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Posts posted by KingJay

  1. @RormanNockwell


    For some reason when I try to quote you and then hit submit it just says saving post and won’t actually go through for me lol... but what I was trying to say iss..


    is there really any Logic behind anything that sis does? Lol. I’ve kinda just given up and learned to not have any expectations and just go with the flow. Y’all are right it kinda makes no sense, but maybe they feel that since it was/is the most popular song on the album that it will help promote it a bit? Whooooo knows with her and her team. Lolol.

  2. Gaaah that's adorable! I'm happy for ya both, swear lmao. Is that on Friday? I know some peeps were talking about how they'd be able to get it tmrw, and if I didn't already have like 2 versions of the album coming already, I would've bought another one just because. Contemplating on the checkered neon green vinyl, bc it's actually grown on me a lot after some back n forth but yeah. I actually like the aesthetic of it, reminds me of the posters that they put up to hype the record on streets and construction sites. 

    nd alright, she seems level-headed from what you're saying, but no yeah, gonna form my own opinion of the record first before any of that happens, but I'll let ya know after I've done my own exploring of it nd stuff. Have fuuuuuuun, 2 fucking days dfinrsognaewfnwpaojfwgjea hahahahaha 


    Thank you! Lol I got him into Lana and now he listens to her on his own... of course he’s more into BTD lmao.. but yea I’ve showed him a couple of songs from NFR, and so far he’s liking what he’s heard lol. He even heard the new version of BAR and was like “wth. Is this song new? Haven’t you been listening to it for like 2 years already” lmao, so of course I had to go full on teacher mode and lecture him on the differences lolol. And I’m not sure, but freak, if it’s available in stores tmmrw then I will for sure go and check it out and buy it. Omg fingers crossed that it is lol. By any chance do you know if the target version comes with a poster or anything special? I haven’t really been keeping up with all the different variants and what they include. I actually kind of want to get the UOs version with the alternate cover. Kinda grew to like that one lol.


    Omg you’re so lucky! And yes you should totally get it. The lime green vinyl looks so amazing and I wanted to get it but I don’t have a record player so I thought it would be pointless, but maybe as a collectors item? Is it a solid color or translucent? Don’t they have a pink version? like how you and I were hoping for lol. Also which versions did you get? And yay awesome, I hope you like her and I’m going to do the same lol and I know I can’t believe we’re finally here and we will have it in our hands in just 2 days... I haven’t been this excited since well... LFL lolol.


    And I love both versions of FILY, but at first the album version caught me off guard because I was expecting the chorus with the “faster/harder” drums to kick in, and then the slower more subdued drums started and I’m like wth, I didn’t know that there was another version that existed lol, but it’s still great. And yes when it comes to the lyrics of TNBAR. I like them because it’s like she’s including her self in the mess this time around, because she says “WE” rather than “YOU”, so it feels a bit more personal to me... if that makes any sense? Lol. When I first heard the LQ leak of Love Song I was a bit underwhelmed, but after hearing the HQ version I freaking fell in love with it again lol. It’s crazy what a HQ version can do. That’s why I don’t judge anything based off of LQ leaks or snippets lol. Another song that I fell in love with after hearing the HQ version was the title track. It’s actually very beautiful, and her vocals whewwww they’re amazing. They remind me of HM vocals if you know what I mean. I agree about HIABF being a bit repetitive but like you said it’s still an amazing song, and it hits that sweet spot, especially the serial killer part and the don’t be a jerk. I can just picture myself screaming that at someone at full volume lmao.


    California is the best song of her career


    we love delicious tea being served.

  3. Thanks, and yeah I hope so too. I'm not trying to really expect anything, but I'm sure the environments I'll end up in'll just hep me better get immersed with the music. and lol yeah sure go ahead, enjoy, enjoy! and that sounds great. The beaches around here are packed, especially packed since it's summer, and I rarely like crowds unless I'm with a group of friends too so that's probably not gonna happen for like a bit. I actually didn't cry at the videos, cried when they leaked in gq, and stuff was going on that synced me a bit to the situational shit the songs were about and it's funny how that fucking happens unwillingly, unintentionally gaah.

    And heyo yeah that's cool! California's easily one of my faves that I can just listen to anytime. Both versions of FIILY, bc it's so catchy. HiaB is beautiful, a bit repetitive imo, but it works, and TNBAR's still pretty solid, compared to the original. I think the lyrical changes make the track a lot more intimate, making it more apprehensive for others to understand how much more sadder it can be, when their love goes south. I love the vapid lyrics, like it's some sort of defiance to how intelligent she can be, nd the devil may care attitude is something I've loved in concept too. It's a lot more iconic imo yeah, and I haven't really watched review/reaction vids about these things, but I think I might, after I find my own understanding for the entire record first.



