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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Amen to that!, so bored of BTD hate. I personally think it’s her best album although I love them all. NFR is being overrated by this fan base like it’s the new Ultraviolence. NFR lacks the energy or pace BTD has in my opinion.
  2. Early August more like Anybody apart from Jack would be amazing...even Rick Nowels
  3. Release dates can be pushed anytime, whatever billboard or Wikipedia says is meaningless. We should have learnt our lesson the few times not to trust a word she says. 10 months ago this album had a different name and was supposed to be ‘suprise dropped’. So if it get’s pushed to March next year none of ya’ll should be suprised.
  4. Here we go with the fake album release documents anyone can make up in 5 mins. None of them are real, Dojo cat? Loool her sound is nothing like Lana or the direction of the record.
  5. What the hell? Why did they send it like that
  6. Is her mom 12 or something?? lol she speaks so childishly You are wrong and bad person and that not true at all and I know my daughter she is actually not rich but has a big house and is in many film and there is no aLbum delay and micheal jackson is still alive. Ok I go sleep now
  7. Sure - I wasn’t stating pedophilia or violence is beautiful. It’s sort of like a film about war, it can be done in an artist and beautiful way. I think lately it’s trendy to label something as ‘glamorising’. looking at the songs in the charts today - most of them could be classed as glamorising drugs, drinking and being materialistic and greedy...yet nobody bats an eyelid. Notably many of Lana’s songs are of a dark nature, and often Ironic and cinematic - so can be misconstrue as glamorising.
  8. Cancelled culture is toxic, rarely is context observed. Everything has to be watered down today, something can be beautiful and artistic but also controversial.....Even roses have thorns. And although I consider myself liberal, I’m starting to think people are becoming pathetic weak minded snowflakes.
  9. I honestly think she has a lot of mental and physical health problems which she has not really disclosed in detail, so she has not been in the position to be able to promote the album or properly work on it consistently, also record label disputes involving money etc.. She wants the album to be solid and without compromising quality. So her need for perfection is really leaving things in limbo.
  10. Trumps is breeding racism and brutality and this is why voting is important. Change needs to come at the political level, otherwise what is the point of protests? We won’t have a CHANCE at change with trump in power. I’m not saying Biden will magically wipe away racism, it’s a systemic problem that will take decades of work, but we sure as hell stand a better chance with him in charge rather then Trump the mascot for racist right extremists.
  11. Everytime this and her instagram thread get’s bumped up my heart skips a beat... expecting another long rant or random music news.
  12. Lana is probably on here reading this contemplating changing the album title again due to all these innuendo .
  13. Chuck isn’t that bad, it’s just trendy to slate her work. But we all know Neil Krug is better, personally I’d like her to work with Steven Klein.
  14. Exactly, definitely lifestyle choices and 35 is not really that old. I think the point was she looks fine without the fillers.
  15. I think it makes her look bloated like a hamster, I think we need to start embracing the ageing process and stop giving in to what our shallow society thinks.
  16. She looks so much better now the botox/lip fillers have worn off. I never understood why she gets them.
  17. COCC best be ready to cum a big load in September
  18. Freedom of speech can be argued, but does not actually come into defamation if the statement is clearly false and likely to cause harm to reputation. If you defame someone and make up false crap then you are liable. Same with stuff like threats to harm someone you can’t hide behind free speech. Celebrities likely just don’t care enouth to legally pursue them, so do the minimal a cease and desist. Lipstick alley will face consequences oneday though and will be shut down.
  19. Isn’t that illegal? Like impersonation. I’m sure I read some kid got fined for misusing his twitter verification
  20. What’s the damage this time? I can’t even look.
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