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Everything posted by number1angel

  1. I just had to cancel my amazon pink vinyl pre order because im too broke until the end of the month do we think they will be available the week following?
  2. so how would we all rank the grants among the other opening tracks for me it would be cruel world > honeymoon > nfr > white dress > the grants > ride > love > born to die > text book
  3. so how would we all rank the grants among the other opening tracks for me it would be cruel world > honeymoon > nfr > white dress > love > ride > the grants > born to die > text book
  4. yes i've heard the b side album that BOZ has been teasing and she mentions all the above
  5. completely unrelated but i just went on a date with a guy and we listened to get free on the way home together and it was beautiful
  6. number1angel

    Charli XCX

    Since you guys liked the posters I made, I decided to put some up on Etsy Heres a link to the twice poster if anyone wants to check it out! https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1201829737/charli-xcx-twice-poster?ref=listing_published_alert
  7. number1angel

    Charli XCX

    My "Twice" Poster Used a shot from GAYLETTER to put Charli's head on this, not too noticeable on the final product but its all in the details Edit: just realised it’s through not grow. Oh well.
  8. number1angel

    Charli XCX

    ur wish is my command PS: I'm thinking about making more of these and putting them on Etsy, would anyone be interested in buying a print? I've never really sold my work before but seeing as the official ones were such a messy release I'm considering it ALSO: If anyone needs a graphic designer here's a shameless plug for my website www.mitchellbrooksdesign.com
  9. number1angel

    Charli XCX

    I’m planning on doing one for every song
  10. number1angel

    Charli XCX

    Just made this poster for Lightning in the style of the one for Every Rule, what do we think angels
  11. number1angel

    Charli XCX

    Tired of people cherry picking when they wanna care about the environment as if they don’t drive around in a car polluting the atmosphere every day.
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