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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    Ok cool thanks for your opinion
  2. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    I'm only an occasional fan of Halsey, and while you are correct that my production style has been influenced by Lana, I do feel that my music does not "rip every page" out of some sort of playbook. I write lyrics from my heart, and many of my songs are deeply personal to me and for you to say that my artistry is somehow reductive because I am influenced by other artists is shitty seeing as how there is not 1 person who hasn't been influenced by another artist I don't hate Halsey I actually like some of her songs, but I do like to laugh sometimes and yes I do occasionally get a chuckle from jokes about her, is that wrong? It's the internet grow some ovaries and get over it. Lastly, I do think there is a difference between me and artists like Halsey because artists like Halsey have teams of people to help them. I have nobody but me, myself, and I. I work hard as hell and I do it all on my own, not with a team of producers or a big label to promote me so yes I do feel that I deserve a little more credit. It's hard out here when I have to take shit from random people on the Internet and have to endure tons of shit at home too. Think a little before you decide to go off on some random person on the Internet. It's shitty.
  3. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    The status was about Halsey 1st of all which literally has nothing to do with you.... Is it your mission to protect Halsey or something... And I honestly don't think you know what ironic means...
  4. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    Really? How ironic is it that all you do is comment rude shit on numerous statuses and posts of mine and not call you out for harassing/bullying? Are you that fucking dense?
  5. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    1. I don't know what you look like because you don't have the gumption to post even 1 photo of yourself.... 2. What does any of this have to do with the fact that you proceeded to jump on me for joking with one of my friends... much less the fact that you weren't even mentioned 1 time. You need to focus more on yourself rather than trying to act like you are better than me and insult me on every post you make, do you not have any sort of social life other than trying to "come for" me?? because it seems like you don't have much else to do with all that free time you have not doing anything that you are passionate about like I am. clapback to the cave you came out of and next time you or one of your shitty friends buy dislikes just to make somebody feel bad the way you have tried to make me feel I hope comes back on you 10 fold. politely fuck off.
  6. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    bruhhhh im friends with moy so sit your ugly ass down and get some common sense
  7. Jack


    i was just joking but ok then stay pressedt
  8. Jack

    Troye Sivan

    Oh moy... You're still here? I thought you had made it out and were living a productive life
  9. Jack

    Melanie Martinez

    im sorry but i didnt... i know somebody else did tho just look through the thread i think
  10. Violent Lullaby -Jackson Novem
  11. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    the kindness
  12. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    It'll be up very soon I promise, what did you think of the song?
  13. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    I can feel the love xoxo
  14. Jack

    Jackson Novem

    Violent lullaby http://youtu.be/vZKJvFEkulk
  15. Jack

    Jackson Novem

  16. inb4 a tumblr gifset from the ride video getting her hair brushed and then her brushing her own hair shown as some sort of growth as an artist
  17. Jack

    Melanie Martinez

    i have the pillowcase, its not soft but it is cute
  18. Her timing was so bad too, like couldn't they fix any of it in editing
  19. Literally she sounded so fucking bored to be in the movie, like every line she said sounded like "am I done yet? "
  20. Nobody gonna mention this
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