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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. maybe she's writing a song with jack and will donate all the $$$ made from it... aka a Looking For America 2.0 or she is just hiding in her wood cabin in CA like those old time poet escaping from the chaos in the world
  2. how did this get 45 pages already when we only know.... the album title and possibly jack's involvement
  3. she did not start teasing the second book already when the first was not even out / had a release day planned
  4. do people realise that this was a draft of a thinkpiece about her place in the feminism spectrum and the misogyny she has been through throughout the years...... the way some keep making this a race issue.... the namedropping wasnt necessary but it did help make a point about how meaning of feminism and female empowerment have shifted throughout the years
  5. when life gives you lemon / orange / whatever citrus fruit is, lana gives us *archived* violet bent backwards over the grass
  6. the fact that she could totally get a Meo Karen Walker reusable mask if she doesnt want to hurt her ears i can't at this puta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7Pa7oRy-SE
  7. can Chuck stop sabotaging her sister.... from her subpar photography skills, the non-existing art direction and the lack of hygiene awareness... ugh GET YOURSELF A MASK
  8. another heartbreak album about a narcissist male figure WHITE HOT FOREVER is gonna top NFR!
  9. she should stay home and finish that audio book and not catch that virus!
  10. attending church amid virus outbreak yikes..... this girl needs to read some news from the south korea...
  11. disney OST deal confirmed (and since she went to disney and she needs more time to come up with the audio book)
  12. someone better show her the news about the coronavirus outbreak at the church in south korea and the potential community outbreak in california
  13. i wish the music was more "edgy" or more cult-film vibe ... that would suit the visual more....
  14. what is the excuse for postponing Violet bends backwards over the grass now
  15. she has those super crazy extension like ariana's i miss the days when she still has a stylist
  16. i mean doesnt she just do ASMR or whisper like Selena Gomez does with a finneas production?
  17. her house was robbed and she lost a week to work on it and now she spent a day to tailor her mall-bought dress and a night at the ceremony which makes sense for her to postpone the album to..... 2021!
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