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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. Im sure this will never happen. But What if she released a song just in time for Valentines Day, but instead of your typical lana love song she sings about Scamming Sugar Daddies. Kinda Like MPG, but in a Joanne The Scammer way. Imagine lines like He thinks its love, but im just waitin for the day His heart gives out So i can stop by the bank
  2. Is this like the calm before the storm? And by storm i mean the moment lana actually announces something. Because it feels like just yesterday this thread was buzzing (lol) with chatter and now everything is moving sooo slow.
  3. Can Someone tell me what photoshoot this was made from...its so pretty.
  4. #WasteOurTime2017 If you know for a fact that youre "not good with descriptions"....why keep describing when you could just show us. Inb4 every Motivational Speaker in this fandom tries to drag me for wanting her new material to leak.
  5. Inb4 National Anthem 2.0 is coming. "Sin is in your hair, and baby hell is in your eyes. Our new National Anthem." Bookmark me
  6. Getting high is like an escape. So what im saying is, she could have used the lsd visuals to show exactly that. Ugh. I hate when your thoughts dont make sense when you actually say it
  7. How the :)ck is it cinematic like y&b ..if it doesn't have any orchestra Not here for the bull
  8. What's funny is that she never actually got high in the HBTB video, nor did she even visit the beach. (Those 5 secs on the rocks don't count). Freak was the dumbest song she could have picked for footage containing drugs and drinking koolaid on a BEACH...
  9. @this thread: You're boring me and I'm already dead
  10. I'm here for it. I'd rather she feature on Serial Killer tho.
  11. ANWAYS...Back on topic.... Lol who am I kidding. I'm bored. Random Question: @Eclipse Are Aka Songs the only leaks that exist in lossless?
  12. Plus. Let's all be honest. Stargirl Interlude >>>>>> Every "muddy trap" song on HM. I mean COME ON. I love freak, but it boggles my mind how Lana can SLAY any song she features on, but never transfers that same hit single effort to her own material.
  13. Elle, someone incited a mini riot. Divert the thread with Bees
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