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Posts posted by KingJay

  1. Whenever I see our girl photographed with gas station coffee I think, “damn, I should get some gas station coffee” and immediately regret my decision upon the first sip. Do the stations in California actually serve good coffee or...?

    Having worked at a 7-11 myself in the past because I’m not a privileged white gay that had the luck to never having to work anywhere, other than go to Lana Del Rey concerts and etc (Issa joke sir) it all just depends on the time of day that you go and get coffee from there. They’re supposed to brew a new pot every hour or so. Otherwise it just stays on the burner and gets burned up. There is many lazy employees whom rather reset the timers on the pots and have them sit there all day, which is nasty. A lot of older customers can tell if it’s been sitting there too long and instantly throw it out and request a new pot. Or there is those special customers that will brew a new pot themselves. But yea. It’s funny tho, because a lot of people actually love the taste of the coffee from 7-11. Plus they have many different types of coffee as well as flavors and etc.

  2. I’ve said it before, but I really think our sis is into opioids, just by the way she acts sometimes idk. So I don’t doubt that maybe she’s been messing around with that H. Damn, I just hope she’s being safe, I know how hard it is to get off of that stuff or even be on maintenance from it. But I just feel it in my soul that she is. Idk.

    I mean the song Heroin pretty much tells it all.

  3. i LOVED it live when she sang at Apple and i was so excited and ready to bawl my eyes out to the final version but i absolutely wanted to k*ll m*self when i finally heard it :crying2: ... like c'mon Lana???? the beautiful emotional ballad turned into a fucking Christmas song??????????? what the hell happened? same goes to HIAB, i was so excited to hear it but i found it so repetitive and disappointing that she didn't even bother writing a different second verse. it's still okay but it's a shame cuz it could've been so much better.


    this is overall how i feel about NFR. the album is good but there's always something missing and it kinda ruined my experience. i barely listen to it :rip: it sucks that there's no stans who bother to re-work a few of the songs like little monsters did for ARTPOP. i would've listened the shit out of them

    There is a member, I forgot their name (sorry!!!) but they re worked a couple songs and they sound amazing. For example Love Song. I was shook when I first heard their version. I think it’s like a tour concept. Not exactly sure.

    This album still is seriously something else y’all holy shit.

    Inb4 that MDHX or whatever person comes in here to post a paragraph or two as to why they think the album sucks for the hundredth time.


    But yes’m this album, it’s gorgeous.

  4. Omg, so this album to me holds a very special place in my heart for many reasons, but I love this album. It was the first era where I was fully invested in her, like I experienced the Honeymoon era, but it was more casual sort of. I mean I was already a mega fan by late 2014, but didn’t consistently follow everything she did. I still remember the day that the song Love leaked. The first time I heard it I thought to myself, damn I might not be a huge fan of this song, but by the 4th or 5th listen I was Young and in Love lol. Anyway after that she released the Lust For Life song and I was instantly in love. I know a lot of people hate that song, but to me it’s perfect. The beginning of the song sounds so eerie and haunting. When I heard the motorcycle or engine being revved up I pictured this beautiful video. But yea. The lyrics to that song the the only the good die young or whatever hit me so hard, because In August of 2016 I lost my boyfriend at the time in a car accident and I was so heartbroken and it was just a very terrinle time for me. So I felt like she wrote that song specifically for me idk how to explain it lol. But anyway, the more songs she released the more I knew that I was going to love this album. I always think of what could have been had she not taken a more political aesthetic (lol) in the second part of the album. Maybe we would have gotten more cherry like songs and etc, which would have been amazing because Cherry is just amazing. Didn’t she say or there were rumors that the album was originally going to be called “Lost For Life”?

  5. I'm not the one repeatedly trying to tell other people what to say/think whilst contributing nothing else at all, King Jay Un.




    Answered this in my edit. I absolutely do not expect Lana to break up with her boyfriend/give a single fuck that RormanNockwell on LanaBoreds doesn't like her boyfriend. You, however ... seem to think people here are going to listen to you telling them to seek help, and so forth. Otherwise why keep at it?





    Oh. Do you? Because these are your last posts, in chronological order:




    6 minutes later, on the same topic:


    Seek help. I hope this works. Fingers crossed.

  6. Because it's still a challenge for you.


    You do realise that nobody you're directing your holier-than-thou shit at is going to go, "oh, well if KingJay doesn't approve, then I won't post"? Don't you? Please tell me you do.


    How shocking.

    Imagine thinking I’m the one acting holier-than-thou. Yikes, the lack of self awareness lol.


