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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. The outro w the layered vocals is giving me strong acoustic lizzy circa 2005 vibes Shaken
  2. Idk if I like it. It's something different for suhh though.
  3. I LOVE when Lana is (faux)problematic like that. Make them all FUME, girl.
  4. I'm waiting for someone to PM me back, Booty nugget.
  5. Marina's tone is still ugly lol. Weirdly manly(like one of those pitched to avoid copyright youtube videos) and frog'd.
  6. Katy and Marina: Horrible cliched songwriting, faux "socially conscious", ugly voices, PANNED. Taylor has only "copied" Lana w Wildest Dreams. RED and 1989 are better albums than Born To Die anyhow and certainly better than any panned flop Marina record. That is all.
  7. Marina is bottom of the barrel garbage. She's universally PANNED. The audacity to come for Taylor when Marina is the Katy Perry(minus the success) of the alt-pop scene or whatever. Are you hearing yourself.
  8. She said the sound of the record is gonna be "clean" and "big" or something not HM'd or UV'd
  9. Same. Trump America would have ended her. And God knows we need those sales.
  10. What are you fags bitching about? How aren't you completely overwhelmed by EVERYTHING? And I am saying that. Pitchfork stanning http://pitchfork.com/news/71731-watch-lana-del-reys-new-love-video/
  11. This is the first video in years, no hyperbole, to captivate me in such ways. I got #emo and stuff while watching it Also, I feel the video+song are a match made in heaven. Her best video since Blue Jeans for me. It's just incredible and I'm still shaking.
  12. Yeah I'm here for a countryfied version of it as a B-side or something
  13. Messiest single rollout of all time :lmao:
  14. I can't take seriously people that say the song is "just cute" or "meh". Y'all dead inside.
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