1280.png


    (As if anyone would remember, but I used this shoot for my first avatar at ldr.fm :flutter: But I was nobody there until I changed my avatar to Sharon Needles.)


    Weird, before i finished reading that sentence, i was thinking how that was your first avatar on .fm, and i have, in a way, associated you with that picture before. How/why do i remember these things?


    Nicole nodland is ICONIC HATERS DONT BOTHER


    Nicole Nodland is. Iconic haters don't bother.

    Nicole Nodland is Iconic Haters. Don't bother.


    Nicole Nodland is. Iconic haters. Don't bother.



    Nicole Nodland is iconic? Haters don't? Bother!




    Nicole Nodland. Is iconic haters don't? Bother!





    Nicole Nodland is? Iconic? Haters! Don't bother!





    Nicole Nodland is iconic? Haters? Don't bother!

  7. I don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't like collabs as a principle.


    I am not into them at all. Both as a listener and as someone who makes music. I like working alone, and i like hearing the results of those who work alone. I'm interested in the singular voice of an artist. Even the few bands that i listen to are mostly the vision of one person. Also, collaborations as a phenomenon in modern mainstream pop music, as far as i have been able to tell, seem to be, not so much about the music and serving the song, but some sort of promotional vehicle and a way to elevate one's status as a performer.


    I need to try out one of these new emoticons, i need to emote. :twirls:

  8. As for Lana I google her name daily at least 3 to 5 times since november of last year so :

    (5*7)*52 = 1820 searches/year


    Let's say she has a hardcore fanbase of 150 000 people :

    150 000*1820 = 273 000 000 searches from her stans


    Which make

    722 000 000 - 273 000 000 = 449 000 000 searches from non fan.


    Let's say that random people googled her 3 times this year :

    449 000 000 / 3 = 149 666 666


    So this means basically 150 million people know who Lana Del Rey is or at least have been curious to find more about her.


    You're making my brain hurt, Lily. Stop.



    I bet a big chunk of these results are akin to people slowing down as they drive by an accident.

  9. I'm gonna stick with beauty, here...and I'm definitely not giving Lana ten stars. Not when Marina & Regina are on this list...and c'mon people! Beyonce too! Lana doesn't have a chance.


    I haven't gone on the site so i haven't seen the list (and i probably have no idea what's going on anyway), but Regina and Beyonce make my face melt with their hotness. Vote them for me, for i, personally, will not partake in such poppycock.

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