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Everything posted by Monicker

  2. Good point, but here's another question: Do you think the CEO of H&M has anything substantial to do with any of the creative decisions that go into their ad campaigns?
  3. ASSHOLE. I'm going to send a lynch mob after you. And that has nothing to do with David Lynch. WATCH OUT. Hey, remember how this song was just sitting in plain sight for like a billion years and no one noticed?
  4. In his purple and pink boxers. Hey, i wear purple and pink underwear. But they're real underwear, none of this boxer shorts bullshit. Okay, uhm, you didn't need to know that. No one needed to know that. Anyway... Herzog >>>> Lynch Although Herzog is a bit of a misogynist and a bigot. But he's funny as hell and endlessly entertaining.
  5. "Lana Del Rey wears ______" Capitalism is so desperate.
  6. Do we really think she is behind the concept and execution or was it some bigwig in H&M's marketing department who saw this as a great opportunity for them? I mean, it is really well made for an homage, quite nuanced and meticulously executed, but for some reason i doubt that this materialized by her coming to them with the idea. Do we know anything about how any of this came about and the chronology, including the recording of the song? It's intriguing for sure. To be clear, i said that i bet David Lynch fans are going to be pissed because you're dealing with a strong cult following (far exceeding hipsters, by the way) of a very established auteur who has created a much talked about, controversial body of work, and along comes a (for all intents and purposes) brand new, mainstream pop singer who is viewed by many as disposable and fake, covering a song, not made famous by but, revitalized by arguably Lynch's most beloved film, for a CLOTHING STORE COMMERCIAL done in a style that is so blatantly modeled after his. We can certainly imagine the shit storm that's coming. P.S. I'm not a Lynch fan. But i do respect the guy.
  7. Monicker

    Fake Diamond

    I'm so glad you've returned to us.
  8. Oh man, i bet David Lynch fans are gonna be pissed.
  9. No! Gentle drops of HONEY falling from the sky. Gosh!
  10. Oh, Bill. Here, let me take you on a wild, magical journey where we will skip merrily underneath honey showers, paddle through an ocean of petunias, get lost in a cloudy maze, and slide across the most radiant rainbows, where i will then reveal to you that i know nothing. :creepy:
  11. Gee, you can really sense his conviction. This wouldn't have anything to do with an attempt to advance his career, would it? I mean, surely he sought her our for a reason that is unique to her, right? I'm just going to LOL right here at the thought of you thinking that i know anything about trends with pop artists today. Laugh. Out. Loud. We have a winner. Good deduction, Lily.
  12. Bill has had it. Sam amicably reminds us of the importance of scientific rigor. Bill counters with a flat tire analogy to illustrate his point about objective reality. Where is my goddamn maple syrup lemonade?
  13. I didn't think you were offended. My point was this (even though the answer is that it's a Lynch reference): Do you wonder why there's a soldier, a marine, a hypnotist, a secretary, or a dancing couple? What about their meaning? Do you understand their presence? Why does a midget's presence need to be singled out and explained or serve a specific aesthetic purpose apart from anyone/anything else? What about the costumes, sets, and props? I'm not offended either or anything. I just feel compelled to ask these sort of questions.
  14. I think a better question is: Why not? Why would that specifically need to be questioned? Imagine going to the grocery store to get some apples and seeing a midget in line and asking: Why is there a midget in the grocery store line?
  15. We should talk about these two things.
  16. In that case...i'll use this as a platform to confess all my crimes. I'll start with the baby i fdsfkuewhrk48r,ejwn i KWFD,JHJDUSDUSDUSddgk arhrhhhghakakakkackcj I'm hungry. Someone feed me.
  17. ^^ This is great news! I'm really happy about this.
  18. I would have a handful of panic attacks and go off the grid before ever considering even poking my head in that forum! Guys, come on, stop! Just stop! Let me fucking do what i'm fucking doing!
  19. Please no, for the love of all that is good in the world, no. O hai AT loon! I wuz wonderin when u were going 2 show up around these parts. I see you ran amok on Blue Velvet. KIT, buddi!
  20. Whatever the song and arrangement ends up being, the question is: can we count on it to heavily feature the Auto-Tuned loon??
  21. But i want to be a little diva cup instead.
  22. I have yet to see one single photo of her not wearing makeup. Y'all know what makeup looks like, no?
  23. I always assumed that was a reference to Mobile gas stations since she's talking about the chain restaurant Ruby Tuesdays.
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