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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. I know my 'vinyl' player is a bit dodgy and kinda made lines and dents in Blue Velvet but it's so satisfying to play them :legend:


    :O Oh my god, no! You shouldn't keep playing it then. You probably need to replace the stylus. You're going to really damage it if you keep playing it like that, to the point where you won't have anything left to play! Get a new stylus or record player, your player should not be making DENTS in the record! DENTS??? Is it widening the grooves? Can you tell?

  2. Also, "vote this post up." That leaves a bad taste in the mouth, no? Why can't we just, like, talk and share stuff? Why do we have to rank and vote things, elevate and lower people and what they write? What does this have to do with discussing a musical artist? This makes me not want to come here anymore.

  3. Aaaaaaand welcome to the train wreck that is the like/dislike system. This was also tried out on LDR.FM, but it lasted like a day because everyone was against it. What is even the point of this? Is this a playground or a forum for discussing a musical artist? In addition to the aforementioned reasons that people have stated for being against it, it also just further promotes forgoing personal expression of one’s thoughts and ideas in favor of a uniform, one-word stock response that really says nothing of substance. This is backwards and antithetical to the very purpose of a discussion forum. It’s stupid and childish, and as Poison Ivy said--petty. We should just use WORDS to express what we think on a discussion forum.


    We should also be able to vote on all updates.


    EDIT: I see it's been removed already, but what is this REPUTATION bullshit? Can we get rid of that kind of language/pettiness? What was wrong with the way things were before?

  4. Thank you for translating this, Myriam.




    I love this shot, so good. Finally a shoot that isn't so garish and plastic looking.


    Apparently Lana is selling not only sex but depression and sadness....sadcore sexy sadness?? Well the Brits were able 2 make Heroin Chic work so maybe this Lana Sadness is the new must have....



  5. Definitely Fordham Road is post Sirens, I've been listening to it and Elvis for the last days, and it definitely has more production, at least the guitar progression is better and there's even a bridge, something that she didn't do on any of the Sirens tracks :O


    Don’t know what you mean by one having "more production." I mean, i know what that implies, but not in this context. They’re both straightforward recordings of her singing along with an acoustic guitar. Sirens is a studio recording and Fordham Road is most likely not. The songwriting on FR and Sirens are in a very similar style, and her playing on FR is less polished and simpler than most anything on Sirens. Don’t know what a “better” (in your opinion) chord progression has to do with the chronology. And how does FR having a bridge definitely prove that it’s post Sirens?

  6. If you've been having trouble getting into the Paradise album (like I have), this playlist is for you. If you adore Paradise, then you won't need this ...enhanced version :)




    Paradise Regained

    1. Paradise

    2. Burning Desire

    3. Cola

    4. Bel Air

    5. Dayglo Reflection (LDR-only fan mix)

    6. Body Electric

    7. Last Girl on Earth

    8. Gods & Monsters

    9. American

    10. Blue Velvet

    11. Yayo

    12. I Don't Wanna Go

    13. Ride




    No, PB, NO.

  7. This thread is hilarious. Someone notes that these are submissions, not nominations, and then someone comments on how great it is that she was nominated, and then someone else points out again that these are submissions, not nominations, and then someone else comments on how great it is that she was nominated, and then someone else..................................

  8. Haa, i just think it would be great if you had organ music playing in the background (you know, like certain gas stations). Nothing related to Lana. I mean, i don’t think there’s any reason to believe one way or the other that Lizzy did or didn’t play a Wurlitzer. Does she even play keyboards? I don’t think she does. But i bet Kahne has one in his collection. Mind you, not the Mighty theater kind (which is what i’m sure your mom’s record is), but, like, a small living room organ. Of course there’s the Wurli electric piano that’s all over AKA, which is probably Kahne’s too.


    I need to get a record player back in my life for the sole purpose of playing this dollar bin “Cleopatra” record that i have that is amazing. I almost wore it out in high school. I have no idea what it is, there’s no information on it other than the fact that it’s called Cleopatra, and it’s got the song titles. It’s not the Alex North score for the Cleopatra movie with Liz Taylor. I’ve looked so much for any information on it and i’ve come up with nothing at all. It’s just some forgotten no-name record from decades ago. But the music is so fucking good. The cover is predominantly orange, if you so happen to ever see it, HOLLA @ MO.

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