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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I think the protests and anger needs to be redirected into getting people to vote on 3rd Nov. Nobody is getting anywhere with Trump and it will just turn to more deaths.
  2. I really doubt she is racist though, the whole things been blown out of proportion just because she didn’t mention a Caucasian which is ridiculous and nitpicking. Artists who have used the N word repeatedly have had less backlash, my god look at justin bieber he said some horrendous racist stuff even a kid would know is a bad thing and it got forgotten about. I think this is what Lana is talking about, that she is always held to a higher standard and criticised whilst other peers practically get away with murder.
  3. Is she really that shallow only caring about likes and retweet's? Personally I don’t think she knows how to respond so has ran off and deleted twitter from her phone, like she always does when she can’t handle something.
  4. Anyone fear civil war starting? It’s not just the military which has guns Trump seems to be forgetting. This could turn into a blood bath
  5. Seen a fan on twitter smashing all her CD’s Lana doesn’t care she has the $$$ ...so childish and over the top. Fake stans
  6. That is defamation of character and Lana should contact the owner with a lawyer and ask it to be removed and a public apology.
  7. She’s not even apologised....this is worse then what Lana has done
  8. she made a mistake with showing there faces I agree with that, but I think anything she says or does will create backlash.
  9. I said only yesterday, I can understand why she hasn’t said anything as people will jump on her....and this is exactly what has happened.
  10. What does Lana have to do? Go shoot a cop or something? What do ya’ll expect from her? Just never satisfied.
  11. She did not just associate being a cop with mental illness....she should know better then this.
  12. Wait...did Bloodpop just say the other version of Babylon is getting released??!!?
  13. Exactly...now she has to speak up? Lana is not a puppet and we are not the puppeteers making her say and do what we want and feel is best.
  14. I just don’t believe that every single cop is racist that is tarring every law enforcement officer with the same brush. You are making a lot of sweeping statements, I personally know cops in my extended family who are definitely not racist, have a clean background and are good people. I know that racism is a big problem in law enforcement and understand why there are riots and protests I know the history, but it's not impossible Lana dated a good cop. Lana has not previously spoken in depth about many issues, LGBT issues for example and gay rights. She is quiet about a lot of stuff but has spoken about trump and North Korea, native Americans. Why she chooses to publicly say something or not is really up to her. The point is you can have a ‘moral duty to stand for life, justice, peace, equity, equality, accountability, truth!’ Without going on twitter or social media and posting stuff. Actions speak louder then words a lot of the time and we have no idea what she’s done behind closed doors. She certainly is genuine about Native Americans, It has nothing to do with the ride video let’s not spin that into something else. I’m still shocked people make such accusations really, like some fans are unsure if she had a good heart as if they are deaf and blind. You only have to study her past to know she has a good heart, like she was doing community outreach work for the homeless and drug addict! I hope Lana does tweet eventually to end this stupidity and give her fans the confirmation they dearly crave. P.S I’m sorry about the spelling mistakes it was 4am, I’m not the best at english. I never understood why people feel the need to mock others for typos and spelling mistakes like you are trying to win brownie points and deflate someones intelligent and opinion. It feels cheap to me.
  15. If your basis for Lana being racist is ‘she dated a cop’ then that’s just weak. Racism in law enforcement is an issue, but it does not mean to say every cop is definitely racist and corrupt. I know Lana has a good heart, I know those around her have spoken up against racism before and she’s stated clearly her position, for me that is good enough. Her instagram post was twisted and misunderstood and turned into something racist, it may have been worded poorly which didn’t help her. She’s already spoken support for native Americans and reparation which shows where her heart is. Lana isn’t a politician or spokeswoman she’s a musician, although she can use her platform to promote causes she has no duty to publicly state anything , does her saying nothing mean she’s a racist and does not care? No. Like I said to me it’s obvious to not want to say anything after a debacle to avoid seeming disingenuous that’s all I was trying to say. We could honestly write lists and lists of things Lana has been quiet on, she’s barely even spoken about covid-19.
  16. I think it’s obvious why she’s not saying anything because she’s affaid of being called out for double standards. She was branded racist by a lot of people and now ‘Black lives matter’. They may see this as disingenuous and whatever she say’s will do the opposite of help and spread support. Bottom line is we know Lana isn’t racist and we know she’d be supporting justice for George Floyd.
  17. It’s not about the crime! Whether he robbed anyone or comitted forgery or whatever he did. You don’t put your knee on someones neck and suffocate them to death as they cry out they can’t breath. Comitting a crime does not make it acceptable for the police to kill someone. They should only use deadly force to save lifes, not when they’ve already aprehended the guy! I can’t believe I have to explain this stuff.
  18. I watched the long Instagram again, I love the ‘god bless, and fuck off if you don’t like the post’ at the end loool
  19. My current favourites are actually plastic doll and sine from above. Plastic doll reminds me of 2010 when pop songs were silly and fun..good times.
  20. Lol, in seriousness though Madonna did not invent that sound it was prevalent in the late 80s early 90s and she jumped on it.
  21. Taylor swift stans calling out Rain on Me for not being an ‘organic’ hit is the dumbest shit I’ve heard so far. Considering she promotes stuff like crazy and has tons of deals.
  22. If anyone calls Gaga a ‘Fad’ one more time they deserve the electric chair. If you think a 12+ year career and counting with 250 million records sold WW, and recent global 1# albums and singles still mean she is a Fad, get psychological help.
  23. I feel like I’ve sort of grown out of this kind of music, I go for a more mature less generic sound. But it’s a fun album and her most cohesive for a long time. Something definitely for easy listening, when I don’t feel like something complicated or serious just fun bops. I’ve been a Gaga fan from the start, although my interest in her declined during ARTPOP.
  24. Well at least it’s not going to be her and the instagram girlfriends, thank god she’s dumped them
  25. I’m not sure I really like the album title, it’s not really doing much for me. Maybe she should of called it ’Bigfoot walking in the country club’ has more of a ring to it lol
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