    But The same way that you realize that Lana isn’t going to come here and read your constant negative post after post about her new relationship that you know nothing about, other than a couple of pictures that she’s uploaded, And think to her self “omg after so many negative post I realize they don’t like my new cop boyfriend, let me break up with him”. Please tell me you do? Have you ever heard of moving on? Building a bridge and getting over something? I can’t even begin to imagine how you act after a break up or something lol. You most latch onto the negativity of it.

    I do agree

    Thank you <3 it’s like they love to cling on to negativity. I mean the NFR thread is a prime example. How many times did they express their negative opinion lol. I’d get bored after the 100th negative post.


    If I don’t like something or someone, I normally just ignore it, or say it once and keep it moving. It like fuels them. Idk

  7. DJVuKGO.jpg


    Post something that doesn't involve you policing other users challenge

    Denial is the first step babez, you’re almost there.



    what is it with you and challenges? I swear it’s not the first time you post that lol. So edgy Anyway, how ironic telling someone else to stop trying to “police” others.

    A literal hypocrite, take your own advice.

  8. Oh god. Y’all Try to convince yourselves lol.


    You guys remind me of those people that talk shit about over weight people and justify it by saying “I’m just doing it for their own good and health!!11” “I care about them and don’t want them to get diabeetus!!11” “they’re fat, lose weight fatty!” “But I love you!!1”

  9. Lana: uploads multiple pictures on social media in the last couple of weeks/months.


    Card reader: I feel like he likes to be seen in public with her, idk if they’ve been seen in public together **shrugs**, but I feel like they have because he likes the attention.


    Also card reader: He’s a Sagittarius, I looked that up.



  10. I was listening to LFL the other day right after NFR and I was shocked by the difference between the vocals of both albums. Lana's vocals are so clear on NFR, while she sounds so muffled in LFL. And I think that's why so many people thought LFL had boring vocals in LFL. I wasn't thinking that but now, I can clearly understand. That weird effect on her voice makes some of her vocals lifeless if that's not too strong of a word. On the other hand, the clarity of her vocals on NFR makes the album so full of life

    I definitely agree with the last part, like for example I love the title track of NFR, But I feel like it being a piano ballad I’d normally would skip it and only listen to it when I was in the mood or just laying in bed, but since the vocals sound so good and crisp I actually listen to it like any other song and look forward to listening to it and especially that last minute, wheeewww it scalps me every time lol.

  11. Also - NFR is Album of the Year for The Music (Australian street-press publication)!





    Sure - but I wouldn't go and discuss NFR anywhere else but this thread. Which is what I responded to when you asked why people were posting here instead of "LDR7 pre-release thread or any other thread." This is literally the post-release discussion thread where people want to chat about the album. Although yes, I think we get that certain people are set in their camps now. :creep:


    Ps what is ONFRH? (only Norman Fucking Rockwell haters?)




    I'd love Lana to win the Grammy for this album! The more people realise her genius, the better. I really am hoping she will win. But it'd be a bit like Natalie Portman winning an Oscar for Black Swan, when she should have won one for Closer. By which I mean, I think there are other entries in her body of work more worthy of what is supposed to be highest distinction in the musical field. I am more upset that she missed out on accolades for those, which are now retroactively being lauded as landmark works that altered pop music in the 2010s. I'm not mad. NFR is a banger and I listen to it regularly, but it does miss the hallmarks of her OG work.


    I'm sure a swathe of other members here can (and will) carry this baton on in discussion for me. :deadbanana:


    Also as a side note, it's really detrimental to any form of intelligent conversation to say someone must be an expert in a field to have their opinions in it validated. I am not a professional singer, but I can tell when someone is singing out of tune. I also don't run a country, but I can have a say on issues like climate change. As I mentioned in another thread earlier today, art is subjective and just because you're a 'professional' in the industry doesn't mean you're wholeheartedly correct. Throughout history "professional music critics" have dismissed ground breaking works including Carmen, Born to Die, The Rite of Spring and Les Misérables, in consideration of what the zeitgeist is and theorising how GP would react against the standard of the time. Looking back they're hilariously out of touch, soooo don't just rely on what critics say at the time although there is a grain of truth in everything! :teehee:


    TL;DR - I love the album even with its flaws! I think other albums were more deserving, but I want Lana to win AOTY and get that praise! I want everyone to know about Lana and acknowledge how great she is. Critics don't mean shittttt (although they are lovely additions).

    It’s a thing they say on ATRL lol, so for example OGH normally would mean Obsessed Gaga Hater. Someone who is obsessed with hating on something mainly an artist, etc. and they constantly go into threads of said artist just to post negative things about them and etc


    Don’t get me wrong I completely agree with you about the whole critics thing, I maybe shouldn’t have said that, but it’s nice to have them saying so many positive things and to have them on our side, especially after they spent years spewing negative crap and tried to destroy her career over bs.


