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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I think Biden did his best...only so much you can do with a compulsive liar whom is mentally unstable and a narcissist. People like trump are impossible to have a conversation with. It’s like playing chess with a pigeon who keeps knocking over the pieces.
  2. I can’t believe they didn’t ask her anything about the album the gays are failing us again
  3. Important to vote Trump out so Biden and the dems can expand the court and fill it with liberals! A fall into civil war
  4. Something makes me laugh at the photo on the back it looks a bit out of place. A cheap instagram photo.
  5. I’d be so embarrassed ..I hope ben isn’t getting a big cut of the profits ? it’s for charity!
  6. Let’s just allow her to get this poetry out the way with and the dust settle...give it a week or so and hopefully she starts pushing the new music.
  7. I think Justin Parker is underrated.
  8. There goes legal abortion and same sex marriage
  9. It’s not certain by any means but the CDC say ‘Recommendations vary on the length of time of exposure, but 15 minutes of close exposure can be used as an operational definition. Brief interactions are less likely to result in transmission; however, symptoms and the type of interaction (e.g., did the infected person cough directly into the face of the exposed individual) remain important.’ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/public-health-recommendations.html
  10. It’s low risk not a no risk. The longer you are in close contact the higher the chances.
  11. I’ve only seen her not wear a mask on things like a set or outside a store (where masks are not required). Taking off a mask briefly for a selfie, probably low risk it’s 10-15 seconds...exposure time required for infection is usually FIFTEEN MINUTES close contact.
  12. I don’t understand why we are jumping on Lana, she’s literally been seen wearing a proper mask several times. We don’t know the context of the video a fan could have asked her to put it on for the photo. It also looks like there is something behind the mask her mouth is not visible. So the photo could be fake.
  13. She’s using the Madonna formula. All press is good press
  14. I think what’s she’s doing is wrong. She should know better. But how many of you here have done wreckless shit? Lana clearly isn’t an angel and is impulsive at times. We have to live with the fact she has flaws and this is how she is.
  15. He isn’t driving the car it’s pulled by a truck.
  16. Wow girlies handbags down...don’t let the frustration of no news get to you.
  17. Manifesting a March Album and single In November!
  18. You thought chucks videos were bad...Charlie's are a chaotic mess.
  19. Heavenly Creatures - one of my favourite movies.
  20. I just watched that...I didn't know wtf was going on half the time.
  21. I don’t think she bothers, I think she reads twitter a bit clearly. It would be too stressful for her to read our mindless obsessive drivel this forum.
  22. I agree, I’ve never heard that being a symptom personally. If anything people with personality disorder can be quite rigid. She definitely has some traits of a borderline personality, but we are not psychiatrists or really have the right to state she has it. Regardless it should not change how she is viewed - we know she has some mental health issues like anxiety and panic.
  23. I’m starting to find Jack to be a nerdy little irritating shit.
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