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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. omg yes I’d collapse I think a better question would be how much she mentions free, wild and baby. At least a dozen
  2. I swear this is the most crazed we’ve been about a tracklist…can’t remember another era that was like this.
  3. I don’t think any of the new songs on the record will extraordinarily different ….some wild moments and ‘wow Lana hasn’t done that that before’ but the songs will still have a familiarity to them. So I try to lower my expectations to avoid disappointment. We are basically going off one person’s (boz) opinion.
  4. No the Pete Davidson song is called American Whore.. like duh
  5. I knew the moment she didn’t reveal the full track list exactly what we were in for….several weeks of desperation and fakery
  6. You could do an edit with a common photo from the paradise era and they’d be like ‘is this real omg’
  7. How do people enjoy Night Time is My Time the song?
  8. When the final song on the album is ‘I have now realised I’m a poet and not a musician, so long and farewell see you in the book store’
  9. It’s just disgraceful that her label won’t give her 10 million dollars for promotion and a music video! She puts in so much work…she’s addicted to the recording studio and visits at least 1 day a year to work on the record for a whole half hour! She’s done some incredible live performances, where she always arrived promptly and on time with perfect vocals. It’s not like all her fans are a few left over grunge girlies from the 2013 Tumblr scene. Her Godfather was Micheal Jackson that’s got to mean something! #freeSkyFerreria #10millionforSky 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
  10. I remember when we all laughed at ‘In My Feelings’ but we definitely know waist deep is fake because it’s a fan title.
  11. ‘Alexa please play Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep sea fishing’ Alexa - playing Grandfathers f**king with each other and deep f*sting on PornHub. 🤢
  12. Lana would struggle to do a tour of her shoe closet let alone a stage tour….I’m not sure she gives a fuck about touring nor really liked it to begin with.
  13. I’m actually terrified of Lana telling me to fuck off or that ‘I’m not a fan’ even though those exchanges are Iconic I’d feel devasted and in tears to be on the receiving end given how much I have loved and adored her for a decade. I seriously hope she doesn’t read Lanaboards cause she’d be deeply offended by some discussions here.
  14. No chance, Ben and Ed are half asleep most of the time like Lana
  15. I actually think this lacks instrumentation, too much piano, needs some strings and other instruments to give it more power. It’s beautiful but I think it could have been even better.
  16. Jack has produced some great songs, some of my favourites in fact. For me the main issue is that Jack’s production can get a bit repetitive and slightly uninspired at times especially after NFR. She’s been with him 3 albums and has some production credits on TUOB… I know he seems to have taken more a back seat on the new record, but I think it’s time she worked with entirely new people for LDR10 who can give her a completely fresh sound even more so than TUBO. I honestly think BB and COCC would have been far better with different producers and more instrumentation. Over use of basic piano production isn’t very inspired or as interesting.
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