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About butcherofblaviken

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  1. Chuck is prettier than Lana. I have thought that for a while. Chuck looks beautiful in all the pictures I've seen of her but Lana can be a hot mess sometimes.
  2. I didn't like Francesco or Barrie but they were way better than Gerald. Who was she with before Barrie? Was it Steven Mertens?
  3. I would be very happy if she decided to settle down and have children within the next few years. When she broke up with Francesco, I was disappointed because that ruined any chances of that happening for a while. She said in an interview in 2015 that she has thought about having kids since turning 30 and she would love to have a daughter. She is 32 soon so I imagine that desire has probably increased. Also, I'll just say that the idea of pregnant Lana pictures excites me tremendously. I hope it happens, even though it would likely mean she wouldn't produce any new music for a while.
  4. Within the past few months, Lana has had to deal with multiple stalkers. There was the crazy guy who was camping in Lana's garage and got to sent jail, another fan who stole cars from Lana's house, and the two Russian fans who she got a restraining order against. She was already quite secluded and private before that. I'm worried that she will withdraw even more now. It wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't feel safe enough to go on tour in 2016. I hope she does. I feel sorry for her.
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