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About komodo

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  1. komodo

    This or That

    Blue+purple.. blurple?. They're close in color that it's not too polarizing in the general aspect. Kinda depends on certain tones of each of the 4 colors. Espresso or coffee?
  2. Update: The manager of Lana's Universal music store personally contacted me. A little too late though. He offered very reasonable compensations (yes plural. And two of them were very generous compensations actually) for my trouble---none of which was technically possible due to him contacting me so late. He said if I was willing he'd try to get me a copy of the Limited Edition Vinyl from another source if he could (but again a little too late). And to reimburse me my shipping cost he would be willing to send me anything else from Lana's merchandise store. I said I didn't really need anything else. He offered a hat. I told him I didn't really need it and I was more thankful that he actually spoken to me and gave me proper options for compensation (even if it was a little late). He said he'll ship me a Lust For Life hat anyway and that he'll contact the rest of his team to see why there's been such a lack of communication for the last five-seven months. See. THIS is how you treat a customer---even if it's late. AND on top of that he actually responded to my e-mail IMMEDIATELY rather than waiting 1-2 days to respond like the rest of the customer service reps. That's all I wanted. For someone to be genuine and tell me what's going on presently and what will be done moving forward. Anyway. I'm getting my full refund and a "Lust For Life" hat. I don't need the hat. So if any Montrealers see this and would like a Lust For Life hat when it arrives then let me know via PM. Or maybe I'll do a random draw or something on the site and ship it out to someone at random.
  3. I expected to be reimbursed because I told them clearly I wanted a refund but they shipped it to me anyway. They even asked me to verify that I wanted the refund---twice. Then two days later said "oh we shipped it anyway and you should expect it soon. If you still want the refund then you'll have to send it back." that's absolutely idiotic. They knew I wanted a refund yet shipped it anyway. I basically paid shipping for my stuff to get to me. It never came. Then one day it randomly came when I told them I wanted a refund. Then I have to pay even more money to get that refund? That's really stupid. Especially when I wasn't supposed to be getting anything. IF they said they'd give me a credit voucher for that $12 + shipping cost then alright... that's better. Because that's how you treat and compensate a dissatisfied customer because YOUR COMPANY was the one who fucked up. Again I sort of don't care because $12 isn't that much. Just under an hour's work for me. It's the principle behind it. See I wouldn't have mind keeping the products. It could be many peoples fault and there's no one particular person to blame (but the entire system). The reason why I didn't want my stuff and sent it back anyway was because of how poorly they treated me for the last seven months. IF they were straight forward about it instead of constantly saying "next month, next week, we don't know anymore, it's shipping soon, no nevermind next month, no wait it's canceled" and instead told me one day "sorry there was an error in the system and we unfortunately sold out of the L.E. vinyls sooner than we thought. If you would still like we will refund you the vinyl and ship the remainder of your purchase." but you know... they said nothing. For seven months. Seven entire months of silence and back-peddling. Both through email and social media. It's the same ANYWHERE you go. Why should you give a company your money if they treat you like shit? If they treat you like shit for so long and you give them your money anyway then you're only enabling them to do so. Would you want to keep being in a relationship with your boy/girlfriend if they ignored you for seven months? If they kept postponing your date for next month or next week? Would you want to keep being in a relationship if the ONLY TIME they'll speak to you is if you say you want a break up? If you say yes... then well you'd want to reconsider that relationship. They're a multi-million dollar company. They can afford to reimburse me that $12 that they fucked up on. Or even afford to give me a credit voucher for $20-25 to compensate on shipping cost. Fuck I'd even drive to their office which isn't too far from me and have them buy me a large coffee or a sandwich from THEIR cafeteria to cover that $12 if they don't want to refund me properly. Again it's all about the principle. You don't fuck up and treat someone like shit and expect them to keep giving you money or keep paying for costs that you should be paying for.
  4. Moy still owes me $100. He came back for refunds but disappeared shortly after. I just chalked it up as a donation to him at this point. Universal is a completely different situation. They're a legitimate business. Yet they have worst customer service than Moy and yet are just as scammy. I hope you can get those 'coke bottle vinyls' they told me it's out of stock and that's why I never got my order/out of stock. Pretty bullshit though because I preordered on the day of----and preorders were open for nearly a month long before it was 'sold out' on the site. I too am boycotting. That's why I don't want no bullshit $12 credit voucher. Fuck that. They're just trying to get me to spend money on their bullshit store. Funny they've been emailing me back 1-2 times a day but the moment I send back my shit and say fuck the credit voucher they stopped replying to me.