    And trust me, as much as I love NFR, I really wish she had gotten all this acclaim and accolades for UV, which is and always will be my favorite album by her. That album imo is perfect, the crazy part, is that when that album was released. I remember seeing so many members hating on it and saying it was terrible. But I think those members either eventually turned and learned to appreciate the album or they finally gave up and unstanned lol, maybe that will happen with NFR Lol. Jk. Well tbh, the same thing happened with HM. I remember all the negative comments, people said it was boring, uninspired and that she sounded bored as hell on that album, and now people claim it as her best album and even her peak lol. The HM era was probably the first era where I was fully and completely invested in Lana, when it comes to UV, I discovered Lana a few months after the release of that album, so I wasn’t fully around for the whole era and all that. I’d love to have been a fan during the BTD era, because that was definitely her highest mainstream peak imo.


    Which brings me to another question, do y’all think that she has re peaked mainstream wise with NFR? Or was she still way bigger during the BTD/Paradise era? I guess chart wise probably not, maybe she was having bigger peaks when it came to charts and stuff? What do y’all think? Maybe if she wins the Grammy then for sure she will probably have a way bigger peak than the BTD/Paradise era?


    Sorry if I skipped around replying to some of your post lol, I’m super tired, and I’m trying to keep my eyes open lol.

  12. LFL???? Lol delulu album was nominated for a Grammy Chile but it ages like rotten spoiled milk. It made zero noise a year after. Literally forgotten.


    NFR is already her second LONGEST charting album right after BTD. In case, y’all haven’t noticed NFR is still top 20 on iTunes.


    I have a theory. I genuinely think how her vocals are mixed effects how the gp consumes her. BTD and NFR are the only album with clear crisp vocals that aren’t masked by the tin sounding effects (tho HTD has that effects too but the mix is clearly loud and over the production). 


    Clear vocals = success. The flavor.


    Not to contradict you or argue, but in my opinion, I feel like Honeymoon has her most clear and crisp vocals on most songs... and well you saw how that era went lol. But I understand what you mean.

  13. Yeah like, people have been stanning for a decade and now that shes on her way to become a legend, is getting universal acclaim and has found a musical soulmate, her OWN FANS are being negative af... if you dont like the album it is more than okay to post why you feel its not good, but being mad at lana, jack, the album and the critics all at the same time is just :rip:

    Yea, that has kind of left me a bit confused, lol. I think it’s because they’re scared that their little secret gem of an artist is finally getting the praise she so rightfully deserves lol. I mean, imagine being mad at an artist that you love is getting acclaim all over the place, just because she released an album that YOU PERSONALLY don’t like. I mean damn, if I acted that way towards any other of my favorite artist like Bone Thugs-n-Harmony or Nicki Minaj for example... I’d probably stop stanning them and stop checking for their music, because lord knows that they’ve released some bad stuff. But I state my opinion maybe a handful of times and then keep it moving and then wait for their next release to see what happens. I mean, they even think these “professional music critics are wrong... like wtf. Lol.

  14. I can't believe I missed out writing in french. SACRED BLUE!


    TIENS~! California is the MVP for the album.



    But all the conversation in this thread is about NFR, either the acclaim, the production or our opinions! I will talk about Jack's sloppy production on the new album when the time comes! :flutter:


    Lol, but the point is that people keep beating the same dead negative horse. Lol. Like many other people have said, state your negative opinion it’s fine, but to keep doing it over and over to the point where it’s the same negative opinion on every page, it gets annoying to see. When many people just want to come here and have a good conversation about the album/era and everything that’s going on and etc.


    Wait, didn’t you hear? “Jackoff” is no longer producing any future LDR albums, Lana came on here and read all the negative posts about NFR and Jack therefore canceling jack and any future collaborations. The ONFRH rejoice!

  15. Another thing, I don’t understand why those same weirdos think it’s ok to keep posting the same negative things and rage as soon as someone comes in and calls them out, but god forbid anyone or @@Jared for example comes in here and posts something positive about Jack, Lana, the album or the era as a whole, they instantly attack that person or post paragraphs about why that person is wrong lol. And if you do contradict them they instantly say “omg are you Jack!!? Omg are you on jacks payroll!! You’re wrong!! I can’t connect to NFR, so you have to hate the album too! Lana peaked in 2012, Lana peaked in 2014, Lana peaked in 2016!!” Etc etc. lol, at this point issa joke already, hang it up flat-screen lol.


