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Posts posted by KingJay

  1. I have a feeling she will not like NFR that much. Her reaction to MAC and VB (especially) was kinda underwhelming for her standards. Sometimes she looks too deep into lyrics and doesn't enjoy the music that much which makes her experience kinda disjointed


    Omg, you’re right. I completely forgot that she did react to those 2 songs and she did seem to not enjoy them as much... fluff, but let’s hope she does, and maybe after listening to those 2 songs this time around in the context of the whole album she will enjoy them much more, but it could go either way and the good thing is that she will be honest about it.


    I’ve been searching up some reactions for the album, and so far the people that have posted videos are terrible lol. I can’t even watch them for more than a few minutes before moving on to something else lol.

  2. He thinks NFR is the same as LFL? Does he have ears?

    Lmao, I never understand people that say that all her songs/albums sound the same. Maybe certain songs from the same album have a similar vibe/style. But apart from that all her albums sound completely different from each other. Idk maybe it’s because we listen more carefully and we’re used to her style and etc. it’s like when I first started listening to Bone Thugs, at first I could not understand one word that they rapped due to their fast rapping style, but I was so obsessed with them and would listen to them so much that as time passed I became used to their flow and I was able to understand everything and even would try to “rap” along, I had people ask me how in the world was I able to decipher their lyrics and be able to understand and keep up with their fast style. I told them that after a while I guess you get used to it and it starts to sound normal lol.

  3. I think he might like her music a bit more bc of ya, with the whole recognizing BAR or some shit, u recruited him hahahahahahaha, and hm I think the target version comes w the poster like LFL did. I might just grab one when I go- and ohman. My pink vinyl dreaaaaams, I love that cover too. It's a bit iffy for me w the font n stuff, but I still like the overall feel of it, wonder if the Laurel Canyon hiking paths have any indication of what she'll be sharing w us later on the record post-release 

    and yeeeees for the sake of collecting it, i'm pretty sure the neon disc is solid, so that's pretty nice, and yeah no waiting for the standard disc from the tm sales, and the urban vinyl, but I know that I've got to get one of the neon ones too. I wanna get the indigo vinyl too, but I'm just waiting to see how I'd be able to get it, bc like damn, that's three of the same record lol 

    I haven't listened to the title track...yet. I'm just taking things slow, bc I mean the record's not even out yet lmaoooo but. and lowkey I kinda get what you're saying, more of the soothing, lazily kinda singing yeah, more emotionally driven mm, ditto on the intimacy on TNBAR, nd no yeah, HiaB's amazing still, my favorite snippet that we've gotten waaaay back yeah, ur bf better get ready hahahahahahahaha 

    Lmao, I think you’re right! Haha! Even if it was by force lmao..


    Yes! I agree the font on that cover isn’t my cup of tea, but the cover itself has a good aesthetic and etc. I can’t wait for you to listen to the whole album beginning with the title track and I’m doing the same as you, just taking everything in slowly and letting the songs marinate in my mind. Please as soon as you can share your thoughts of the songs with me lol. Ahh might be that I’m an emotional wreck due to the release of the album, but I truly appreciate you having these long conversations with me lol. You’re my fave person on here and I can always count on you to endure my long ass post and not feel uncomfortable with everything being said haha. Thank you! You’ve made this experience even that much greater! We did it! We’re finally at the edge and will have the chance to enjoy our queens art ^_^ lol.

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