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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. Summer Bummer is sooooo good n freaky. Groupie Love is embarrassing trash
  2. What a useless, ignorant piece of shit. Her channel is cancerous and only misinformed, uneducated "alt" gayzz fall for her bullshit. Poor poor lanaboarders thiking they're smart and ~controversial for defending that twat
  3. Good morning, Summer BUmmer sounds like a cringy mess and Groupie Love ain't any better. Still waiting for White Mustang
  4. What a regression musically this era has been
  5. aw this is so cute. No worries, Rural, the inside is what counts anyhow Cherry is sucha atmospheric smash. Glad she's keeping the tradition of putting a cinematic, Bond-esque track on every album( Million Dollar Man- Shades Of Cool- 24)
  6. we have so much in common I've been actin like armageddon
  7. Loving this concept I think the second half of the album will be HMesque and I'm here for this.
  8. ready for Gayfork to PAN this album whew
  9. this album is so gonna suck. GL sounds like a BTD reject and that sound's been done to death before by Lana herself. The production is also extremely demo'd. Loll SB is good at least.
  10. Omg reycists at it again? Y'all a bunch of ugly scum
  11. roachella is the worst song of all time. I think that's an indisputable fact
  12. you're so fucking shit Sounds like a melancholy sensual masterpiece
  13. Two asap collabs? White mustang being like 30 secs long. Coachella on the album, change on the album, no yosemite, a song titled in my feelings. A disaster
  14. I need to pound someone hard right now OT: White Mustang is so good! This might end up being her 2nd best album agter all
  15. I'm glad she's removing that try hard tattoo That part of the article about her singing was intriguing. Love how honest she is
  16. I knew she actually produces her stuff. She's such a visionary. Aahhh this album is gonna be amazing
  17. yall annoying af. Honeymoon is her best album ready for its sequel!
  18. Those essays over Lana's ancient fillers Anyway, 12 is kinda too far away
  19. that elders react video :poordat: she's such a fucking Legend.
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