    I also thought it was funny that before NFR was released or nominated for AOTY, some people hated Billie and now they suddenly love her?? Lol.. like I think it was yesterday, that I saw someone say “oMg iMaGiNe BiEnG JeAlOuS oR ThReAtEnEd bY a TaLenTeD 18 yEaR oLd” when before y’all would say she sucked or was fake depressed/emo. BilLiE eYeLaShEd sUcKzZzZ!!!111


    Anyway, Doin Time fits so perfectly on the album! Imo lol. It’s such an awesome song lol. I hate the YouTube comments lol. They’re all filled with the same damn annoying comments “omgahh!!1 people really think she made this song!! If people think this is her original song they’re sooooo dumb!!11” actually, you know what? The comment section on the video for Doin Time is very similar to some of the same weirdos on here lol, who would have thought, huh. Lol.

    Oh and today I was watching the 3 part video on my big screen T.V with the surround system, and idk why but Bartender finally hit me today... I- I think I finally grew to love it. Wow... and I’d like to add that the Bartender and the video for it imo go together so well. And it was actually very enjoyable imo. Don’t @ me and debate your grandmother lol. The scene with Lana and her friends sitting on the rocks posing is so iconic.

  16. "Unamused but never fully disengaged, Lana Del Rey stormed into the middle of 2019 with a softly raging album that took the world by surprise. While plenty of fans have insisted since “Video Games” that Lana had a masterpiece in her, subsequent releases have been good, and even great, but never had the year-defining force that [/size]Norman F*cking Rockwell does. A self-assured, introverted beach philosopher with a heart of gold, and the go-to crooner for [/size]soundtracking marquee movies, Lana has so often been fascinated by singing stories of the past. On [/size]Rockwell though, she belts and sighs about the state of union, Kanye West, and the ever-present ache of falling for a man child. While we all live in a world ruled by those, Lana’s sharp observations offer a welcome balm. “F*ck It, I Love You” is the most worthy antidote for despair, and happiness has delicate wings, but no matter how strange and slippery hope is, with Lana, we have it."[/size]


    one of my favorite year-end reviews (no. 1 spot of course) i 100% agree with the bold part.[/size]

    Omg, this is awesome, but you’re about to trigger the same members that post how much they hate NFR and Jack lol.


    Inb4 100+ pages filled with the same members and the same type of posts and think pieces about what’s wrong with NFR and Lana.


    Wheww imagine If sis wins AOTY, I can already imagine the meltdowns lol.

    Like I don’t understand why some people just can’t move on and go to the LDR7 pre-release thread or any other thread. I honestly think it’s because this thread is more active and they fear they won’t get their post seen or any attention lol. Oh well.

  17. Honestly the visuals are whatever to me, it’s probably something that she really wanted to put out a while back and maybe her “team” didn’t allow her to do so, now that the album is getting all this praise they’re probably like fuck it, let’s let sis do what she wants lol. Which she pretty much does it anyway, now that they’re out, she got that off of her chest and we can move on to greater and better things lol. So if she’s happy then whatever I’m happy for her... these videos aren’t something I’m going to watch more than probably just a few times, or maybe when I’m in the mood to listen to those songs I’ll put it on and just let it play (give ha my streams) and go about my day lol. Lettuce pray that if she does release any more visuals for any other songs off of the album they’re done in HQ and not by chuck. Other than that we can move on, and it’s not necessary to write up huge think pieces for the next 100 pages about how much you hate them, Lana and her backup dancers lol. Anyway, let me go watch them one more time, because is it just me or are the views sort of low? Maybe people know it’s just some throwaway visuals lol.

  18. I could seriously have The Greatest on repeat until the day that I die, and I’d be happy tbh.


    Another thing, idk how people can say that the LQ clips of Cinnamon Girl that she played in her car (which more than likely was in a luxury vehicle that probably has some amazing sound system that could make a fart sound beautiful lol) months before the album was officially released therefore most of us spending our time replaying the clips over and over for months while we wet our panties in awe over how amazing y’all claimed the song was, I don’t understand how people can say things like “the released song has no bass, the original version she played in her car had more bass and sounded better or hit harder” etc etc, because honestly to me the song sounds either the same and or the bass is just fine? Idk. Maybe it was never intended to have some hard hitting bass like “freak” for example lol. Idk, I for one don’t hear a real difference lol. Then again I’m listening to the songs to enjoy them and not to see what I can nit pick and criticize about them or what little sounds I can pick up on.. idk how to fully explain myself at this very moment lol. but I’ve been listening to the album in my car or in my surround system in my room and it still sounds good, well to me. I guess I just don’t have a “professional ear...

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