    Thank you buddy! And I’m sure you will, this album is super immersive. It totally gets me into my feelings and every song hits the spot just right lolol. Omg I’m super excited to going out to my local store that has the cd and grabbing my copy and purchasing it and then playing it in my car lol, that’s my final step for me to fall in love with the album even more than what I already am lol. Ugh I cannot wait till Friday. I already warned my dude that he’s going to have to put up with me listening to the album all the way through in the car lmao for the next few months lmao. And he’s like, “don’t worry I already got used to it. You did the same thing when Lust For Life came out” and I couldn’t help but laugh and give him a huge hug lol. Lana ha impact lol. Omg I totally suggest that you look up ajay on YouTube and watch her reactions to all of Lana’s albums starting with BTD. she’s pretty much the only reactor that I love to watch because she comes off as super genuine and real. Unlike a lot of others that seem to fake like stuff just to appease the fans and get their views, like if she doesn’t like so,etching she will straight up and say it, just like with Ariana’s album sweetener. She pretty much disliked the whole thing lmao. Her Lust For Life reaction was amazing lmao, she actually started tearing up. But yea if you haven’t watched her reactions to Lana yet. I highly recommend that you do lol. Then let me know what you think lolol.

  4. They are announcing it like it's a new trailer. I didn't watch the first time. Just heard the snippet of the song. 


    What about the Doin Time music video rumor?


    I saw Eclipse make a post about it on ATRL saying it’s out tmmrw so it must be true. I can’t wait!! Even tho people don’t like the song for whatever terrible reason they have I’m so glad she’s putting out a video for it.

  5. Whewww, the way I am so in love with this album right now. I’ve been listening to it from beginning to end since yesterday non stop. There is literally not one skip-able song. Not even the songs that she put out almost a year ago do I feel like skipping. The album flows so well and all the songs are super easy to listen to. MAC and Venice Bitch fit so well with the whole album that they’re a great experience to listen to during the play time of the album. I get so into it that before I know it I’m already at HIADT... and I feel sad because it’s over lol.

  6. Hahahahahahaha I can kinda picture that, my friends’re always looking at me like tf is this guy doing, and no yessss, I did that a lot during Honeymoon, its actually a bit scary bc its all dark and the strings make it seem real ominous, but still an experience. I’m waiting to listen to the record in full on Fri, but thinking of going to some museums, music shops, and star centers. Idk about the beach atm, bc i know it’ll still b packed, but maybe I’ll try visiting when it isnt peak hours. Some secret places too defo.

    Fave songs, like I originally knew about myself, California, HiaB, Love Song, just bc even if I havent heard it in full. FIIlY, too catchy, the demo’s real stripped and nice, and TNBAR bc I actually love the rework. Everything’s so memorable. Already cried to the double vid bc yeah, Venice is still bb. Been listening to the record song by song, so can’t really say too much yet tho. Wbu?

    Omg, those sound like amazing places to go and listen to the whole album. What an experience that will be for you. I might steal some of those ideas myself lol, and for me the beach where I live is probably the best place because it’s normally not too packed after like 4pm, and that’s when I normally like to go, so ima go by myself with some medicine and just get lost to the album.. and I also cried to the double videos lolol. It was such an amazing experience! I couldn’t help and stop myself from shedding some tears lmao.


    Omg. I swear we almost have the same taste lol, because I love all those songs you mentioned and I’m glad that like me you love the re worked version of BAR. I’m glad I’m not the only one, I really love and enjoy it so much. Like I’ve said, had we not known about the leaked demo I think people would appreciate it more and I can’t wait to see the reactions from people that have never heard any versions of it. It’s going to scalp them lmao. If I’m being honest I can’t wait to see reaction videos from the YouTubers that make reaction videos, especially ayjay lol.

    I imagine it's okay to post the link since it's nothing illegal/leaking.


    About the music video for Doin Time, which supposedly is coming out tomorrow




    Charlie's Angels new trailer with the song




    Screen shot of the supposedly music video coming out tomorrow.



    Omg, based of that screenshot she’s going to look gorgeous!!! I can’t wait and I hope it’s really out tomorrow.

  7. Already have these places that I want to drive to too when I get the disc and vinyl. Just wowow. I really dont wanna cry, but I'm sure I'll shed a tear or two graaaah, make em good tears 'Jay

    Omg same! I can already picture myself driving down the beach with all my windows down and volume on full blast. And tears well be shed for sure, I’m already crying and my bf is just staring at me like what is wrong with me lol. What are some places that you’re thinking of going to? And so far what are some of your favorite songs?

  8. Omg, relatable queen, I got scammed the same way by Proactive skin care. I got charged $49 like 3 times, Vern after canceling them. Apparently. When you sign up for the 2 week free trial you’re also agreeing to sign up for a 30 day subscription of their products where they automatically charge you every 30 days and they send you a box of their shit. A scam I tell you.

  9. Imagine if we didn’t know that BAR existed and this was our first time ever hearing it.... whewww we would be scalped to our skulls. I’m jealous for the people that had never heard of that song. They are about to be left shook and witless, especially when the first chorus hits or when the chorus with the glass breaking comes on. I can almost guarantee that it will be considered one of the best songs on the album by people that had never heard the original or even knew of its existence.

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