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Everything posted by tylerandthediamonds

  1. I know I shouldn't mention China.Palace but they posted a snippet of the HM video I've never seen before?
  2. Do you think they'll sound like shit or do you think it's just wrong?
  3. AKA is shit, except for Brite Lites and For K, Pt. 2
  4. So are people going to buy these or nah, because honestly I want an unreleased vinyl desperately and idec that they're ugly
  5. I feel like Lana has a LB account and just likes to see how pissy we'll get (see's hate for BN, but want for music vids, you all know what happens next)
  6. "pink flamingos" from MTWBT and "being a bad bitch on the side" from Sad Girl suddenly sounds really similar, just a thought
  7. is the black the limited one or the standard one
  8. Omg they literally are the smarties headphones look closely
  9. This would look so good if Honeymoon was under Lana Del Rey in that little blank space to the left
  10. I preordered Honeymoon on Amazon US and I still haven't gotten MTWBT?????
  11. Wait so I preordered the whole album on Amazon, when do I actually get MTWBT
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