  5. No (they didn't offer signed merch on Canada's store and I didn't want to deal with customs ordering from the US/UK) I PREordered the Limited Edition Vinyl, CD, Box set AND tape cassette on the very day of. I only just yesterday got everything except for the vinyl. But I told them I wanted a refund. They sent me my stuff (minus the vinyl) anyway. Then said I have to ship it back to them for my refund---which I did. Then they told me they won't reimburse me for the refund. Instead they'll give me store credit for that $12 I paid to ship it back to them. Fucking bullshit. On top of that they didn't even tell me they mailed it until the day I received it. Still no notification---I had to find out they mailed it because I had literally just received it AND they said they won't refund me till they get their stuff back. I wouldn't have mind keeping the things... but they gave me such shitty service for the last SEVEN MONTHS (okay. maybe minus a few since the vinyl/box set wasn't to be released till September or something). They absolutely do not deserve a single penny from me. And I don't think they deserve it from anyone else either.
  6. We could analyze everyone elses signed merchandise and compare. If it's too consistent with one another it'll most likely be machine printed/stamped. Exactly how I felt. Except now I'm getting a refund and I'm still caught up in UMG's bullshit even when requesting a refund.
  7. Got my order (minus the Vinyl) yesterday despite not wanting it. Shipped it back and asked for my refund. Now they email me saying they won't refund me what I paid for shipping. Fucking bullshit. I didn't even want it. They shipped it anyway. Made me ship it back for my refund. Now won't pay me back for shipping. Granted it was only $12 so it's not too much--but still. What the fuck? I could buy lunch or something with that. edit: they now want to give me the $12 in a credit voucher. fuck that man I want my refund.
  8. Thanks I'll check that. MAYBE I'll purchase it. Will see. I'll wait to see what Universal says and does. I honestly still love Lana and her music. Just the experience is so... ugh. I just checked. It's available online for both Canadians and Americans and it shows available. Now I'm even more upset. Wow. But thank you---debating if I should buy it after all or not. UPDATE: Wow wtf the representative just emailed me saying they shipped my order (sans Vinyl) anyway. So now I can't get the full refund until I return them their stuff. What the fuck. Definitely returning it. Not giving them my money. Fuck that.
  9. Update: They're no longer making Limited Edition Clear Vinyls despite "selling" who knows how many (I ordered on the day of and the orders were still open for quite some time). So fed up I'm just getting a full refund. $140 odd dollars spent on all this shit and it's been. Lust For Life came out SEVEN MONTHS ago and ONLY NOW are they saying Clear Vinyls are no longer being produced. That it's sold out. That I'm shit out of luck despite ordering it on the day of. So... fuck this shit. Tired of this. Don't even wanna buy anything from Lana's merch or music store ever again---or anything through Universal's store. Which means my collection of Lana things ends here.
  10. It means they have no idea when they're gonna finish producing box sets, CDs, Vinyls or whatever else they're supposed to sell. And with that they have no idea when they're even going to ship the products. UPDATE: Someone actually did their job and investigated. They're apparently out of stock of the clear vinyls. Wtf. I preordered ON THE DAY OF and ONLY NOW are they telling me it's out of stock. What. The. Fuck. Fuck these guys. A refund is definitely the best thing at this point and they did offer it to me. Issue is that they said they won't give me a partial refund on the box set. It's the entire order or none at all. I'm only waiting because I have all of Lana's other CDs, boxsets and vinyl. If some of my merch wasn't a gift I'd definitely leave everything and anything Lana-merch related behind me and give it away. Too fed up at this point. It's less than half a year away from Lust For Life's release and I still don't even have the CD. Messaged Lana like once a month on her socials (even before she started touring) and it's not like she gives enough of a shit to say something back to me about a handful of people still without their preorders. Even contacted Universal Music's socials and they ignore me. The only people who contact me (albeit incredibly late) is their god awful support-staff via e-mail. Every time I get a reply it's from a new person and no one ever seems to know anything or even care enough to investigate.
  11. Got a reply. Now they're saying they don't have a release date anymore. Fucking bullshit mother fucking pieces of ass.
  12. I don't have signed fucking anything. So fed up I've honestly stopped listening to Lana since late November.
  13. Stilll fucking waiting on my shit
  14. Delayed till January 12 LOL WHAT A FUCKING JOKE
  15. Yepp. A lot of other artists would have said something. Even a little "Sorry I hear everyone's complaints. There's an issue in production. Please wait a little while longer while we sort this out." BUT NOPE. Here's a bunch more expensive shit to spend on as well! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!! Order now and get ticket-presale-codes! Spent a shit ton of money from the initial preorder date and don't live in the USA? Not a girl or wanna buy something for a girl? Sorry you're fucked. But wait!! Lana's not done!! Here's a pop up store where we will sell the shit you preordered months and months ago plus even more expensive shit! woooooooo. Like... seriously. What the fuck Lana? Everything this year is just more expensive than the last and the one before that---and now there's so much more merch. She said this album is for us---but it sure feels like it's really for all her share-holders. I didn't even get to order any signed merch because it wasn't available in the Canadian store and didn't realize until I was billed. Wasn't a big deal though. Turns out it sorta is----because even though my shit's not signed it's still taking for-fucking-ever.
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