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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. Lana fans are garbage(and ugly) She looks amazing in that insta video!
  2. Its really weird how people are camping in this thread just to express their constant dissatisfaction w everything Lana does. Like move the fuck on if you're so let down or whatever. Are you a masochist or something
  3. I hope the album is HM level of slowness, just for those 3 annoying BTD stans in the back.
  4. the fact some of you go on rants about her outfits lmao. A bunch of neurotic gheys she sounded good and she looked beautiful but the way she hyped this up on social media or w/e had me believe she was gonna do something special or whatever. oh well
  5. Misfits is my favourite band and idek why
  6. Constantine

    Charli XCX

    wowow I love this concept, Sitar
  7. Stupid twinks been whining about that unconfirmed title change for 10 pages now. Losers
  8. Constantine


    liability is so reductive she's a poor man's regina spektor now
  9. Your fixation with me is something else. I reckon I'm one of the few decent things about this shit forum but damn, take it down a bit. -- ~ironically~ stanning the summertime sadness remix is so 2013. Do better already.
  10. I sincerely hope you choke on whatever you're eating
  11. Constantine


    Crying on the is SOTY for me and IM very hard to please
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