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Everything posted by KozzyKozak

  1. When we getting a deluxe/paradise edition of Honeymoon? I need MORE AND NEW LANA SONGS DAMNIT
  2. I think the general consensus that we can all agree on is that depending on the day, you may love/hate songs more or less than the previous day. I have my days where I listen to songs like Lolita and Yayo and days where I skip them out of disgust. To be honest I have never really finished listening to Blue Velvet, American, Ride, Without You , Video Games or Bel air as they simply do not appeal to me from the get go. I think those are actually the only songs from my entire Lana Discography on Spotify that I always skip and dont bother giving a try, maybe one of these days I will but for now all other songs from BtD, Paradise, UV and HM take precedence.
  3. Yayo is one of the greateat classics of our times
  4. Lolita is an awful song, Yayo is really underrated and I don't understand the hate for it.
  5. Dis is what makes us girls ! My bad i was sleepy when I wrote that post haha:(
  6. Carmen and DIWMUG are great songs.
  7. By the way, anyone know if there is a Honeymoon Deluxe edition with more songs planned to be released? (Kinda like Ultraviolence and BTD: Paradise edition? )
  8. Blackest Day makes me think of Dark Paradise , it is perfect as a song
  9. Ready to get this baby in extreme quality on spotify tomorrow LETS GO GOGOGOGOOGOGG
  10. to be honest reading this thread is getting me so depressed. No matter how many times I listen to HM I can not for the life of me get through it ! hope the album is a major success though.. I really do hope.
  11. People saying they are underwhelmed by the Honeymoon era should at least wait until she releases all the songs before passing a judgement.. I find it hard to believe someone has an artist where they love every single song released by that artist. I listen to most of Lana's songs on shuffle on a daily basis and only find myself skipping the same 2-3 songs(until they someday grow on to me and I will stop), other than that I love it. Anyways, just wait until we see the finished product guys, we can't judge an album based on the singles released.
  12. I'll just name all the songs I like since I can't choose favorites -Gods & Monsters -Sad Girl -Dark Paradise -Diet Mountain Dew -Ultraviolence -Summertime Sadness -West Coast -Brooklyn Baby -Fucked my way to the top -Million Dollar Man -Lucky Ones -High by the Beach -Terrence Loves You -Shades of Cool -Money Power Glory -Black Beauty -Florida Kilos
  13. Don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but here's a Lana Del Rey intreview with Zane Lowe on beats radio about HBTB, Honeymoon and how she deals with all the attention. Pretty good interview, love her voice. https://itunes.apple.com/us/post/idsa.5a96ca31-3f85-11e5-a6f4-e85e05f65d06
  14. I like HBTB and TLY more than HM. For some reason I can not get myself to listen to HM all the way through.
  15. Anyone have the full length song by any chance?
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