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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. We’ve been saying that since Honeymoon. Surely she can write books and record music….
  2. Why the hell hasn’t anyone prepared me for the fact the interludes are 8 fucking minutes long…..that’s grotesque. I’m definitely gonna be deleting those from the album.
  3. I think the next question is when will the next single be out and will she be bothered to make a music video?
  4. Nobody should base expectations on BoZ as his music taste all over the place. His track record is hating songs many love.
  5. There are 13 songs I have not heard, so if 4..even 5 are crawling piano ballads or just horrible it won’t be a problem as much if the other 9 or so songs are super interesting with different production.
  6. Mileys song is really mediocre like a reductive Bruno Mars song. I’m shocked it has anywhere near 7 million streams…if this is the type of music on her album then I can’t see a number 1 happening. So I really hope Lana hasn’t delayed it because of Miley…I think she has a shot at competing with her.
  7. Maybe if Lana had a bit more respect to not be vague and be clear with fans we wouldn’t be in this confused state about release dates yet again. She always speaks in a way that can be interpreted multiple ways.
  8. On no..where is all my lovers die? No deal
  9. Love and love song are the worst. They should have been called Young and In Love and In Your Car. What goes on in Lana’s mind sometimes will forever be a mystery. Like making the music to watch boys video black and white…seriously girl.
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